
一个能持久的作家必须有自己独到的观察事物的方法,并能对所观察到的事物加以艺术地叙述。 ”













  曾国藩研究专家唐浩明曾经对此有精辟的论述。他说人到中年,见闻增多,阅历渐丰,人脉繁富,办事有方,这是好事。但同时人也变得思虑过重,欲望太多,精力分散,神志纷披,则又不是好事。如何让复杂变得简单,让纷披变得清澈,让分散变得集中?这需要静以修心,“静”是 去“躁”的 良方。



























《Story》-- Robert McKee

P5 The world of eminent artist always strikes us as somewhat exotic or strange. Like an explorer parting forest leaves, we step wide-eyed into an untouched society, a cliche-free zone where the ordinary becomes extraordinary.

Once inside this alien world, we find ourselves. Deep within these characters and their conflicts we discover our own humanity. We go to the movies to enter a new, fascinating world, to inhabit vicariously another human being who at first seems so unlike us and yet at heart is like us, to live in a fictional reality that illuminates our daily reality. We do not wish to escape life but to find life, to use our minds in fresh, experimental ways, to flex our emotions, to enjoy, to learn, to add depth to our days.

P5 We are often mislead into thinking that a screenplay is quicker and easier than a novel. But screenwriters learn that economy is key, that brevity takes time, that excellence means perseverance.(坚持不懈)

P7 Talented people write well, it is generally for this reason: they are moved by a desire to touch the audience.

Story is about respect, not disdain(轻蔑),for the audience, Writer has to keep ahead of the sharp perceptions of a focused audience. You must shape you story in a way that both expresses your vision and satisfies the audience’s desire.

P19 More often than not, the better the storytelling, the more vivid the images, the sharper the dialogue.But lack of progression, false motivation, redundant(千篇一律)characters, empty subtext, holes, and other such story problems are the root causes of a bland, boring text.

Of the total creative effort represented in a finished work, 75% or more of a writer’s labor goes into designing story. Who are these characters?What do they want?Why do they want it?How do they go about getting it?What stops them?What are the consequences?Finding the answers to these grand questions and shaping them into story is our overwhelming creative task.

Designing story tests the maturity and insight of the the writer, his knowledge of society, nature, and the human heart. Story demands both vivid imagination and powerful analytic thought.

P24 Truth is located behind, beyond, inside, below the surface of things, holding reality together or tearing it apart, and cannot be directly observed, to just tell day-to -day facts, this writer sees only what is visible and factual,he is blind to the truth of life.

P25 Story is metaphor for life.

P34 Story value are the universal qualities of human experience that may shift from positive to negative, or negative to positive, for one moment to the next.

A Story event creates meaningful change in the life situation of a character that is expressed and experienced in terms of a value and achieved through conflict.

A scene is action through conflict in more or less continuous time and space that turns the value-charged condition of a character’s life on at least one value with a degree of perceptible significance. Ideally, every scene is a story event.

A beat is an exchange of behavior in action/reaction. Beat by Beat these changing behaviors shape the turning of a scene.

An act is a series of sequences that peaks in a climactic scene which causes a major reversal of values, more powerful in its impact than any previous sequence or scene.

Story climax: A story is a series of acts that build to a last act climax or story climax which brings about absolute and irreversible change.

To plot means to navigate through the dangerous terrain of story and when confronted by a dozen branching possibilities to choose the correct path. Plot is the writer’s choice of events and their design in time.

Classic design means a story built around an active protagonist(主角) who struggles against primarily external forces of antagonism(对手) to pursue his or her desire, through continuous time, within a consistent and causally connected fictional reality, to a closed ending of absolute irreversible change

P67 All cliche can be traced to one thing and one thing alone: The writer does not know the world of his story.

A story’s setting is four-dimensional: period, duration, location, level of conflict.

Level of conflict is the story’s position on the hierarchy of human struggles.

P70 A story must obey its own internal laws of probability. The event choices of the writer, therefore, are limited to the possibilities within the world he creates.

Consciously and unconsciously, the audience wants to know your “laws”, to learn how and why things happen in your specific world. You create these possibilities and limitations through your personal choice of setting and the way you work within it. Having invented these strictures, you’re bound to a contract you must keep. For once the audience grasps the laws of your reality, it feels violated if you break them and rejects you work as illogical and unconvincing.

