求助:CRA追讨几年前购置房屋的HST rebate

是,租出后再 claim 8% HST.
自住房要税务局认定的, 不是你自己有时候住住就是自住房。
当然,如果你只有一套房子自住, 税务局的认定就不重要了。
他叔,楼主哭的"一大笔钱" 就是阿土说的8%HST+interest。事实很简单:楼主买新房时按主自住申请,builder 替他claim了那8%HST。那房半年后用于出租,CRA以违反税法为由,让其退还那8%HST+interest。

我先搞清楚这个问题啥先。是LZ 的8% CLAIM了两次还是本应该由LZ作为出租房自己CLAIM的由BUILDER代为CLAIM了。


CLAIM程序不对,BUILDER CLAIM没时效,出租房自己CLAIM 有时效。显然LZ当出租房应该自己CLAIM,现在晚了不能CLAIM了,CRA要的是BUILDER CLAIM那份(不符合CLAIM 规定)。

我先搞清楚这个问题啥先。是LZ 的8% CLAIM了两次还是本应该由LZ作为出租房自己CLAIM的由BUILDER代为CLAIM了。


CLAIM程序不对,BUILDER CLAIM没时效,出租房自己CLAIM 有时效。显然LZ当出租房应该自己CLAIM,现在晚了不能CLAIM了,CRA要的是BUILDER CLAIM那份(不符合CLAIM 规定)。


买新房为主住房时,只交5%HST,BUILDER的房价中已含这5%HST,其实BUILDER已经替你向CRA claim了那8%HST。但事后发现你将免掉%8HST的房子出租了(违反规定),让你退还那8%HST+interest!
实际生活中,可能有些人,买房的初衷是为了出租,但想获得新出租房的8%HST claim,就必需向CRA出示租约,这样,租房的获利就需要交税。于是为了逃税,买新房时就说房子是主自住房,得到新主自住房的8%HST claim,然后在悄悄出租,很多租客报税时不申报租金。

另外,builder当然希望买主买新房时就说是主自住房,这样买主可以立即得到新主自住房的8%HST claim,买主觉得赚了便宜,于是更愿意买房。
旧房,买的时候不交税, 如果是投资房, 卖的的时候叫capital gain.
Thanks much!
I would make sure that it could not gain anything. :D


Builders who sell new or substantially renovated housing need to be aware of the HST New Housing Rebate (“NHR”). The NHR can be assigned to a builder from home purchasers (“Purchasers”) on the unit/home sale closing.

Builders and Purchasers of new homes also need to be aware of the fact there is a rebate of HST available to the landlord of a new property (including a single home or residential condominium unit) if the first occupant of the property is a tenant. This rebate is referred to as the New Residential Rental Property Rebate (“NRRP Rebate”).

Purchasers who rent out a new home so that the first occupant of the new home is a tenant are entitled to the NRRP Rebate but cannot obtain the NRRP Rebate from the builder. Such Purchasers must apply for the NRRP Rebate directly after closing. To find out how and where to file the NRRP Rebate application, see page 31 of the Canada Revenue Agency (“CRA”) publication found here.

In markets with the potential for Purchasers to acquire property for investment purposes, builders should be aware of the existence of the NRRP Rebate so they can advise their Purchasers of the existence of the rebate. The obligation for a Purchaser to pay the full 13% HST without being aware of the NRRP Rebate can discourage a Purchaser from completing the purchase.

Further, awareness of the NRRP Rebate may also deter misrepresentation by Purchasers to the CRA.

Of late, we have noticed that, in order to avoid being responsible to their builder for lost NHR, some Purchasers have been dishonest about their intentions to rent out a property and misrepresented that they intend to occupy the property as their primary place of residence.

If Purchasers are made aware that they can obtain the NRRP Rebate on new homes that they lease out to tenants, we suspect some of this dishonesty will be dissuaded.

New Housing Rebate

The NHR allows Purchasers to recover some of the federal portion of the HST, which is 5% in Ontario. For homes with a base price (exclusive of any HST or rebates) up to $350,000, Purchasers may recover a rebate of 36% of the 5% federal portion. The allowable rebate declines on a sliding scale when the purchase price is between $350,000 to $450,000. If the base price is or exceeds $450,000, the federal portion of the NHR is not available.

Regarding the remaining 8% of the HST, which is the provincial portion, Purchasers may recover 75% of the 8% provincial portion up to a maximum of $24,000. Unlike the federal portion, the amount of the provincial portion of the NHR does not slowly decline once the purchase price reaches $350,000.00. The provincial portion of the NHR simply does not apply to any purchase price in excess of $400,00.00, thereby limiting the amount of the provincial portion of the NHR to $24,000.00.

For the purposes of the NHR, the term “builder” generally includes a person in the business of constructing or substantially renovating houses for sale, but may also include:

(i) a manufacturer or vendor of a new mobile home or floating home;

(ii) a person who buys a previously unoccupied new house for resale;

(iii) a person who acquires an interest in a house while the house is under construction or substantial renovation and completes or engages another person to complete the construction or substantial renovation; or

(iv) a person who has converted a non-residential property into a house without substantially renovating the property. [1]

A “builder” for the purposes of the rebate acquires, builds or substantially renovates housing (or hires someone else to do so) as its trade.

