巴黎警察突袭疑似恐袭主谋居住的郊区公寓楼 两人死亡,七名恐怖嫌疑人被逮捕

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That's when the heads of government in the past are mostly grownups, with Pierre Trudeau as one obvious exception. I am not very optimistic on that respect when Justin is concerned. Well, for good reasons.
Politic direction/interference from the very top will make quite a bit of difference even if the entire force is to be left untouched by the liberals. We have every reason to doubt that Justin has the wisdom/mental power to restrict himself from power grabbing though.

Let's just wait and see.
honestly your eyes shut and your heart wrapped by hatery
That's when the heads of government in the past are mostly grownups, with Pierre Trudeau as one obvious exception. I am not very optimistic on that respect when Justin is concerned. Well, for good reasons.





The question we should ask is, who pulled Canada into that crisis in the first place? Why it was not defused before exploding?

Conservatives had managed to keep Canada safe and peaceful in the past 10 years. A good chance is, the liberals under Trudeau junior will once again lead Canada into a period of chaos. Bad news will be, things will get much worse before getting better this time.
That's when the heads of government in the past are mostly grownups, with Pierre Trudeau as one obvious exception. I am not very optimistic on that respect when Justin is concerned. Well, for good reasons.

您这是写E文回村长吗? 上班不方便写中文吗? 是基督徒,就该如基督徒一样忠实于职业道德,上班时间只做上班的事情。 如果做不到的话,以后就别举着耶稣基督为自己的方便谋福利
您这是写E文回村长吗? 上班不方便写中文吗? 是基督徒,就该如基督徒一样忠实于职业道德,上班时间只做上班的事情。 如果做不到的话,以后就别举着耶稣基督为自己的方便谋福利

To my defense, my job offers me quite a bit of control on my schedule as it is objective-oriented. Nonetheless, I should focus on my work when I am sitting in the office. So, thanks for the reminder and off I go.
The question we should ask is, who pulled Canada into that crisis in the first place? Why it was not defused before exploding?

Conservatives had managed to keep Canada safe and peaceful in the past 10 years. A good chance is, the liberals under Trudeau junior will once again lead Canada into a new crisis. Bad news will be, this one will not end as easily as that one brought about by Trudeau senior.

立国148年,加拿大基本是和平安全的,不止过去那10年。这148年,自由党执政时间更长。"People are never wrong." 这是你的偶像说的。
