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How a husband can enjoy sex that is grudgingly given by his wife
October 18, 2015October 18, 2015 /
“You said we shouldn’t feel guilty to have sex even if it’s grudgingly but how can you? I would probably just cry and try to sleep.” – This was a question I got this week from a young husband who has been married a few years and is not experiencing a lack of sexual desire from his wife. He also needed me to help clarify the differences between sexual refusal, sexual rain-checks and sexual desire.
As I started to respond to his email I thought it would be good if I included this for my readers.
Sexual Refusal
This is when a wife just comes out and says “NO!” or pushes your hands away. As I said in my post on “8 steps to confronting your wife’s sexual refusal” you as a husband should not tolerate refusal. If your wife says “NO” and slaps your hand away that is a disrespectful and unloving response by your wife to your sexual initiation and there is no sin in you trying to initiate sex with your wife.
Sexual Rain-check
This is when you go to initiate sex with your wife and she responds kindly and gently. Perhaps she says something like “Honey, I know you really need it, but I am just really sick tonight, can I make it up to you tomorrow?” There are other reasons of course that a woman might legitimately ask for a rain-check of course like after the birth of a child, or surgeries, chronic pain flare-ups, deaths in the family and other reasons like these.
Sexual Desire
This is her actually wanting to have sex with you and obviously this is what every man who loves his wife would prefer from his wife at every sexual encounter. But women are not like men are when it comes to sexual arousal. They just don’t instantly get horny and want to have sex. In most cases a woman’s desire for sex must be
cultivated either by her husband, herself or a combination of the two.
“But I want my wife to desire and enjoy sex with me!”
We as men are programmed by God to want our wives to have pleasure when we are having sex with her. When your wife looks (or sounds) like what you are doing is giving her pleasure that is what makes sex the best! That is what makes it the most fulfilling in not just a physical manner, but also a psychological manner.
But then we have the conundrum,
women don’t always feel like having sex. Even women that have a healthy view of sex don’t always feel like having sex as much as their husbands do. Then we have the women who do not have a healthy view of sex and see it as “dirty” or just something you do to have babies.
So how do we solve this conundrum? He wants her to desire and enjoy sex and she may desire sex far less frequently or not at all.
Those who reject the Biblical concept that sex is both a gift and a duty in marriage solve this problem by saying
“They should only have sex when they BOTH desire to have sex”. But that is not God’s answer.
“Let the husband render unto the wife due benevolence: and likewise also the wife unto the husband. The wife hath not power of her own body, but the husband: and likewise also the husband hath not power of his own body, but the wife.
Defraud ye not one the other, except it be with consent for a time, that ye may give yourselves to fasting and prayer; and come together again, that Satan tempt you not for your incontinency.” – I Corinthians 7:3-5 (KJV)
The only time sex should not occur is when both the husband and wife give mutual consent not to for a short period of time.
As a husband you can attempt to cultivate desire for sex in your wife by doing what God has commanded you to do outside the bedroom – and that is to
know your wife(I Peter 3:7). That means talking to her and hearing about her day and her concerns. It might also mean giving her a foot massage or a back massage after a rough day. Every woman is different and as husbands we need to get to know what makes our wife’s tick and not just for sexual purposes but to know her as God would have us to know her.
But a husband is NOT 100% responsible for cultivating all of his wife’s sexual desire.
A woman bears some responsibility for cultivating her own sexual desire. The Bible says this about women:
“That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, to be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed.” – Titus 2:4-5 (KJV)
That phrase “to love their husbands” is based on the Greek word
philandros and it is the only time that word is used in the Bible. Unlike Agape love which is the most common word for love in the New Testament, philandros love speaks of an affectionate love that a wife is to have toward her husband. Some have wrongly tried to suggest that this is exactly the same as the love women are told to have for their children because the roots are the same. But in Greek usage this word took on the context of a woman being “a lover of her husband” and yes it meant in the sexual context, not just simple affection.
Women are commanded by God to be their husband’s lovers (in every sexual and affectionate sense of that word).
We need only look to the Song of Solomon to see a woman giving us an example of how a wife can be a lover to her husband.
But in the end – your wife has to realize that the greatest impediment to her own enjoyment of sex may be her own mind! A woman’s mind can literally put her body in lock down mode and she may not enjoy any touch from you in that mindset. She must let go and focus on her body and understand how it works before she can truly enjoy sex.
But until your wife truly overcomes her impediments to sex should she fake it? I believe the answer is yes. I think as a husband you can let her know it is ok to “fake it until she makes it”. I have written a companion post to this post for wives entitled
“Should Christian wives fake it?” that talks to women about this.
You need to stop pressuring your wife for “the truth”
But if your wife agrees to “fake it till she makes it” then you need to let her do that.
