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第二届CFC中文网奖学金经过历时两个多月的公开征集和严格评审工作之后,两项最受各界关注,奖金为 $2,000的“最佳学子奖”均花落名门,奖金为$1,000元的“特别荣誉奖”由于其他申请人资质原因出现空缺。由“洋葱车行”和CFC中文网首度联合设立的“CFC Trade Program”奖学金也得良主。CFC中文网在此不仅对这几位获奖者表示热烈祝贺,同时感谢所有应征CFC奖学金的学子们以及渥太华华人社区对此项活动的大力支持。籍此机会,CFC中文网郑重地向参与本年度奖学金评选工作的三位CFC奖学金评审代表致以崇高的敬意。
• 曾婉贞博士(MD,PhD), Nuclear Medicine Specialist – Ottawa Civic Hospital
• 笑言 加拿大华裔作家协会会员,加中笔会会员,大华笔会理事,渥太华华人写作协会创始人,渥太华华人高尔夫球协会创始人
• 阿凡 CFC中文网商业顾问,特约摄影记者,阿凡视像工作室创始人
两位毕业于Lisgar高中的华裔学子Fan Zhang(男), Jesse Wang(男)分别以4.84和4.54的高分(5分满分)荣获本年度CFC中文网“最佳学子奖”。
Fan Zhang以GPA 96.7的优异成绩被美国宾夕法尼亚大学录取,将在该校著名的沃顿商学院以及工程学院攻读管理学与科技学双学位。 该生可谓品学兼优,不仅获得了包括全美计算机科学奥林匹克竞赛(USACO)加拿大第一名在内的多项大奖,还在华人社区服务中心从事义工工作的过程中,以及在Lisgar各种课外组织活动中备受肯定。Fan Zhang 的偶像是Apple创始人Steve Jobs。他希望能够凭着内心对科学的热爱以及天生所具之领袖素质,象Jobs一样成为一名杰出的科技创新型企业家。
Jesse Wang以GPA 95.8的成绩从Lisgar毕业,以其杰出的数学天资被著名的耶鲁大学收至门下。该同学真可谓数理化全才:不仅在2013年加拿大数学奥林匹克竞赛中进入八强,同时还在牛顿物理学竞赛中展现全国范围99.96 百分位(percentile)的惊人表现,在Avogadro化学竞赛中位列全国三甲。凭着其罕见的数理化天分,该生还获得包括Rochester大学总额高达$68,000的“博士伦荣誉科学奖”在内的许多奖学金。除此以外,Jesse Wang还在在体育和音乐方面均有不俗造诣。
受到CFC中文网通过设立奖学金的方式大力资助渥太华优秀学子求学奋进之精神感召,渥太华著名的“洋葱车行”首度和CFC中文网合作,设立总额为$2,000的“Trade Program”奖学金。“洋葱车行”是渥太华地区专业精修Honda/Acura的一家车行,凭着高品质的客户服务在华人社区中享有良好口碑。“洋葱车行”此次与CFC中文网联手,通过该奖学金去资助在电气,水管,房屋建设,汽车机械、电路和油路维修与保养方面接受专业培训的未来技师。
已经拿到Algonquin College“油路和电路系统技师”专业录取通知的Wu Junjie先生凭着合格的资质与发自内心写就的颇为感人的应征短文,荣幸地成为首位“Trade Program”奖学金得主。
Fan Zhang
Essay (Part I)
In a commencement address at Stanford University, Steve Jobs described his journey through life to be, not a clear straight path to success, but a chaotic adventure of unpredictable turns. However, after “connecting the dots” of countless unexpected events, he eventually realized a pattern. By following the light of passion on the path ahead, he walked upon the answer to his role as a piece in the puzzle of the world – technological entrepreneurship.
