heard this millions of times but gods doesn't exist including yours. you can equally replace " christians" with " muslims", "jews", " bahais" etc.
The world is evolving and more and more people are coming to their senses and becoming atheists. spread of theism is slowing down. there is no stopping of atheism now.
I wish you could have a serious look at the following videos:
"]Son of Hamas Leader: The God of Islam Suffers from Split Personality; Muhammad - a False Prophet - YouTube
"My problem is not with Muslims, but the God of Islam."
"In my view, if Islam was implemented properly, it could have spelled the destruction of the Arab and Muslim world - the whole world in fact."
"The Christians have been persecuted for the past 14 centuries - not by the Muslims but by the God of Islam. The persecution begins in the Koran and in the behaviors of the Prophet of Islam."