An individual who buys, builds or renovates a house to use as his or her primary residence does not fit the definition of builder, however, such an individual is still entitled to the NHR if he or she meets all of the usual criteria.

Purchasers may assign the NHR to their builder. The builder may apply for the rebate on the Purchasers’ behalf.

A builder may pay the total amount of Purchasers’ NHR directly to them or credit that amount on the purchase price of the house. It is highly unusual to pay the NHR directly to Purchasers.

A builder who chooses to credit Purchasers with the amount of the NHR must send in a fully completed Form GST190 and all applicable provincial rebate schedules.

The following is a list of additional conditions Purchasers must meet to qualify for the NHR:

(a) the Purchasers bought a new or substantially renovated house from a builder and HST is due on closing;

(b) the builder sold the Purchasers the house and related land on which the house is located under the same written agreement of purchase and sale;

(c) when the Purchasers signed the agreement of purchase and sale, it was intended to be the primary place of residence for the Purchasers or their relations;

(d) ownership of the house is transferred to the Purchasers after construction or substantial renovation is completed;

(e) no one occupied the house before possession being given to the Purchasers; and

(f) the Purchasers or their relations are actually the first occupants of the house after construction or substantial renovation.

One of the main criterion for eligibility for the NHR is that Purchasers, or their relations (meaning immediate family members related by blood, marriage, common-law partnership or adoption within the meaning of the Income Tax Act), must use the house/unit as their primary place of residence. The factors the CRA considers when determining whether a house is an individual’s primary place of residence include:

○ whether the individual considers the house as their main residence;

○ the time the individual has lived in the house; and

○ the designation of that address on personal and public records.[2]

Purchasers who fail to meet all eligibility requirements should not be entitled to the NHR and if the NHR is obtained, can be required to repay the rebate.

New Residential Rental Property Rebate

The NRRP Rebate is obtained by Purchasers making an application as noted above. The NRRP Rebate cannot be credited to the Purchasers on closing by the builder.

The application for the NRRP Rebate must be filed within two (2) years after the house purchase closes.

The amount of NHR is calculated on the same basis as the NRRP Rebate. Generally the rules for eligibility are the same as those considered in respect of the NHR.

It is important to note that Purchasers will have to repay the NRRP Rebate if they should sell their home within one (1) year after it is first occupied as a primary place of residence after construction, unless the home is sold or leased to an individual who will occupy the home as their primary place of residence.

The foregoing is a summary of the HST rebates available when selling or buying a new or substantially renovated home/unit. For more detailed information on the NHR and the NRRP Rebate, see the following CRA publications or talk to your tax advisor.


实际生活中,可能有些人,买房的初衷是为了出租,但想获得新出租房的8%HST claim,就必需向CRA出示租约,这样,租房的获利就需要交税。于是为了逃税,买新房时就说房子是主自住房,得到新主自住房的8%HST claim,然后在悄悄出租,很多租客报税时不申报租金。

另外,builder当然希望买主买新房时就说是主自住房,这样买主可以立即得到新主自住房的8%HST claim,买主觉得赚了便宜,于是更愿意买房。

其实既然主自住和出租新房都可获得8%的 HST rebate,不妨直接免除新房8%的HST。有人说这样做纵容新房投机,其实有钱人买1-2年新的房子倒卖不是一样投机?现行的税法只是给精打细算的人做了个套。

其实既然主自住和出租新房都可获得8%的 HST rebate,不妨直接免除新房8%的HST。有人说这样做纵容新房投机,其实有钱人买1-2年新的房子倒卖不是一样投机?现行的税法只是给精打细算的人做了个套。

1。买新房作为主居住地自住,建筑商可代你申请8%的HST rebate,新房的标价已经减了这8%。
2。买新房作为出租房,先交13%的HST,不要入住,然后拿着租赁合同找CRA,可以将那8%的HST claim回来。
那位客官说了,既然主住房和投资房都能claim那8%,我也并没有占便宜,何必不以自住房买下,之后再用于出租。税上是一样的,又不押资金。呵呵,恭喜您了!税务局张网等的就是您这样的!掏钱吧,老太太!吐出那8% + interest!

也没看懂税务局要干嘛。 只有楼主把房子俺老婆主地址卖掉,税务局才有利可图,否则只挣利息凑的起人工费么?
看了小宝妈的官方文版,我理解自住和出租 rebate 还是差别很大的
自住,对于楼主的condo,假设35万以下,除了HST 省里的 8%会免,还会免联邦的5%的36%=1.8%,对于几十万的房子,1.8%也是大数了。
出租,就只有8% rebate,但是我注意到了措词,条件是 “the first occupant of the new home is a tenant”,据楼主说法,新condo买下,夫人先住了半年,把房子住“旧”了,再去出租,那 first occupant 是楼主(的朋友,的太太,好复杂),反正不是租客,我理解这就不满足出租减免HST的NRRP条件了。