我有SIN卡的.渥太华的HUMAN RESOURCE在哪儿啊?哪里去换卡,我不知道啊.因为我原来不在这里办卡的.
最初由 仔仔 发布
有没有知道没SIN NUMBE的情况下,能退税呀!我房东说我没SIN NUMBER他就不向GOVERMENT抱税了!谁知道改咋办

u claim the tax by your own, not through landlord, no matter u live in a hourse or an apartment.
最初由 梅子 发布
u claim the tax by your own, not through landlord, no matter u live in a hourse or an apartment.

landlord earn more money, coz, when he rent out the room, the money will consider to be his income. So, if when landlord claim tax return on his property,and not report his earning on renting out rooms, he will receive more money back, which is actually your money. So in this way, u can say he cheated on the government and you. Therefore, an advice to everybody, ask you landlord to give your a receipt each month, and claim your tax yourself. Just in case the government will ask you provide statement about your rent, u can give them the receipt, then evrything is fine. If u don;t work right now, it's really nothing to claim but your rent, so it's very easy fill out the form.:)
我问我LANDLORD拿RECEIPT,他问我要what kind of recipt,请梅子说清楚点
最初由 梅子 发布
landlord earn more money, coz, when he rent out the room, the money will consider to be his income. So, if when landlord claim tax return on his property,and not report his earning on renting out rooms, he will receive more money back, which is actually your money. So in this way, u can say he cheated on the government and you. Therefore, an advice to everybody, ask you landlord to give your a receipt each month, and claim your tax yourself. Just in case the government will ask you provide statement about your rent, u can give them the receipt, then evrything is fine. If u don;t work right now, it's really nothing to claim but your rent, so it's very easy fill out the form.:)
I lived in a house before, and my landlady gave me a receipt everytime i pay my rent. Here are some of the things should be on the receipt:

1. Landlord name
2. Full Adress
3. You name
4. Payment(your rent)
5. Date the payment received (date u paid him)
6. Which kind of payment(cheque or cash)
7. Landlord signature (no matter typed or hand-written receipt)
lease is lease, reciept is 收据. 每月你交房租后,房东都因该给你收据,作为证明 是为了 退税后,税局抽查时,要你交房租证名用的。
房东问我typed or hand-written receipt
typed would be better, but it really doesn't matter, as long you have all the info. :)