最初由 渐渐 发布
DO YOU REALLY? Is that why you were speaking of the Liberals in Saskatchewan in the 70s and gun registration scandal? Following your line of thoughts, do you recall Brian Mulroney or a person by the name of Kim Campbell? Did you recall what they did?
The only worthy politician in Canada is Jean Cherest, I'd love to see him becoming our prime minister. Unfortunately he had to leave the Tories to lead the fight against Quebec separation.
Anyway I didn't care who you are going to vote, however like many voters, I'd like to get the facts staight before voting.
LIBERAL现在的政策用的是当年Mulroney的一整套,有人曾为此写过文章。我不是Brian Mulroney的FAN,但LIBERAL也好不到那里去,连一套自己的经济政策都出不了台。Kim Campbell其实什么也没有作,她要显示一点能左右局势的模样,恐怕还在台上呢。
当Jean Cherest加入LIBERAL时,的确让人佩服。只是看上去有激情的人不一定就能搞好经济,他究竟怎样,还需要时间。而Joe Clarke 早在70年代就表明诚实也坐不稳加拿大总理的位置。