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这个版本非常不错,男女对唱,Amy Belle的声音中带着哭腔,很动情,这场景有点儿像陈申和刘若英一起唱歌的感觉....



.Rod steward现年71岁,依旧活跃在歌坛,魅力无穷,粉丝无数。
在2005年10月11日,steward接受了好莱坞星光大道给予的2093 号星星....是全世界仅400台法拉利Enzo的其中一位拥有者。

.Rod steward现年71岁,依旧活跃在歌坛,魅力无穷,粉丝无数。
在2005年10月11日,steward接受了好莱坞星光大道给予的2093 号星星....是全世界仅400台法拉利Enzo的其中一位拥有者。


.Rod steward现年71岁,依旧活跃在歌坛,魅力无穷,粉丝无数。
在2005年10月11日,steward接受了好莱坞星光大道给予的2093 号星星....是全世界仅400台法拉利Enzo的其中一位拥有者。

今天听到 rod 的一首 downtown train, 我1992年听到的一首老歌了, 好听. 这首原来也是 tomwaits的原创. 也是精彩的歌词. 跟大家分享一下. 好像tomwaits的歌被人翻唱以后都要比他自己唱的流行. 我以前还翻唱过这首. 今天才是知道, 是老tom写的.

Outside another yellow moon
Punched a hole in the nighttime, yes
I climb through the window and down the street
Shining like a new dime
The downtown trains are full
With all those Brooklyn girls
They try so hard to break out of their little worlds

You wave your hand and they scatter like crows
They have nothing that will ever capture your heart
They're just thorns without the rose
Be careful of them in the dark
Oh if I was the one
You chose to be your only one
Oh baby can't you hear me now

Will I see you tonight
On a downtown train
Every night its just the same
You leave me lonely, now

I know your window and I know it's late
I know your stairs and your doorway
I walk down your street and past your gate
I stand by the light at the four way
You watch them as they fall
They all have heart attacks
They stay at the carnival
But they'll never win you back

Will I see you tonight
On a downtown train
Where Every night its just the same
You leave me lonely
Will I see you tonight
On a downtown train
All of my dreams just fall like rain
All upon on a downtown train

这回是Brooklyn girls. 老tom这歌的特点是情景历历, 镜头感十足, 还有底层生活.
看这段评论, 原创精神的表现之一就是甘愿低调一辈子. 自娱自乐, 让别人娱乐大众去吧.
Waits has never had a Hot 100 hit as an artist, and this is his only song to crack the tally as a songwriter. In 2008, his song "Falling Down" made #121 when it was recorded by Scarlett Johansson. Other popular covers of Waits' songs include "Tom Traubert's Blues" by Rod Stewart, "Jersey Girl" by Bruce Springsteen, and "Ol' 55" by the Eagles.

  • Tom Waits wrote this and was the first to record it. He released it on his 1985 album Rain Dogs, which is one of his most popular and critically acclaimed sets. This song, however, was often derided as one of his more conciliatory efforts. The British music magazine Sounds called it a "conformist AOR song."

    Waits, however, has never set out to write a hit song. With a little polish and a nod to the trends of the day, he could have been more commercially viable, but that's not what he was after. Waits stayed out of the spotlight and gave only sporadic interviews. He rarely talks specifics when it comes to songs, but he summed up this one when he said, "Everybody's on their own road, and I don't know where it’s going."
  • Stewart's manager had him record this as a last-minute addition to Storyteller, a greatest hits album of Stewart's work from 1964-1990. It ended up being a big hit.
  • Stewart told The Guardian, April 19, 2013, that when he hears the right song, he looks for the way to make it a Rod Stewart song. "For instance," he explained, "I'm sure Tom Waits wouldn't mind me saying this - Tom's 'Downtown Train,' I realized there was a melody there in the chorus, and it's beautiful, but he barely gets up and barely gets down to the lower notes, so I took it to the extreme. That was a case where I brought the chorus alive and there have been a couple like that."
  • Stewart wasn't the first to hear the potential in this song and take it into the Hot 100. Patty Smyth, best known as lead singer of the band Scandal, released her cover in 1987 which went to #95.
  • Waits has never had a Hot 100 hit as an artist, and this is his only song to crack the tally as a songwriter. In 2008, his song "Falling Down" made #121 when it was recorded by Scarlett Johansson. Other popular covers of Waits' songs include "Tom Traubert's Blues" by Rod Stewart, "Jersey Girl" by Bruce Springsteen, and "Ol' 55" by the Eagles.
看这段评论, 原创精神的表现之一就是甘愿低调一辈子. 自娱自乐, 让别人娱乐大众去吧.
Waits has never had a Hot 100 hit as an artist, and this is his only song to crack the tally as a songwriter. In 2008, his song "Falling Down" made #121 when it was recorded by Scarlett Johansson. Other popular covers of Waits' songs include "Tom Traubert's Blues" by Rod Stewart, "Jersey Girl" by Bruce Springsteen, and "Ol' 55" by the Eagles.

  • Tom Waits wrote this and was the first to record it. He released it on his 1985 album Rain Dogs, which is one of his most popular and critically acclaimed sets. This song, however, was often derided as one of his more conciliatory efforts. The British music magazine Sounds called it a "conformist AOR song."

