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can't you understand by now, my old pal. I don't "discuss "with anyone who doesn't follow the rule of logic. religionists fall into this category. Besides debating here through a thread doesn't do anything other than gaining some personal satisfaction and that's not what I want. What I want to do is to present a different view and let other see and they use their own mind to make a judgement as to believe or not to.

呵呵,cfc 看来有必要成立灌水教,,,谁当教主? :monster:
I have read the bible numerous times when I was "young and stupid". the distorted " interpretations" of the church is a normal practice. you turning a blind eye on the dark side of it doesn't mean they are not there and nobody is going to point it out.

As an atheist, you can call me anything as you are the "chosen one" and I am already "condemned" to "burn in hell for eternity".

I trust you have read bible numerous times and what you see in church or in the society is largely different from what is said in Bible. I agree with you on your observation but not on your reasoning.

However, no one has the right to condemn you to"burn in hell for eternity", no one, except yourself. When you are still alive, God is giving you time to change your mind - not to condemn yourself born for hell. You are not. Open your mind, you are just one of sinners like all other people. Almighty God has the power to let you live on the earth also has the power to save your soul.
您好!我的比喻确实不恰当~~ 请相信我的本意不是那样的。




您好!我的比喻确实不恰当~~ 请相信我的本意不是那样的。


if you happen to be a falungong follower or a mulsim, you could well replace christianity with zhuanfalung or koran. well, it is not your fault, you are a victim of a fraud.

讨论多了, 有时候觉得都心急。平和的心境慢慢不在,真的替你们盲目信教而着急。

俗话说 一叶障目不见泰山,思维和言行真的被局限在了你信的理论里了。

I trust you have read bible numerous times and what you see in church or in the society is largely different from what is said in Bible. I agree with you on your observation but not on your reasoning.

However, no one has the right to condemn you to"burn in hell for eternity", no one, except yourself. When you are still alive, God is giving you time to change your mind - not to condemn yourself born for hell. You are not. Open your mind, you are just one of sinners like all other people. Almighty God has the power to let you live on the earth also has the power to save your soul.
of course, no one can condemn me to burn in hell. because Hell doesn't exist, God or gods don't exist. Your bible has numerous spots that condemn the nonbelievers to hell. sure you can turn your blind eye on it and choose the one that you see. That does matter to an atheist like me. God does not exist, nor does Hell.
你未必了解我的意思:1,《四书五经》说明了中国古代有敬天敬神传统。 2,《道德经》和《圣经》的比较,可以看出道教的“道”和基督信仰道成肉身的“道”有相似处,当然还不能说完全相同,其实,有些基督徒如远志明等,都有这样的看法。
1. 我同意。2. 我不同意。远志明说古人在探索宇宙时的思索。道教的“道”和基督信仰道成肉身的“道”有相似处,那是在牵强附会。
您好!我的比喻确实不恰当~~ 请相信我的本意不是那样的。


我相信你的本意是好的, 也相信你的实际行动阻碍了别人寻求真理的路。
你们老这么主动出击干啥? 一个信仰系统应该是自我完善但被动(passive)的一个系统。说的不好听一点,应该等着别人来自投罗网。 你这么一搞, 就跟那些在高速路收费站发放楼盘广告的人没区别了。

听我一句劝, 只要回去做好功课, 打开大门等着, 无论谁来,都是诚心相待,虚心请教, 一来二去,自然会增加信徒。 万万不可操之过急,急吼吼的拉郎配。

要亲切自然, 但一定不能不矜持。



typical theist ideology. if someone asks a priest about if bible is believable, it beats the purpose. you wouldn't ask a liar if he is lying to you, would you?