耶书仑 世事洞明皆学问 注册 2008-09-27 消息 10,576 荣誉分数 6,814 声望点数 393 2014-09-30 #16 上个主日之后,从中东来的宣教士黄姊妹在真道堂分享十多年的宣教事工(她先生在华人基督教会分享),神迹奇事保守他们,很感动,我们实在应该多多支持他们!!
C CHRIS88 基督门徒 管理成员 VIP 注册 2006-05-10 消息 14,128 荣誉分数 1,405 声望点数 393 2014-12-13 #17 Four Christian children beheaded by ISIS in Iraq for refusing to convert to Islam
C cvictor 本站元老 VIP 注册 2005-06-12 消息 17,184 荣誉分数 1,062 声望点数 373 2014-12-18 #18 CHRIS88 说: Four Christian children beheaded by ISIS in Iraq for refusing to convert to Islam 点击展开... CHRIS88 说: Four Christian children beheaded by ISIS in Iraq for refusing to convert to Islam 点击展开... 莫不是基督教与穆斯林的战争?
CHRIS88 说: Four Christian children beheaded by ISIS in Iraq for refusing to convert to Islam 点击展开... CHRIS88 说: Four Christian children beheaded by ISIS in Iraq for refusing to convert to Islam 点击展开... 莫不是基督教与穆斯林的战争?