
P204. 从中元节到八月底,久木在咀嚼着自由与孤独中度过。



P202 今后几点起床,穿着粗糙的衣服,到任何地方晃荡都无所谓。但这种自由自在, 随心所欲生活的另一面,也是失去公司同事,相关亲友,甚至妻子儿女的孤独。 “独自一人了..” 久木头一次切实感觉到获得自由正是自己被世间隔绝孤立。


不说那么高深滴,就非诚话题,俺特同意老八!有人爱慕应心存感激而珍惜,好家伙,人待价而沽可算上钩一个,迫不及待滴把自己端上女王位置等着朝拜和发号司令 :)

怎么感觉张继很有兴致? 你听:“夜半钟声到客船“,有点儿惊奇,有点儿欢喜。。。孤独的人会冷漠,不会有雅兴探看客船吧。 话说,旅人就一定孤独吗,如果是,那也一定是很享受这种孤独,选择了孤独。 而这种孤独,也就并非是常人意念里的孤独的含义

旅人选择了旅行,每天见到不同的风景。前一分钟的寂寥会被下一分钟视野的变换冲淡。也许和尚才孤独呢。 虽明心见性,也架不住每天看着重复的寺院渔火,听着熟得不能再熟的钟声,作息一成不变,夜夜去接客船,脸上要挂着同样的微笑,,,岁岁年年。。。
不说那么高深滴,就非诚话题,俺特同意老八!有人爱慕应心存感激而珍惜,好家伙,人待价而沽可算上钩一个,迫不及待滴把自己端上女王位置等着朝拜和发号司令 :)
《Get That Novel Written》---by Donna Levin

P129 No cliches : you may think you are saying something, but you are not.

Some phrases have been so used and abused that they mean nothing.

Avoid vague words : words like “horrible,”“awful” and “ terrible”“great”, “nice”.......
because they convey an opinion, but not concrete information.

Be specific!!

Use all your senses!!

P141 Metaphors and Similes

Metaphors and similes add texture and lyricism to your writing. They are where your prose becomes the most like poetry, inviting the reader to go beyond the bare facts of the scene and take playful imaginative leaps with you. It’s also a question of style and personal taste.

Picasso said :“Art is a lie that lets us see the truth.

Ask yourself “ How can I make the scene I am describing as vivid as possible? Am I using the most specific words I know?
Are there any cliches, familiar expressions or vague adjectives I can excise?”
While the hero may be sympathetic, likable, and good and often you will find that they are sympathetic, likable and good ,these qualities are not essential.

There are antihero who is cold and indifferent to the sufferings of others and wants only to be left alone.


Writing a thriller without a step sheet is like ordering a meal without a menu, building a bridge without a blueprint, or surfing the web
without google.

Jeffery Deaver is the author of a bunch of damn good mysteries, once said he spends months making his plot plans, which run to two hundred pages. He said he knows all the intricacies of the plot before he ever drafts a single scene.

First, find a damn good germinal idea that excites you, that sets your blood on fire

Next, create a damn good three-dimensional thriller villain with a physiology, a sociology and a psychology that fits the villain profile.
Write a diary in the villain’s voice. Once you know the villain down to the bone, find his or her dark mission and make a step sheet of the dark mission: This is the plot behind plot.

Then create a three-dimensional hero with a physiology, a sociology and a psychology that fits the hero profile.
Write a journal in the hero’s voice.

Now you create step sheet , create other characters as you go.....the seven pillars etc.......

The secret of holding the audience`s attention is to keep the conflicts going, one after another after another.
You should resist the temptation to have a boring sit-down conversation full of a lot of facts or philosophy you
might want the reader to know.
Through the conflicts, the audience will learn everything they need to know.

You don`t want to just introduce a character; you want to introduce the character in a dramatic way, with conflict.

The dialogue is not just conversation. Dialogue is conversation in conflict.

Conflict is a dramatic presentation of an opposition of wills. Conversation without conflict is boring; dialogue with conflict is gripping.

Remember that you are creating dreams that others will dream. As you hone your craft as a stroy teller, you will be able to create powerful stories that touch people`s hearts and change people`s minds.

Write with love, my friend.
《How to write & sell your first novel》by Oscar Collier

P48 Dialogue brings your characters to life

What brings the plot to life is the characters.
What brings the characters to life is dialogue--with each character having his own way of talking.
Someone once said that if you can’t tell which character is talking, if they all sound alike, none of them is talking, it’s the author who is talking.

P52 Take a sheet of paper and write down that character’s favorite words in talking to his gang members, his father, his mother, his kid sister, his teacher.

P53 Make the reader care about our characters.
A character with a strong and noble goal, or one who overcomes great obstacles, will have the reader on her side.

Characters, like people, must grow and change. Don’t let your characters remain static throughout the novel.

Give each character his own speech patterns, pet expressions and favorite words.

Characters speak just like real people. Use short statements, sentence fragments and interruptions to give dialogue a natural feel.

Show action through dialogue. Be sparing with the use of “he said”or “she said”.

P154 “Keep in mind the pace must be kept fast : no flashbacks, no long descriptions about relationships. ”

Grisham himself explained his technique, “you take a sympathetic hero or heroine, an ordinary person, and tie them into a horrible situation or conspiracy where their lives are at stake......they could be killed.
《How to write & sell your first novel》by Oscar Collier

P48 Dialogue brings your characters to life

What brings the plot to life is the characters.
What brings the characters to life is dialogue--with each character having his own way of talking.
Someone once said that if you can’t tell which character is talking, if they all sound alike, none of them is talking, it’s the author who is talking.

P52 Take a sheet of paper and write down that character’s favorite words in talking to his gang members, his father, his mother, his kid sister, his teacher.

P53 Make the reader care about our characters.
A character with a strong and noble goal, or one who overcomes great obstacles, will have the reader on her side.

Characters, like people, must grow and change. Don’t let your characters remain static throughout the novel.

Give each character his own speech patterns, pet expressions and favorite words.

Characters speak just like real people. Use short statements, sentence fragments and interruptions to give dialogue a natural feel.

Show action through dialogue. Be sparing with the use of “he said”or “she said”.

P154 “Keep in mind the pace must be kept fast : no flashbacks, no long descriptions about relationships. ”

Grisham himself explained his technique, “you take a sympathetic hero or heroine, an ordinary person, and tie them into a horrible situation or conspiracy where their lives are at stake......they could be killed.