The first step toward a well-told story is to create a small,knowable world.

You must possess a commanding knowledge of your setting in such depth and detail that no one could raise a question about your world--from the eating habits of your characters to the weather in September--that you couldn’t answer instantly.
P89 Genre study is best done in this fashion:First, list all those works you feel are like yours, both successes and failures. (The study of failures is illuminating....and humbling.) Next, rent the films on video and purchase the screenplays if possible. Then study the film down into elements of setting, role, event, and value. Lastly, stack, so to speak, these analyses one atop the other and look down through them all asking: What do the stories in my genre always do? What are its conventions of time, place, character, and action?Until you discover answers, the audience will always be ahead of you.

P91 talent is like a muscle: without something to push against, it atrophies....he may find inspiration for the scene that will lift his story above the ordinary.

P95 The most important question we ask when writing a love story is :“What’s to stop them?” For where’s the story in a love story? Two people meet, fall in love, marry, raise a family, support each other till death do them part....What could be more boring than that?

P99 Writing is for long-distance runners. Ask: What is my favorite genre? Then write in the genre you love. For this is your kind of story, the kind of film you’d stand in line in the rain to see.Be honest in your choice of genre, for of all the reasons for wanting to write, the only one that nurtures us through time is love of the work itself.


True Character is revealed in the choices a human being makes under pressure--the greater the pressure, the deeper the revelation, the truer the choice to the character’s essential nature.

Is he loving or cruel? Generous or selfish? Strong or weak? Truthful or a liar?Courageous or cowardly?The only way to know the truth is to witness him make choice under pressure to take one action or another in the pursuit of his desire. As he chooses, he is。

Pressure is essential, Choices made when nothing is at risk mean little. If a character choose to tell the truth in a situation where telling a lie would gain him nothing, the choice is trivial, the moment expresses nothing. But if the same character insists on telling the truth when a lie would save his life, then we sense that honesty is at the core of his nature.

P103 What seems is not what is, People are not what they appear to be.

Taking the principle further: The revelation of deep character in contrast or contradiction to characterization is fundamental in major characters. Minor roles may or may not need hidden dimensions, but principals must be written in depth--they cannot be at heart what they seem to be at face.

Character arc

Taking the principle further yet: The finest writing not only reveals true character, but arcs or changes that inner nature, for better or worse, over the course of the telling.


Force characters into more and more difficult dilemmas where they must make more and more difficult risk-taking choices and actions

P105 Character ARC

Taking the principle further yet: The finest writing not only reveals true character, but arcs or changes that inner nature, for better or worse, over the course of the telling.

1, the story lays out the protagonist’s characterization

2, led into the heart of the character.His true nature is revealed as he chooses to take one action over another

3, this deep nature is at odds with the outer countenance of the character, contrasting with it, if not contradicting it. We sense that he is not what he appears to be.

4, having exposed the character’s inner nature, the story puts greater and greater pressure on him to make more and more difficult choices.

5, by the climax of the story, these choices have profoundly changed the humanity of the character. Hamlet’s wars, known and unknown, come to an end. He reaches a peaceful maturity as his lively intelligence ripens into wisdom:“The rest is silence.”

Structure and character functions:

The function of structure is to provide progressively building pressures that force characters into more and more difficult dilemmas where they must make more and more difficult risk-taking choices and actions, gradually revealing their true natures, even down to the unconscious self.

P111 The source of all art is the human psyche’s primal(美学), prelinguistic(最初的) need for the resolution of stress and discord through beauty and harmony, for the use of creativity to revive a life deadened by routine.

Story is,at heart, nonintellectural, it expresses idea directly through the senses and perceptions, intuition and emotion. We must never mistake criticism for art. Intellectual analysis, however heady, will not nourish the soul.

Aesthetic emotion (艺术情感):sympathy, empathy, premonition, discernment....our innate sensitivity to the truth.)

P113 The problem is not to start writing, but to keep writing and renewing inspiration. We realy know where we’re going, writing is discovery.

Storytelling is the creative demonstration of truth. A story is the living proof of an idea, the conversion of idea to action. A story’s event structure is the means by which you first express, the prove your idea....without explanation.

