
基督徒matthew2007 不止一次地說四川大地震(包括汶川大地震)是上帝對不信基督的人的懲罰。




你知道杀人要被处死的么? 若你杀了人,上帝把你处死,是你的不对还是上帝的不对??? 是你的不对,是你该死。

在上帝的法条里, 拜鬼是比杀人还大的罪,是要处以更大的刑罚的。
请问,你拜鬼,上帝把你处死,是上帝残忍,还是罪当该死呢? 是你罪当该死。



盼你不辜负上帝赐给你的慈爱,赶紧离弃罪恶的魔鬼和魔鬼的罪恶,在上帝面前认罪悔改,归向上帝。 若你执迷不悟,就是要跟随魔鬼走到底的话,在地震中死去的那些人就是你的前车之鉴。 千万不要说是上帝的残忍,你应当问你自己为什么竟然邪恶地跟随罪恶的魔鬼与至高的天地的主荣耀的上帝为敌。 是你自己选择这条死亡的道路,上帝就任你进地狱的永火了。 是你自己选择死罪与死亡, 是你自己的邪恶造成的。 你若选择魔鬼而被除灭,是上帝彰显祂的荣耀威严与公义刑罚罪恶。
Either God(s) can do nothing to stop catastrophes like this, or he(they) doesn’t care to, or he(they) doesn’t exist. God(s) is either impotent, evil, or imaginary. Take your pick, and choose wisely.
The only sense to make of tragedies like this is that terrible things can happen to perfectly innocent people. This understanding inspires compassion.
Religious faith, on the other hand, erodes compassion. Thoughts like, “this might be all part of God’s plan,” or “there are no accidents in life,” or “everyone on some level gets what he or she deserves” - these ideas are not only stupid, they are extraordinarily callous. They are nothing more than a childish refusal to connect with the suffering of other human beings.
for the love of human, stay away from religions, the frauds, and their creations - god(s).
不好意思。FR正好漏掉那个正确答案:全能全善的上帝在这一切 de sufferings 之中有一个美好的计划、一个完美的计划。

innocent children die of extreme sufferings and you called your god's plan "perfect". what did i say about the cruelty of christianity.

anyway, Allah has something similar to yours as well. All gods from most of the monotheisms have pretty much the same plan. - " kill the innocent for my agenda"
innocent children die of extreme sufferings and you called your god's plan "perfect". what did i say about the cruelty of christianity.

anyway, Allah has something similar to yours as well. All gods from most of the monotheisms have pretty much the same plan. - " kill the innocent for my agenda"

Sounds like you are not capable of separating from lies from the Truth. :)

Christ was perfectly innocent and He was crucified, after being rejected, betrayed, whipped, and mocked. And yet he is believed by billions of Christians to be the Son of God. Furthermore, these billions of people EVEN believe He is one of the three persons of the one and only God Himself. I guess you must be very curious about and yet helplessly confused by the whole thing. :)
"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. (John 14:27)

The above was what Jesus told His disciples right before He was arrested, beaten up, mocked, and then crucified.

I wonder if you ever wondered what kind of peace He was talking about.
"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. (John 14:27)

The above was what Jesus told His disciples right before He was arrested, beaten up, mocked, and then crucified.

I wonder if you ever wondered what kind of peace He was talking about.

every point you make or backup you quote " bible" as if people are all like you who believe what bible says. The same mentality as other monotheistic religions.

Reasoning doesn't no good if you assume your supremacy of your god just as a Muslim would do the same.
"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. (John 14:27)

The above was what Jesus told His disciples right before He was arrested, beaten up, mocked, and then crucified.

I wonder if you ever wondered what kind of peace He was talking about.

you can find lots of passages in bible promoting wars and violence as well if you don't turn a blind eye on it.
every point you make or backup you quote " bible" as if people are all like you who believe what bible says. The same mentality as other monotheistic religions.

Reasoning doesn't no good if you assume your supremacy of your god just as a Muslim would do the same.

Well, you are taking your reasoning as your God. By doing so, you are actually taking yourself as your God.

As for me and billions of my fellow Christians, God the eternal Creator of the universe is the one and only God, who is unlimited and therefore beyond our limited human reasoning.
you can find lots of passages in bible promoting wars and violence as well if you don't turn a blind eye on it.

Again, billions of Christians are reading the Holy Bible and we are getting a message very different from yours. It makes people wonder. :)

By the way, I had the same attitude of yours some 10 or more years ago. It's quite understandable. :)
Well, you are taking your reasoning as your God. By doing so, you are actually taking yourself as your God.

As for me and billions of my fellow Christians, God the eternal Creator of the universe is the one and only God, who is unlimited and therefore beyond our limited human reasoning.

heard this millions of times but gods doesn't exist including yours. you can equally replace " christians" with " muslims", "jews", " bahais" etc.

The world is evolving and more and more people are coming to their senses and becoming atheists. spread of theism is slowing down. there is no stopping of atheism now.
heard this millions of times but gods doesn't exist including yours. you can equally replace " christians" with " muslims", "jews", " bahais" etc.

The world is evolving and more and more people are coming to their senses and becoming atheists. spread of theism is slowing down. there is no stopping of atheism now.

It confirms my observation that mixing the Truth with lies is your only escape. Well, people needs to find some comfort somewhere somehow. Quite understandable. :)
It confirms my observation that mixing the Truth with lies is your only escape. Well, people needs to find some comfort somewhere somehow. Quite understandable. :)

I, from your undertone, somehow heard nothing but a sour cry out of the denial of the desirability of something after one has found out going the opposite way.

hmmm... so the atheists are coming...
