为国家祷告:川普总统圣诞致辞 - 政权担在祂(主耶稣)肩头上

What you sow is what you reap.

ISIS claims responsibility for Ariana Grande concert attack - Fox News


Dear XXX,

Last year, when I announced my decision to run for the leadership of our party, nobody gave me a chance. "Canadians who believe in the sanctity of life, traditional marriage and the natural family are too few, and too weak, to make a difference,” said the media elites and political commentators from all backgrounds and parties.

I knew they were wrong.

I knew that parents were tired of being told how to lead their families and raise their children.

I knew that – like you – most Canadians believe in protecting the pre-born.

Contrary to the self-serving narrative of the liberal, left-wing media, I knew that Canadians who care about families, seniors and children would support a candidate who was not afraid to speak out in their defence and stand up for their principles.

Together, we were proven correct.

From the beginning, I defied the media elites, campaigning proudly and openly about these and other topics other candidates were afraid to address.

Thousands of Canadians decided to stand shoulder to shoulder with me. Together, we didn’t just fight for a big tent party. We fought for a big conservative tent that champions seniors, families and children – including the pre-born. We fought for a party that doesn’t just welcome new Canadians, but one that respects the deeply held values that New Canadians hold and cherish.

Together, we achieved these goals.

For some of you, I was not your first choice. But however you ranked me on your ballot, the fact that I finished fourth in this race – far ahead of where I was predicted to finish – sends a signal loud and clear that pro-life, pro-traditional marriage and pro-family voters are no longer willing to be taken for granted, especially by the Conservative Party.

My pledge to you going forward is as follows.

I will continue to fight for seniors, families and children. I will continue to defend the rights of parents and I will continue to stand up for life, from conception to natural death.

But I won’t be able to do it without your ongoing support.

Please take a minute to make a tax-deductible contribution to my campaign fund. Your support will not just ensure that all remaining expenses are paid. It will also strengthen me and assist me in honouring my pledge. Remember, you can give up to $1550 to a leadership campaign in 2017 above and beyond what you may have contributed to the part or an EDA. To give now, click on the button below and follow the simple, online instruction.

Thank you all again and I look forward to continuing to work with you all in defence of our cause in the future.

Yours truly,
Brad Trost M.P.
Time to Get Behind Our New Leader

Dear XXX,

What a race!

What a convention!

I thought it would be wise to give you at least one full day to give you time to recover from the tension and excitement of last Saturday’s blockbuster event before sending a post-leadership email. I know I needed the time to relax and recharge a bit.

I want to thank each of you for all you did to make this leadership election the success that it was. Whether you volunteered, donated or simply cast a ballot in support of your preferred candidate, the credit for an amazing race belongs to you.

Running to lead the Party of Sir John A. MacDonald and Stephen Harper -- the Party of Canadian Confederation -- is one of the greatest honours and thrills of my life.

I want to thank all of you who voted for me, wherever you ranked me on your ballot.

And for those who did not vote for me, thank you for being a part of this important process, and for the respect you demonstrated throughout the campaign for me, my campaign team and my supporters.

Finally, and most importantly, I want to congratulate our new Leader, Andrew Scheer, and urge all of you to join me in getting behind him as together we begin the task of building the team and platform that will save Canada from four more years of Justin Trudeau and his radical liberal agenda.

Yours truly,
Brad Trost M.P.

P.S.: Now that we’ve all crossed the finish line, let’s all demonstrate our commitment to fiscal conservative principles by chipping in and making sure that no candidate finishes this race in debt, and no candidate ’s campaign expenses remain unpaid. You can help me by clicking on the button below and making a tax-deductible contribution of just $50 to my campaign fund, or you can help another candidate of your choice by visiting their website and donating there. Remember, you can donate an aggregate amount of $1550 to one or more leadership campaigns in 2017 above the limit you can contribute to a political party or Electoral District Association (EDA).

位于亚省爱民顿东南面的金曼(Kingman)基石基督教学校(Cornerstone Christian Academy)表示,担心教育局禁止学生读学生手册内的部分《圣经》经文。巴特尔河(Battle River)教育局的学务委员解释,该等经文可能牴触了亚省《人权法》。

该教育局发言人哈钦森(Diane Hutchinson)指,学校有责任要遵守亚省《学校法》及《人权法》。为此,当局计划在周四开会讨论这事。

基石基督教学校协会校董会主席马盖尔(Deanna Margel)称,该校忧虑教育局规定学校可以教导学生哪些《圣经》经文及哪些不可以,例如《哥林多前书》中的经文“你们岂不知不义的人不能承受上帝的国吗?不要自欺!无论是淫乱的、拜偶像的、奸淫的、作娈童的、亲男色的”,以及《加拉太书》中的经文“肉体的行为是清清楚楚的,它们就是:通奸、淫乱、污秽及好色”。