Master storytellers never explain. They do the hard painfully creative thing--they dramatize. The principle is universal: the story’s meaning, whether comic or tragic, must be dramatized in an emotionally expressive story climax without the aid of explanatory dialogue.

Controlling Idea(一个清晰的idea)may be expressed in a single sentence describing how and why life undergoes change from one condition of existence at the beginning to another at the end.

P115 The more beautifully you shape your work around one clear idea, the more meanings audiences will discover in you film as they take your idea and follow its implications into every aspect of their lives. Conversely, the more ideas you try to pack into a story, the more they implode upon themselves, until the film collapses into a rubble of tangential notions, saying nothing.

A complex story may contain many forces for change.

P119 He fashioned his stories by playing idea against counter-idea.

Progressions build by moving dynamically between the positive and negative charges of the values at stake in the story.

P120 Didacticism(说教)

A note of caution: In creating the dimensions of your story’s “argument”, take great care to build the power of both sides.

Man love war.

P122 A great work is a living metaphor that says,“life is like this.” The classics, down through the ages, give us not solutions but lucidity, not answers but poetic candor; they make inescapably clear the problems all generations must solve to be human.


The idealistic “ love triumphs when we sacrifice our needs for others”;

The pessimistic“Love destroys when self-interest rules”;

The Ironic “ Love is both pleasure and pain, a poignant anguish, a tender cruelty we pursue because without it life has no meaning.”

The compulsive pursuit of contemporary values--success, fortune, fame, sex, power--will destroy you, but if you see this truth in time and throw away your obsession, you can redeem yourself.


《Out of Africa》is the story of a woman living the 1980s ethic of “I am what I own”. Karen’s first words are“I had a farm in Africa.” She drags her furniture from Denmark to her possessions that she calls the laborers “her people” until her lover points out that she doesn’t actually own these people. When her husband infects her with syphilis, she doesn’t divorce him because her identity is “wife”, defined by her possession of a husband. In time,however, she comes to realize you are not what you own; you are your values, talents, what you can do. When her lover is killed, she grieves but is not lost because she is not he. With a shrug, she lets husband, home, everything go, surrendering all she had, but gaining herself.


Climax and extract from it your Controlling Idea. But before you take another step, ask yourself this question: Is this the truth? Do I believe in the meaning of my story? If the answer is no, toss it and start again. If yes, do everything possible to get your work into the world. For although an artist may, in his private life, lie to others, even to himself, when he creates he tells the truth; and in a world of lies and liars, an honest work of art is always an act of social responsibility.

P137 A protagonist is a willful character.

A fine story is not necessarily the struggle of a gigantic will versus absolute forces of inevitability. Quality of will is as important as quantity. A protagonist’s willpower may be less than that of the biblical job, but powerful enough to sustain desire through conflict and ultimately take actions that create meaningful and irreversible change.

The true strength of protagonist’s will may hide behind a passive characterization.Consider Blanche DuBois, protagonist of 《A STREET NAMED DESIR》, At first glance she seems weak, drifting and will-less, only wanting, she says, to live in reality. Yet beneath her frail characterization, Blanche’s deep character owns a powerful will that drives her unconscious desire: What she really wants is to escape from reality. So Blanche does everything she can to buffer herself against the ugly world that engulfs her:She acts the grand dame, puts doilies on frayed furniture, lampshades on naked light bulbs, tries to make a Prince Charming out of a dullard. When more of this succeeds, she takes the final escape from reality---she goes insane.

On the other hand, while Blanche only seems passive, the truly passive protagonist is a regrettably common mistake. A story cannot be told about a protagonist who doesn’t want anything who cannot make decisions, whose actions effect no change at any level.

P139 The Protagonist must have at least a chance to attain his desire.

An audience has no patience for a protagonist who lacks all possibility of realizing his desire. The reason is simple: no one believes this of his own life. No one believes he doesn’t have even the smallest chance of fulfilling his wishes. But if we were to pull the camera back on life, the grand overview might lead us to conclude that, in the words of Henry David Thoreau, “The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation,” that most people waste their precious time and die with the feeling they’ve fallen short of their dreams.As honest as this painful insight may be, we cannot allow ourselves to believe it. Instead, we carry hope to the end.


