其實中文寫作傳統就有這樣的招式,叫做 "埋兵伏將法" ,
One thing that can help you in writing is early in the paper to identify what is in your paper.That is important. Write the thesis in early introduction and in the conclusion. What matters about your article? Why do we write at all?
今天讀到一個寫作指引挺好玩的:大意是說 一定要反覆的明講一個概念,"小白" (平均網路使用者與以下) 才會記得。8
Cutting Your Prose
If you allow your paragraph have too many ideas, you risk choking out all of the things you want to say. You need to transplant into another paragraph. Cut the unnecessary words, transplant ideas into different paragraphs, in order to make your most healthy ideas to flourish.