“Was it really good or were you just faking for me” – those words need to be erased from your vocabulary as a husband. If your wife appeared to have a good time leave it there.
I realize you might think you are just trying to figure out what works. Also I am not saying it always wrong to talk about sex with your wife, but few women want to do a post-game analysis.
Women don’t always want to talk to you about specific technique in most cases, they just want to show you what they want and you need to watch for her nonverbal guidance during sex. If your wife actually expresses a desire to talk about some specifics when it comes to foreplay and the act itself than by all means have that conversation with her.
You need to talk to your wife about helping her with her desire, but I am talking about things outside the act of sex itself. I mean ways you can help her relax BEFORE sex so she will have an easier time mentally preparing herself for sex.
But what you don’t want to do is constantly annoy your wife for “
Things like “So what was my rating for that time babe? Or “Did you like that special thing I did?” or any of these types of things will annoy and bother most wives.
Should your wife complement your sexual performance? Absolutely! But if you have to ask for a compliment then it’s not really a compliment is it?
Your wife knows you love her. She knows you want to please her. If she has accepted the truth that she has to understand her own body and then show you the way she will do it. You just need to do your best to watch for her signals and simply enjoy that your wife is trying to please you and make you feel loved!
Stop prying. Just enjoy. Even if your wife is in touch with her body will there still be times when she fakes it? Sure. But rest assured that for women sex is not considered a complete failure if she does not have an orgasm every time.
“So HOW do I have sex with my wife knowing she is not in the mood?”
But what if you have tried everything you can as husband but your wife refuses to do her part and look inward at things she can change in herself to help herself enjoy sex more and cultivate a desire?
What if she agrees to sex grudgingly and refuses to “fake it” but instead displays her displeasure the entire time?
First of all, your reaction of being upset at the displeasure on your wife’s face during sex that she has grudgingly agreed to is completely normal.
You need to realize that this is a physical need that you have as a man. You also need to realize that whether your wife knows it or not she needs to have sex too. Your marriage needs sex at regular intervals. If you don’t have sex with your wife at regular intervals, even sometimes when she is not in the mood but consents anyway, you will open yourself to temptation. You will find yourself becoming distant from your wife, because this is the primary way that you as man feel closeness with your wife.
But even if you realize and accept this truth that you need sex and it needs to happen even if your wife refuses to “fake it” and bury her wrong attitude then what?
The secret of enjoying grudgingly given sex from your wife
Focus on your eyes on her body,
not her face. Focus on the visual pleasure you receive from looking at her body and physical pleasure you receive from being inside your wife.
I know you love your wife, most of us as men love our wives. You want to connect with her physically
AND emotionally during sex. But your wife is the one refusing to connect with you emotionally, so you have to concentrate 100% on the physical side.
Let me try and explain this in another way. In Greek mythology there was a monster woman named Medusa. She was a cursed and hideous creature and if men looked upon her face they were turned to stone.
I know you love your wife, most men love their wives. But sin is ugly. Your beautiful bride’s face becomes ugly during this sinful time that she is grudgingly giving you sex as she grimaces wanting you to “just hurry up and get it over with”.
So like the men who could not look at Medusa’s face otherwise they would be killed, realize that if you look on your wife’s face when she is displaying a sinful attitude toward sex it will kill your sexual pleasure and may actually make it much more difficult for you to achieve the physical connection and release that you need. Again you know you want that emotional connection too, but your wife is the one who is in sinful rebellion against God’s design for sex in your marriage and is refusing to emotionally connect with you.
It is sad that any husband ever has to do this. This is not what God intended sex to be. But we live in a sin cursed world – we are sinners and so are our wives. Sometimes we have to work around the sinful behavior of our wives and this will be one of those times.
Yes this a way to cope with and deal with your wife’s sin but at the same time keep sex happening in your marriage. But don’t stop trying to work with your wife outside the bedroom, and remember to pray for your wife every day that God will work in her heart and change her wrong attitude toward his wonderful gift of sex.
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8 steps to confront your wife's sexual refusalIn "How to be a godly husband series"
4 Steps to confronting your husband’s sexual refusalIn "marriage"
Is a husband selfish for having sex with his wife when she is not the mood?In "How to be a godly husband series"
Sexual denial
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6 thoughts on “How a husband can enjoy sex that is grudgingly given by his wife”
October 18, 2015 at 10:45 pm
I liked reading this post earlier, but wow! It is just really sad to me that some husbands have to go through something like this… where the only option is to be in a sexless marriage, or to have to ignore his wife’s displeasure with begrudging sex.
I’ve heard men complain about that too… or about “star fish” sex as they call it in the Red Pill world – where a woman just lays there like a star fish, unenthusiastic, not enjoying it, etc. It’s actually more common than you’d think (and I’m sure you know this). And yes, it’s a marriage relationship killer.