I respect the CEO and Chairman of Apple to be a man of inner truth. He didn’t care about what other people claimed was “the common norm” or “the right way”. As pioneer of the modern car, American industrialist Henry Ford said, “If I had asked other people what to do, they would’ve told me to make faster horses.” Jobs was a changemaker and revolutionary. He followed what he truly loved deep down, and persevered with integrity to his beliefs of complete dedication to scientific innovation, the sacrifice of the self to serve society’s needs and humanity’s benefit.
Throughout these past years, I blindly wallowed through the darkness of murky ripples, without a goal. And I didn’t need a direction, because the human heart was the most accurate compass to happiness and well-being ever invented.
Looking down at the clear waters below me right now and reflecting upon the most precious personal memories that illuminated my present self, I realized that like Steve Jobs, I am a technological entrepreneur. Whether it was human intuition or supernatural fate, I do not know, but the fact remains – as should be evident in the following two lists of awards and extracurriculars – that some omnipotent force has driven me to participate in scientific and leadership-oriented activities various in nature but all tending toward a singularity in the far distance.
Awards and Achievements
1. United States of America Computing Olympiad (USACO), Open Contest 2012
Gold Division, 1st Place in Canada
2. Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF), 2013
3rd Place Grand Award (Computer Science); IEEE Computer Society (Third Award)
3. Loran Scholarship for Leadership, Service, and Community
Provincial Award
4. Canada Wide Virtual Science Fair, 2012
1st Place National Award (Summa Cum Laude Award), Transport Canada Special Award
5. DWITE Programming Competition, 2011-2012
National Champion among 3914 competitors
6. Canadian Senior Mathematics Contest, 2011
National Top 6-30 (Group 2), National Champion Team
7. Waterloo Hypatia Math Contest, 2012
National Gold Standard
Extracurricular Activities
Team Leader, Tour Guide, Volunteer Committee, Youth Representative, Media Translator
at Ottawa Chinese Community Service Center (OCCSC)
With the intent of teaching basic computer skills to seniors, I became a volunteer instructor at the Ottawa Chinese Community Center since 2009. Since, I have taught computer usage skills to immigrant Chinese seniors, in addition to speaking, planning, organizing, and executing events for volunteers and guests.
Student Senator
at Lisgar Collegiate Institute
As elected representative of my school to represent Lisgar at the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board, I have discussed and contributed in discussions about socio-political issues affecting students across the board.
at Lisgar Computer Club
In ninth grade, I realized many students had already mastered the content taught in our computer science classes and needed hands-on enrichment. I thus created our three main departments of Contest Training, Network and Security, and Game Design. As a cooperative and self-nurturing community, we have taught programming languages and university-level algorithms to Lisgar students for over two years. We have led Lisgar to achieve numerous honours and awards in provincial and national-level programming competitions.
Founder and Co-head
at Lisgar Happiness Association
We founded the club to enlighten students on positive psychology, help relieve stress, teach self-management through cathartic activities, and draw out composure and esteem in achieving self-actualization by the highest level in Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. Our annual lectures include goal-setting, motivation, emotional intelligence, and leadership.
Essay (Part II)
High school graduation may be the end of four years, but for many students, it is also the beginning of much more. I hope to continue this journey with the support of comefromchina.com, the most valuable and important network for Chinese people in our region. As one of the most prestigious fellowships in our community, the CFC Scholarship grants students the honour and endowment to represent local society as ambassador and role model to younger students. I wish to help you in our common vision for the betterment of present well-being and future education.
Jesse Wang
Numbers define me.
Yes, I did rank 8th in Canada on the Canadian Math Olympiad 2013 (my third year qualifying), 99.96th percentile nationally on the Sir Isaac Newton Physics contest, 3rd in the nation on the Avogadro Chemistry Exam, 2nd in Ontario in the province-wide Sprott Business Competition, and 5th in Canada on the AMC 12A 2013 (making me a 3-time qualifier to the AIME), only to name a fraction of all my contest achievements where I ranked the absolute highest in Ottawa. My academic record does show consecutive 100s in math. These achievements and others have won me the L.W. Rentner Memorial Award at graduation, for being the most outstanding mathematician in Lisgar Collegiate Institute, and the University of Rochester’s Bausch and Lomb honourary science award, a $68,000 scholarship. I was also one of the elite 22 young high school mathematicians invited to the CMS National Math Camp 2011, a group identified as potential Team Canada members. But those are not the only numbers that define me, because after all, where is the person behind it?