    Waits, however, has never set out to write a hit song. With a little polish and a nod to the trends of the day, he could have been more commercially viable, but that's not what he was after. Waits stayed out of the spotlight and gave only sporadic interviews. He rarely talks specifics when it comes to songs, but he summed up this one when he said, "Everybody's on their own road, and I don't know where it’s going."
  • Stewart's manager had him record this as a last-minute addition to Storyteller, a greatest hits album of Stewart's work from 1964-1990. It ended up being a big hit.
  • Stewart told The Guardian, April 19, 2013, that when he hears the right song, he looks for the way to make it a Rod Stewart song. "For instance," he explained, "I'm sure Tom Waits wouldn't mind me saying this - Tom's 'Downtown Train,' I realized there was a melody there in the chorus, and it's beautiful, but he barely gets up and barely gets down to the lower notes, so I took it to the extreme. That was a case where I brought the chorus alive and there have been a couple like that."
  • Stewart wasn't the first to hear the potential in this song and take it into the Hot 100. Patty Smyth, best known as lead singer of the band Scandal, released her cover in 1987 which went to #95.
  • Waits has never had a Hot 100 hit as an artist, and this is his only song to crack the tally as a songwriter. In 2008, his song "Falling Down" made #121 when it was recorded by Scarlett Johansson. Other popular covers of Waits' songs include "Tom Traubert's Blues" by Rod Stewart, "Jersey Girl" by Bruce Springsteen, and "Ol' 55" by the Eagles.
Tom Waits的风格 太阴郁了,估计女性听众都不会太喜欢,热门歌曲很少有特别阴郁悲伤的。
She took all my money
And my best friend
You know the story
Here it comes again

I have no pride
I have no shame
You gotta make it rain
Make it rain

Since you're gone
Deep inside it hurts
I'm just another sad guest
On this dark Earth

I wanna believe
In the mercy of the World again
Make it rain
Make it rain

Night's too quiet
Stretched out alone
I need the whip of thunder
And the winds dark moan

I'm not Abel
I'm just Cain
Open up the Heavens
Make it rain

I'm close to Heaven
Crushed at the gate
They sharpen their knives
On my mistakes

What she done
You can't give it a name
You gotta just make it rain
Make it rain

image: http://static.urx.io/units/web/urx-unit-loader.gif

Yeah -eh

Without her love
Without your kiss
Hell can't burn me
More than this

I'm burning with all this pain
Put out the fire
And make it rain

I'm born to trouble
Born to fate
Inside a promise
I can't escape

It's the same old World
But nothin' looks the same
Make it rain
Make it rain

Gotta make it rain
Make it rain
You've got to
Make it rain
You got to
Make it rain
You got to

I stand alone here
I stand alone here

Make it rain
Make it rain
Make it rain
Read more at http://www.songlyrics.com/tom-waits/make-it-rain-lyrics/#QafKgs3Ocyg6PdLj.99

Don't look back to the days of yesteryear,
You cannot live on in the past,
Don't look back.

And I've known so many people
That still try to live on in the past,
Don't look back, oh no.

And if I could call back all those days of yesteryear,
I would never grow old and I'd never be poor,
But darlin', those days are gone, oh yeah.

Stop dreaming
And live on in the future,
But darlin', don't look back, oh no,
Don't look back, oh

"Brown Eyed Girl"

Hey, where did we go
Days when the rains came ?
Down in the hollow
Playing a new game,
Laughing and a-running, hey, hey,
Skipping and a-jumping
In the misty morning fog with
Our, our hearts a-thumping
And you, my brown-eyed girl,
You, my brown-eyed girl.

Whatever happened
To Tuesday and so slow
Going down to the old mine with a
Transistor radio.
Standing in the sunlight laughing
Hide behind a rainbow's wall,
Slipping and a-sliding
All along the waterfall
With you, my brown-eyed girl,
You, my brown-eyed girl.

Do you remember when we used to sing
Sha la la la la la la la la la la dee dah
Just like that
Sha la la la la la la la la la la dee dah
La dee dah.

So hard to find my way
Now that I'm all on my own.
I saw you just the other day,
My, how you have grown!
Cast my memory back there, Lord,
Sometime I'm overcome thinking about
Making love in the green grass
Behind the stadium
With you, my brown-eyed girl,
You, my brown-eyed girl.

Do you remember when we used to sing
Sha la la la la la la la la la la dee dah
Laying in the green grass
Sha la la la la la la la la la la dee dah
Dee dah dee dah dee dah dee dah dee dah dee
Sha la la la la la la la la la la la la
Dee dah la dee dah la dee dah la


Once there were greenfields kissed by the sun;
Once there were valleys where rivers used to run;
Once there was blue sky with white clouds high above;
Once they were part of an everlasting love.
We were the lovers who strolled through greenfields.

Greenfields are gone now, parched by the sun;
Gone from the valleys where rivers used to run;
Gone with the cold wind that swept into my heart;
Gone with the lovers who let their dreams depart.
Where are the greenfields that we used to roam?

I'll never know what made you run away.
How can I keep searching when dark clouds hide the day?
I only know there's nothing here for me,
Nothing in this wide world left for me to see.

But I'll keep on waitin' 'til you return.
I'll keep on waiting until the day you learn
You can't be happy while your heart's on the roam.
You can't be happy until you bring it home,
Home to the greenfields and me once again.

Once there were greenfields kissed by the sun;
Once there were valleys where rivers used to run;
Once there was blue sky with white clouds high above;
Once they were part of an everlasting love.
We were the lovers who strolled through greenfields.

Greenfields are gone now, parched by the sun;
Gone from the valleys where rivers used to run;
Gone with the cold wind that swept into my heart;
Gone with the lovers who let their dreams depart.
Where are the greenfields that we used to roam?

I'll never know what made you run away.
How can I keep searching when dark clouds hide the day?
I only know there's nothing here for me,
Nothing in this wide world left for me to see.

But I'll keep on waitin' 'til you return.
I'll keep on waiting until the day you learn
You can't be happy while your heart's on the roam.
You can't be happy until you bring it home,
Home to the greenfields and me once again.