R RareEarth 正确在结果面前一文不值。能力在趋势面前一文不值。 注册 2012-10-10 消息 8,268 荣誉分数 3,608 声望点数 373 2014-06-05 #17 uwo 说: Another reason to NOT vote for Hudak! 点击展开... Another reason to vote for Hudak!
urus survivor VIP 注册 2003-11-24 消息 36,346 荣誉分数 9,547 声望点数 373 2014-06-05 #18 我也没闹明白, 到底是有轻轨好, 还是没轻轨好啊?
mooncake 资深人士 VIP 注册 2002-03-02 消息 7,270 荣誉分数 883 声望点数 273 2014-06-05 #19 uwo 说: Another reason to NOT vote for Hudak! 点击展开... RareEarth 说: Another reason to vote for Hudak! 点击展开... 争这个有意义么?想vore for Hudak的就算他说要修10条8条轻轨,或者把1期也拆了,都会继续vote for him,想vote against的也一样。
uwo 说: Another reason to NOT vote for Hudak! 点击展开... RareEarth 说: Another reason to vote for Hudak! 点击展开... 争这个有意义么?想vore for Hudak的就算他说要修10条8条轻轨,或者把1期也拆了,都会继续vote for him,想vote against的也一样。
ccc 难得糊涂 管理成员 VIP 注册 2003-04-13 消息 239,189 荣誉分数 37,447 声望点数 1,393 2014-06-05 #20 uwo 说: Another reason to NOT vote for Hudak! 点击展开... Another reason to vote for Hudak!
ccc 难得糊涂 管理成员 VIP 注册 2003-04-13 消息 239,189 荣誉分数 37,447 声望点数 1,393 2014-06-05 #21 urus 说: 我也没闹明白, 到底是有轻轨好, 还是没轻轨好啊? 点击展开... For Ottawa, NO. 没轻轨好 再说了,修个人行过街桥都留产两次了。修轻轨,还不知道修到哪个世纪去呢,让他们歇息去吧。
urus 说: 我也没闹明白, 到底是有轻轨好, 还是没轻轨好啊? 点击展开... For Ottawa, NO. 没轻轨好 再说了,修个人行过街桥都留产两次了。修轻轨,还不知道修到哪个世纪去呢,让他们歇息去吧。
M maoz 知名会员 注册 2005-04-12 消息 255 荣誉分数 4 声望点数 128 2014-06-05 #22 ccc 说: For Ottawa, NO. 没轻轨好 点击展开... Why?
ccc 难得糊涂 管理成员 VIP 注册 2003-04-13 消息 239,189 荣誉分数 37,447 声望点数 1,393 2014-06-05 #23 maoz 说: Why? 点击展开... Look at the map of the whole city and consider the size of the population. You would get the answer.
maoz 说: Why? 点击展开... Look at the map of the whole city and consider the size of the population. You would get the answer.
M maoz 知名会员 注册 2005-04-12 消息 255 荣誉分数 4 声望点数 128 2014-06-05 #24 ccc 说: Look at the map of the whole city. You would get the answer. 点击展开... Because Kanata, Barheaven and Orleans are too separated?
ccc 说: Look at the map of the whole city. You would get the answer. 点击展开... Because Kanata, Barheaven and Orleans are too separated?
9981 Nanoriver VIP 注册 2004-12-11 消息 18,965 荣誉分数 4,268 声望点数 373 2014-06-05 #25 ccc 说: Another reason to vote for Hudak! 点击展开... 村长啥时候换山头了?
M maoz 知名会员 注册 2005-04-12 消息 255 荣誉分数 4 声望点数 128 2014-06-05 #26 ccc 说: Look at the map of the whole city and consider the size of the population. You would get the answer. 点击展开... I think population is not a big problem, Calgary started their light track system when they have only half million people.
ccc 说: Look at the map of the whole city and consider the size of the population. You would get the answer. 点击展开... I think population is not a big problem, Calgary started their light track system when they have only half million people.
ccc 难得糊涂 管理成员 VIP 注册 2003-04-13 消息 239,189 荣誉分数 37,447 声望点数 1,393 2014-06-05 #27 9981 说: 村长啥时候换山头了? 点击展开... 没有山头,只有自己的利益。
ccc 难得糊涂 管理成员 VIP 注册 2003-04-13 消息 239,189 荣誉分数 37,447 声望点数 1,393 2014-06-05 #28 maoz 说: I think population is not a big problem, Calgary started their light track system when they have only half million people. 点击展开... Compare the map of that city with the map of this city. 最后编辑: 2014-06-05
maoz 说: I think population is not a big problem, Calgary started their light track system when they have only half million people. 点击展开... Compare the map of that city with the map of this city.
一亩三分地 资深人士 注册 2014-05-23 消息 13,147 荣誉分数 3,864 声望点数 273 2014-06-05 #29 maoz 说: Because Kanata, Barheaven and Orleans are too separated? 点击展开... 渥太华,Population: 883,391 (2011) 多伦多,Population: 2,615,060 (2011) 不说达到多伦多的人口,就现在这个同样面积, 你再多个1倍人,这轻轨才有点用。
maoz 说: Because Kanata, Barheaven and Orleans are too separated? 点击展开... 渥太华,Population: 883,391 (2011) 多伦多,Population: 2,615,060 (2011) 不说达到多伦多的人口,就现在这个同样面积, 你再多个1倍人,这轻轨才有点用。
M maoz 知名会员 注册 2005-04-12 消息 255 荣誉分数 4 声望点数 128 2014-06-05 #30 But I agree that those cities like Vancouver, Calgary which have light rail system are more concentrated than Ottawa, Ottawa should build another High way from east to west, or make the Hunt Club road a high way.
But I agree that those cities like Vancouver, Calgary which have light rail system are more concentrated than Ottawa, Ottawa should build another High way from east to west, or make the Hunt Club road a high way.