I like numbers, and I like math. I strive to bring life to these symbols, and as the head of Math Club, when I teach other students about the beauty and elegance of clever manipulations, I also try to show them the significance of the result and how to think about them. I strive to apply my math skills in other areas: giving presentations about stocks and derivatives to the Lisgar Business Venture Club as President, working out the physics of irradiators as an intern at Nordion Inc, researching and innovating a mathematical solution to traffic congestion (I wrote an essay that analysed traffic jams and that advocated an original solution. This work won me the E.V. Buchanan, a $30,000 scholarship to the University of Western Ontario).
But I also like working in numbers. For 6 years now I have played competitive club and school soccer, where I have shown teamwork and leadership. I became captain of the Lisgar Lords in Gr.10, and we contended in the OFSAA provincial championships the next year. Outside of sports, I have also contributed to school events as the Assistant Director of Fundraising of Student Council, and to modern medical research as an assistant researcher at the University of Ottawa Heart Institute.
I feel comfort in numbers. Thirteenth chords? Augmented sixth chords? They all come naturally to me, and my abilities in harmony allowed me to obtain my ARCT performer’s diploma in piano. I was also one of five Canadian Music Competition provincial finalists of 2012. I bring these skills to the Ottawa School of Speech and Drama, where I work as an accompanist and music teacher. In my favourite class I worked with a group of developmentally disabled adults, using music to encourage the students to be creative and to express themselves. One student began with a psychological fear of talking, and ended the class with the ability to uphold simple conversation! This was perhaps the most rewarding experience I have ever had.
As far as numbers go, I strive to be number 1 in all my endeavours. With the assistance of the CFC scholarship, I plan to fulfill my dream of conducting ground-breaking mathematical research with my time at Yale, while continuing to contribute to society by staying involved in my community and applying my skills to every opportunity that comes my way.
• 曾婉贞博士(MD,PhD), Nuclear Medicine Specialist – Ottawa Civic Hospital
• 笑言 加拿大华裔作家协会会员,加中笔会会员,大华笔会理事,渥太华华人写作协会创始人,渥太华华人高尔夫球协会创始人
• 阿凡 CFC中文网商业顾问,特约摄影记者,阿凡视像工作室创始人
两位毕业于Lisgar高中的华裔学子Fan Zhang(男), Jesse Wang(男)分别以4.84和4.54的高分(5分满分)荣获本年度CFC中文网“最佳学子奖”。
Fan Zhang以GPA 96.7的优异成绩被美国宾夕法尼亚大学录取,将在该校著名的沃顿商学院以及工程学院攻读管理学与科技学双学位。 该生可谓品学兼优,不仅获得了包括全美计算机科学奥林匹克竞赛(USACO)加拿大第一名在内的多项大奖,还在华人社区服务中心从事义工工作的过程中,以及在Lisgar各种课外组织活动中备受肯定。Fan Zhang 的偶像是Apple创始人Steve Jobs。他希望能够凭着内心对科学的热爱以及天生所具之领袖素质,象Jobs一样成为一名杰出的科技创新型企业家。
Jesse Wang以GPA 95.8的成绩从Lisgar毕业,以其杰出的数学天资被著名的耶鲁大学收至门下。该同学真可谓数理化全才:不仅在2013年加拿大数学奥林匹克竞赛中进入八强,同时还在牛顿物理学竞赛中展现全国范围99.96 百分位(percentile)的惊人表现,在Avogadro化学竞赛中位列全国三甲。凭着其罕见的数理化天分,该生还获得包括Rochester大学总额高达$68,000的“博士伦荣誉科学奖”在内的许多奖学金。除此以外,Jesse Wang还在在体育和音乐方面均有不俗造诣。
受到CFC中文网通过设立奖学金的方式大力资助渥太华优秀学子求学奋进之精神感召,渥太华著名的“洋葱车行”首度和CFC中文网合作,设立总额为$2,000的“Trade Program”奖学金。“洋葱车行”是渥太华地区专业精修Honda/Acura的一家车行,凭着高品质的客户服务在华人社区中享有良好口碑。“洋葱车行”此次与CFC中文网联手,通过该奖学金去资助在电气,水管,房屋建设,汽车机械、电路和油路维修与保养方面接受专业培训的未来技师。
