- 注册
- 2012-08-08
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- 818
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- 167
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- 103
My point was the Chinese version is wrong intention. Not sure how your christian define this kind of behavior.放假有点时间,随便挑一些帖答复。声明,阿Q仅对一些“事实”较真,无意卷入对“如何看待‘事实’”的这些主观看法的纷争。十字军历史,阿Q最先写到中世纪楼中,后来看了好些资料,发现太复杂,一手的资料太少,要理清这段历史并不容易,便放弃了。现在也仅仅针对一些零星的“小点”较真
神父转载的这篇文章是对Madden那本书的翻译、摘录,有争论的这段话显然是中文翻译曲解了原文的意思--(这也是阿Q对使用中文资料比较谨慎的原因),但是猫抓住这点错误穷追猛打,也大可不必。原文在此:"rather than general impressions, we now have solid evidence concerning those who took up the church's call and the"&source=bl&ots=1dL0sl-Lmm&sig=2domY7FGrDkg56i_NBIrc60ic7M&hl=en&sa=X&ei=xZzPUaTAGaT4yQGR_IHoCQ&ved=0CDMQ6AEwAQ#v=onepage&q="rather than general impressions, we now have solid evidence concerning those who took up the church's call and the"&f=false
* It was the knights and barons who brought with them the armies, so their acceptance of the crusading vow was crucial to the success of the crusade.
* 这些骑士、贵族参加十字军的代价高昂,通常需要带几个家庭成员,带一支符合他身份、地位的“army” 。。。可能需要花费他年收入的5/6倍
I didn't deny the knights were rich and sold their properties. They are fighting for jesus, and they can go to heaven because of that. It is the power of faith. Which chris88 denied.
I guess you should checked who bought these properties with very good price and got good fortune.