The protagonist has the will and capacity to pursue the object of his conscious and/or unconscious desire to end of the line, to the human limit established by setting and genre.

A story must build to final action beyond which the audience cannot imagine another.

The audience wants to be taken to the limit, to where all questions are answered, all emotion satisfied--the end of the line.

The Protagonist must be empathetic(代入感);he may or may not be sympathetic.

Sympathetic means likable , Tom Hanks is likable, the moment they step onscreen, we like them. We’d want them as friends, family members, or lovers. Then have an innate likability and evoke sympathy.Empathy is more profound response.

Empathetic means “like me”. The unconscious logic of the audience runs like this:“This character is like me. Therefore, I want him to have whatever it is he wants, because if I were he in those circumstances, I’d want the same thing for myself.”Hollywood has many synonymic expressions for the connection:“somebody to get behind,”“someone to root for.” All describe the empathetic connection that the audience strikes between itself and the protagonist. An audience strikes between itself and the protagonist. An audience may, if so moved, empathize with every character in your story, but it must empathize with your protagonist. If not, the audience/story bond is broken.

Empathy is absolute, while sympathy is optional. The audience identifies with deep character, with innate qualities revealed through choice under pressure.

P144 Unexpected

In story, we concentrate on that moment, and only that moment, in which a character takes an action expecting a useful reaction from his world, but instead the effect of his action is to provoke forces of antagonism. The world of the character reacts differently than expected, more powerfully than expected, or both.

I picked up the phone, call Jack, and say:“sorry to bother you, but I can’t find Dolores’s phone number. Could you---” and he shouts :“Dolores? Dolores! How dare you ask me for her number?” and slams down the phone, Suddenly, life is interesting.

P178 Fine writing emphasizes Reactions(surprising reaction)

P181 A story is a design in five parts: The inciting incident, Progressive complications, crisis, climax, resolution.

Setting is defined in terms of period, duration, location and level of conflict.

P182 Whenever human beings gather to do anything, there’s always an uneven distribution of power.

Love relationships are political ,An old Gypsy expression goes “ He who confesses first loses.” The one be loved controls the relationship.

P186 Authenticity has nothing to do with so-called reality. A story set in a world tha could never exist could be absolutely authentic. Story arts do not distinguish between reity and the various nonrealities of fantasy, dream, and ideality. The creative intelligence of the writer merges all these into unique yet convincing fictional reality.

P188 Believability is the key to terror.

The inciting incident radically upsets the balance of forces in the protagonist’s life.

P196 For better or worse, an event throws a character’s life out of balance, arousing in him the conscious and/or unconscious desire for that which he feels will restore balance, launching him on a Quest for his object of desire against forces of antagonism(inner, personal, extra-personal),He may or may not achieve it. This is story in a nutshell.

P243 As audience, we experience an emotion when the telling takes us through a transition of values. First, we must empathize with the character. Second, we must know what the character wants and want the character to have it. Third, we must understand the values at stake in the character’s life. Within these conditions, a change in values moves our emotions.

P244 Story must create these dynamic alternations between positive and negative emotion in order to obey the law of diminishing returns.

The law of diminishing returns , true in life as well as in story is this : The more often we experience something, the less effect it has.

The law of diminishing returns is true of everything in life, except sex, which seems endlessly repeatable with effect.

P246 In film, feeling is known as mood, Mood is created in the film’s text: the quality of light and color, tempo of action and editing, casting, style of dialogue, production design, and musical score. The sum of all these textural qualities creates a particular mood. In general,mood, like setups, is a form of foreshadowing, a way of preparing or shaping the audience’s anticipations. Moment by moment, however, while the dynamic of the scene determines whether the emotion it causes is positive or negative, the mood makes this emotion specific.


Subtext is the life under the surface--thoughts and feelings both known and unknown, hidden by behavior.

Nothing is what it seems, This principle calls for the screenwriter’s constant awareness of the duplicity of life, his recognition that everything exists on at least two levels, and that, therefore, he must write a simultaneous duality: First, he must create a verbal description of the sensory surface of life, sight and sound, activity and talk. Second, he must create the inner world of conscious and unconscious desire, action and reaction, impulse and id, genetic and experiential imperatives. As in reality, so in fiction: He must veil the truth with a living mask, the actual thoughts and feelings of characters behind their saying and doing.