已经拿到Algonquin College“油路和电路系统技师”专业录取通知的Wu Junjie先生凭着合格的资质与发自内心写就的颇为感人的应征短文,荣幸地成为首位“Trade Program”奖学金得主。
Fan Zhang
Essay (Part I)
In a commencement address at Stanford University, Steve Jobs described his journey through life to be, not a clear straight path to success, but a chaotic adventure of unpredictable turns. However, after “connecting the dots” of countless unexpected events, he eventually realized a pattern. By following the light of passion on the path ahead, he walked upon the answer to his role as a piece in the puzzle of the world – technological entrepreneurship.
I respect the CEO and Chairman of Apple to be a man of inner truth. He didn’t care about what other people claimed was “the common norm” or “the right way”. As pioneer of the modern car, American industrialist Henry Ford said, “If I had asked other people what to do, they would’ve told me to make faster horses.” Jobs was a changemaker and revolutionary. He followed what he truly loved deep down, and persevered with integrity to his beliefs of complete dedication to scientific innovation, the sacrifice of the self to serve society’s needs and humanity’s benefit.
Throughout these past years, I blindly wallowed through the darkness of murky ripples, without a goal. And I didn’t need a direction, because the human heart was the most accurate compass to happiness and well-being ever invented.
Looking down at the clear waters below me right now and reflecting upon the most precious personal memories that illuminated my present self, I realized that like Steve Jobs, I am a technological entrepreneur. Whether it was human intuition or supernatural fate, I do not know, but the fact remains – as should be evident in the following two lists of awards and extracurriculars – that some omnipotent force has driven me to participate in scientific and leadership-oriented activities various in nature but all tending toward a singularity in the far distance.
Awards and Achievements
1. United States of America Computing Olympiad (USACO), Open Contest 2012
Gold Division, 1st Place in Canada
2. Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF), 2013
3rd Place Grand Award (Computer Science); IEEE Computer Society (Third Award)
3. Loran Scholarship for Leadership, Service, and Community
Provincial Award
4. Canada Wide Virtual Science Fair, 2012
1st Place National Award (Summa Cum Laude Award), Transport Canada Special Award
5. DWITE Programming Competition, 2011-2012
National Champion among 3914 competitors
6. Canadian Senior Mathematics Contest, 2011
National Top 6-30 (Group 2), National Champion Team
7. Waterloo Hypatia Math Contest, 2012
National Gold Standard
Extracurricular Activities
Team Leader, Tour Guide, Volunteer Committee, Youth Representative, Media Translator
at Ottawa Chinese Community Service Center (OCCSC)
With the intent of teaching basic computer skills to seniors, I became a volunteer instructor at the Ottawa Chinese Community Center since 2009. Since, I have taught computer usage skills to immigrant Chinese seniors, in addition to speaking, planning, organizing, and executing events for volunteers and guests.