It’s just sad to me that men in this situation only have bad options.
- biblicalgenderroles
October 19, 2015 at 2:13 am
I have never heard of “star fish” sex – but that is a perfect analogy! I will have to add that to my sexual vocabulary.
Unfortunately as you know(I think I have shared that with my audience, maybe not) I am one of those men who experiences “star fish” sex on a pretty regular basis. I am one of those many men out there that faces the two bad options you speak of on a daily and weekly basis.
This is one of the main reasons my blog in anonymous. I would not feel right talking about these intimate details of our marriage otherwise.
As I previously stated when I told my story in more detail in “Stories of Sexual Denial Episode 6” http://biblicalgenderroles.com/2015/09/11/stories-of-sexual-denial-in-marriage-episode-6/ I used to get sexually denied by my wife. Then after following those steps I gave and meeting with my Pastor and his wife she finally changed on that and she no longer gives me a flat no unless there is a true medical issue. But she still does grudgingly have sex from time to time. More often than not while it may not be obviously grudging sex it is a very “disinterested” type of sex where she wants no foreplay but just wants to get “the deed” done.
The sources of her sexual issues are many. Before she had her car accident a few years ago she worked as a nurse and her life was wrapped up in her career(even though she had committed to me and my kids as her step kids). She had very little energy left for our marriage after her job and as I previously stated she confessed to me not long after we were married that she had little interest in sex, that it was not me – that it was her.
She thought I should be fine with that, after all it was a second marriage for both of us and we were in our mid 30’s and people don’t really care as much about sex in their mid-30s right? Even before the car accident she had struggled with gastro intestinal issues and other health issues. Then when she had the car crash and became disabled I took care of her and nursed her back to health but now we had a new problem – depression and anxiety as a result of her disability. I say all that to say that on any given day of the week my wife could could have any of these issues that make her have less than zero interest in sex:
1. She never thought sex was very important by her own admission right after we were married.
2. She may be constipated.
3. She may have a headache(did I mention she has migraine headaches)?
4. She may be depressed or have anxiety.
I would say about 5 times a year every thing is right, the stars align and she really enjoys and is into sex – the full treatment(oral sex and all). The rest of the year while she does not flat deny me I get what you call “star fish” sex or a slight variation of that.
I say all that to say a lot of what I write on this blog is from the perspective of a husband who lives with a sexually dysfunctional wife.
I realize my critics will try and blame all my wife’s issues on my belief in headship and how I lead in our marriage. But I can tell you that my wife’s sister who is a believer in Christ would tell you otherwise. She would tell you her sister had many of these issues coming into our marriage and I was not the cause of them. I just didn’t know it till after we were married.
- Dragonfly
October 19, 2015 at 2:49 am
Oh my gosh BGR, I’m so sorry.
Life is so complicated and difficult. It’s amazing you’ve used the trials you’ve been through to help so many people or to counsel them through their own struggles. You’re doing a wonderful job, and I can tell you’ve helped so many (and I’m sure you’ve done even more privately). Just want to encourage you.
- biblicalgenderroles
October 19, 2015 at 3:02 am
Thank you DragonFly.
I can honestly say before the Lord that I hold no bitterness toward my wife now. I did for a while after we were first married. But then the Lord reminded me that one sin never justifies another. And being bitter at someone is like taking poison expecting the other person to die. The Lord has used this trial with my second wife and her sexual dysfunctionality in the same way he used my first wife’s adulterous affairs. We can either come through these trials learning what God wants us to and growing from them or we can become bitter and useless to God.
I choose the former in both trials. God used my divorce to help other men and I became friends with several men from my divorce support group and eventually one of them accepted Christ as his savior through my witness to him. Literally that man may have never came to Christ if he and I did not share the common bond of our wives both cheating on us. God can use anything for his good, if we let him.
I am thankful to God how many lives he has allowed me to touch through this ministry. I pray it will be many more. My experiences with both my first and second wife have allowed me a perspective that some men could never truly know(if they have a wife that fully embraced her Biblical role as a wife) and it helps me to be able to come along side of men that struggle with these issues of sexual dysfunctionality, infidelity or just plain lack of submission and be able to truly tell them “brother I have walked in your shoes, God can be there for you if you let him”.
A lot of why I do this as well is for my own 4 sons. I have 5 children(4 sons and a daughter) and I am very close with all of them. I want them to have happy fulfilling marriages and despite the issues I have faced in both my marriages I still believe that God’s way works and that marriage is still a gift God has given us. I do not teach my son’s to think less of women or be bitter at women because of issues I have faced in both my first and second marriages. I am teaching my sons what to look for a in Biblical wife, and my daughter what to look for in Biblical husband. But I also teach them that even if they do their best to vet their future spouse, there will always be adversity in marriage and God has given us a plan for how to face it.
Thank you for your encouragement.