As old Hollywood expression goes:”If he scene is about what the scene is about, you’re in deep shit.”

Actors are created with material form the subtext, not the text. An actor brings a character to life from the inside out, from unspoken, even unconscious thoughts and feelings out to a surface of behavior. If there is no inner life, no subtext, it is unactable because there’s nothing to act.

Something is happening because it’s in the unspoken thoughts and emotions of the actors. As we see through the surface, we’ll lean back with a knowing smile:“Look what happened.They are not just changing the tire on a car. He thinks she is hot and she knows it. Boy has met girl.”

P255 We never fully express the truth, for in fact, we rarely know it.


The Technique of scene analysis

1. Define conflict

2. Note opening value: positive or negative

3. Break the scene into beats: the exchange of action and reaction is a beat. As long as it continues, Character A is “Groveling at her feet”But Character B is “Ignoring the plea,”it’s one beat, even if their exchange repeats a number of times, it’s still one and the same beat. A new beat doesn’t occur until behavior clearly changes.

4. Note closing value and compare with opening value

Compare this note to the one made in step two, if the two notation are the same, the activity between them is a nonevent. Nothing has changed,therefore nothing has happened.The scene is flat.

5. Survey beats and locate turning point


These two people have a relationship. Each feels like the injured party, and each knows the sensitivity of the other so well that they hurt each other with ease.

P270 《Casablanca》Analyze 5

1.Approaching her/ignoring him

2.Protecting her/rejecting him

3.Apologizing/rejecting him

4.Excuse making/rejecting him

5.Getting his foot in the door/opening the door

6.Getting down on his knees/asking for more

7.Guilt-tripping her/guilt-tripping him

8.Saying Goodbye/Refusing to react

9.Calling her a coward/Calling him a fool

10.Sexually propositioning her/hiding her reaction

11.Calling her a slut/destroying his hope

P289 Pacing

On one hand, we desire serenity,harmony, peace, and relaxation,but too much of this day after day and we become bored to the point of ennui and need therapy.As a result, we also desire challenge, tension, danger, even fear. So the rhythm of life swings between these poles.

P291 It is just like sex. Masters of the bedroom arts pace their lovemaking. They begin by taking each other to a state of delicious tension short of--and we use the same word in both cases--climax, then tell a joke and shift positions before building each other to an even higher tension short of climax, then have a sandwich, watch TV. And gather energy to hen reach greater and greater intensity, making love in cycles of rising tension until they finally climax simultaneously and the earth moves and they see colors. The gracious storyteller makes love to us. He knows we are capable of a tremendous release。。。。If he paces us to it.

A typical two-hour feature plays forty to sixty scenes.

P296 Symbolic ascension

Like images in our dreams, it invades the unconscious mind and touches us deeply--as long as we’re unaware of its presence. If, in a heavy-handed way, we label images as “symbolic”, their effect is destroyed. But if they are slipped quietly, gradually, and unassumingly into the telling they move us profoundly.

P310 William Goldman argues that the key to all story endings is to give the audience what it wants, but not the way it expects.

People think happiness means never suffering, so they never feel anything deeply.

What the audience wants is emotional satisfaction.

The ending must be both inevitable and unexpected.

P317 we never do more than we have to, expend any energy we don’t have to, take any risks we don’t have to, change if we don’t have to.why should we?

P320 A story that progresses to the limit of human experience in depth and breadth of conflict must move through a pattern that includes the contrary, the contradictory,and the negation of the negation.(否定之否)

P323 Many parents hate their children, many children hate their parents, and they fight and scream and say it. In other fine films, although a parent bitterly resents and secretly hates his or her child, they pretend to love him, when the antagonist adds that lie, the story moves to negation of the negation.how can a child defend himself against that?

In Wall Street Gekko feels impoverished because no amount of money is enough。 A billionaire, he acts as if he were a starving thief, grasping for money at any illegal opportunity.

If a story doe not reach the negation of the negation, it may strike the audience as satisfying--but never brilliant, never sublime.