Student Senator
at Lisgar Collegiate Institute
As elected representative of my school to represent Lisgar at the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board, I have discussed and contributed in discussions about socio-political issues affecting students across the board.
at Lisgar Computer Club
In ninth grade, I realized many students had already mastered the content taught in our computer science classes and needed hands-on enrichment. I thus created our three main departments of Contest Training, Network and Security, and Game Design. As a cooperative and self-nurturing community, we have taught programming languages and university-level algorithms to Lisgar students for over two years. We have led Lisgar to achieve numerous honours and awards in provincial and national-level programming competitions.
Founder and Co-head
at Lisgar Happiness Association
We founded the club to enlighten students on positive psychology, help relieve stress, teach self-management through cathartic activities, and draw out composure and esteem in achieving self-actualization by the highest level in Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. Our annual lectures include goal-setting, motivation, emotional intelligence, and leadership.
Essay (Part II)
High school graduation may be the end of four years, but for many students, it is also the beginning of much more. I hope to continue this journey with the support of comefromchina.com, the most valuable and important network for Chinese people in our region. As one of the most prestigious fellowships in our community, the CFC Scholarship grants students the honour and endowment to represent local society as ambassador and role model to younger students. I wish to help you in our common vision for the betterment of present well-being and future education.
Jesse Wang
Numbers define me.
Yes, I did rank 8th in Canada on the Canadian Math Olympiad 2013 (my third year qualifying), 99.96th percentile nationally on the Sir Isaac Newton Physics contest, 3rd in the nation on the Avogadro Chemistry Exam, 2nd in Ontario in the province-wide Sprott Business Competition, and 5th in Canada on the AMC 12A 2013 (making me a 3-time qualifier to the AIME), only to name a fraction of all my contest achievements where I ranked the absolute highest in Ottawa. My academic record does show consecutive 100s in math. These achievements and others have won me the L.W. Rentner Memorial Award at graduation, for being the most outstanding mathematician in Lisgar Collegiate Institute, and the University of Rochester’s Bausch and Lomb honourary science award, a $68,000 scholarship. I was also one of the elite 22 young high school mathematicians invited to the CMS National Math Camp 2011, a group identified as potential Team Canada members. But those are not the only numbers that define me, because after all, where is the person behind it?
I like numbers, and I like math. I strive to bring life to these symbols, and as the head of Math Club, when I teach other students about the beauty and elegance of clever manipulations, I also try to show them the significance of the result and how to think about them. I strive to apply my math skills in other areas: giving presentations about stocks and derivatives to the Lisgar Business Venture Club as President, working out the physics of irradiators as an intern at Nordion Inc, researching and innovating a mathematical solution to traffic congestion (I wrote an essay that analysed traffic jams and that advocated an original solution. This work won me the E.V. Buchanan, a $30,000 scholarship to the University of Western Ontario).
But I also like working in numbers. For 6 years now I have played competitive club and school soccer, where I have shown teamwork and leadership. I became captain of the Lisgar Lords in Gr.10, and we contended in the OFSAA provincial championships the next year. Outside of sports, I have also contributed to school events as the Assistant Director of Fundraising of Student Council, and to modern medical research as an assistant researcher at the University of Ottawa Heart Institute.
I feel comfort in numbers. Thirteenth chords? Augmented sixth chords? They all come naturally to me, and my abilities in harmony allowed me to obtain my ARCT performer’s diploma in piano. I was also one of five Canadian Music Competition provincial finalists of 2012. I bring these skills to the Ottawa School of Speech and Drama, where I work as an accompanist and music teacher. In my favourite class I worked with a group of developmentally disabled adults, using music to encourage the students to be creative and to express themselves. One student began with a psychological fear of talking, and ended the class with the ability to uphold simple conversation! This was perhaps the most rewarding experience I have ever had.
As far as numbers go, I strive to be number 1 in all my endeavours. With the assistance of the CFC scholarship, I plan to fulfill my dream of conducting ground-breaking mathematical research with my time at Yale, while continuing to contribute to society by staying involved in my community and applying my skills to every opportunity that comes my way.