Notes on Good Writing

哦,那就是说: 只要能写字,就都是作家。没有水平差的写手,只有水平低的读者。 你是这意思吗?

嗯,进步也需要时间。 这类所谓的作家,在低能状态写出的东西,给人看了只有胃部不适的作用。那这时的读者应该如何? 及时反映身体的不适,还是含泪继续微笑,算作鼓励?
嗯,进步也需要时间。 这类所谓的作家,在低能状态写出的东西,给人看了只有胃部不适的作用。那这时的读者应该如何? 及时反映身体的不适,还是含泪继续微笑,算作鼓励?

嗯,也是。 哦,以前这些书店也打折,但总觉得买的书不如借的书更有看的欲望。 不过,晚上去看看,谢谢推荐
是的,意義是對於讀者來說的吧,所以有怎樣需求的讀者,就有怎樣(可能比讀者先進一點點)寫的 "作家"。當然,先知型的作家可能讀者很少,但他可能是開派始祖引領潮流的。所以還要加上一個慢慢演變的時間軸。

一般說的作家主要是賣書賣得好的,或者作品在一定實力以上的,但怎麼去劃那條線,線下面的人就絲毫不配了嗎?似乎不太符合現實。或許可以把所有寫字的人都說是作家,但前面再加上一些標籤,如紅色作家,青少年暢銷作家,網遊作家,當然都是找好的話說,其實也就是 偏激極左無底線作家,幼稚嘩眾取寵內容空洞作家,社會較低階層意淫作家。不必加上這麼多貶意了,有進步就好。
每个人的写作都会经历青涩的过程。 那里也有
真不好意思把您的討論串給截持了 :crying:
没有没有! 你和 Raid 的讨论都是很认真滴谈写作。很开心!
Write like a Tour guide

Visiting a museum, I don’t want to look at them myself; I spend long reading the notes and don’t know what to see. A tour guide is generally knowledgeable, and usually enthusiastic about the subject, And a good tour advance a clear and powerful argument backed by strong analysis, carefully selected representative evidence. Good tour guide guy does not discuss every piece on the wall, instead they took the most interesting pieces and guide their group to a logical sequences. Write as a good tour guide.

If there were one thing that I can tell my students to improve their work, or their quality of thinking, or to improve their grades, it would be revision. A revision, there is no such a thing as good writing, there is only good rewriting. The very best writers in the world know this, and they all adhere for it. The revision is something to do with seeing again. Revision is to see with new eyes. This simple strategy will help them more than anything else to do it well. Go to revise. Go to see again with fresh eyes.

How to revise an Academic Essay

The main ideas of the essay

Revision helps you from the reader’s point of view and sees the large structure of your paper.

Is there a sentence that is the main argument of the paper? If you can’t find the sentence, than your paper does not have a theses, and your readers can’t either.

If you do have the thesis in the introduction and conclusion, put them together. Bring the conclusion back to the introduction. Are they making the same basic argument? Often they are not.

In the first draft, it helps you to clarify and you find ideas, which is great. Make sure that you will bring back the thesis in the conclusion to the introduction, revise them to reflect the more sophisticated thesis that the conclusion does. You will correct it to agree with the conclusion.

Now your introduction and conclusion are putting the same thesis, Go to the main subsections of your paper. In each section once again find the main sentence, how this part of paper supported the thesis? If you can’t find it, your reader neither.

Now in each of the subsection, there is a sentence, helps to support the main argument.

Copy just those sentences into a new document, and read them in order, do the ideas flow well from one to another, or something is out of place? Is there anything important is missing? OR just does something not seem to belong anymore?

Once you have tick the summary of your essay, illuminate the sections that do not belong.

And now you know your essay come in a clear persuasive order. You are ready to go for advising or post.
Writing like a music, inspiring, simple language, to make it clear.
這樣如何:Write like a good museum
意思就是東西都放在那裡,說明給了,你們來看吧,自己決定步調,決定順序,決定重點,隨便看,喜歡一樣算一樣。最好不要放過任何一件。事實上,99% 的東西無法帶給你(某讀者)感動,但願你能發現 1% 的寶藏,大呼不虛此行。而那 1% 可能是導遊都會忽略的,因為導遊帶的是旅遊團,她必須迎合大眾的平均口味。