控方律师Monika Rahman两天前出招反击了,周末有空继续扯蛋。
1. Meng's legal team accused the Americans of deliberately misleading the court by omitting key facts that undermine their case.
看Monika Rahman接招:the actions of the prosecutors seeking to render Meng to the United States should not be "
questioned lightly."
the requesting state has acted honourably, fairly and reasonably throughout these proceedings
2. Lawyers for Meng Wanzhou argue U.S. was '
selective' in disclosure of information。
律师选择出示对自己当事人有利的证据,对不利的证据装聋作哑,我不觉US was selective 有什么大问题,只要不是说谎。
Monika Rahman接招: The record of the case is a summary of the allegations,A summary, by its nature, is a
selection。Monika Rahman 大方承认是selection, 又讽刺了Mona Duckett 不做summary,将一大堆证据交给法庭,是浪费法庭资源。
3. Rahman 又说控方与辩方对证据坦率保持高度一致 Crown was in "substantial agreement" with the defence about the duty for candour, 控方有责任出示任何证据帮助孟打赢官司。prosecutors would be obliged to disclose anything that could "destroy" or "very seriously undermine" the record of the case.
Rahman是孟的对手,这磕唠的,成了我坚定地on your side 帮你,还幽了一默,"Does that assist my lady?"
Rahman矫情了,"Somewhat," Holmes answered
Monika Rahman的表现,大气,睿智,幽默,
Mona Duckett成了挨欺负的祥林嫂。
查了一下两人的职业背景,Mona Duckett专与刑事案件,Monika Rahman专与宪政和人权,Mona Duckett应该擅长用证据做文章,接手了这个案子有点儿不对路。像是一个拳击高手去打MMA比赛,拳头(汇丰证据)舞得虎虎生风,结果被人家轻轻抬腿点了一下腹部直接破功(rejected)。怨不得Mona Duckett输得气急败坏,输不起骂街就不好看了。
法官在拒绝汇丰证据时还提到了,In her ruling, the judge said some of the HSBC documents "do appear to directly contradict statements or summaries" provided by the U.S., showing them to be "potentially
unreliable and perhaps manifestly so."
其实这是在暗示孟说谎,所以新证据unreliable。孟一开始否认与星通的关系,汇丰证据现在显示了the relationship between Huawei and Skycom as "controllable." Holmes不好直说孟说谎,用美国婉转了一下。
Holmes对于不采用汇丰证据还提到了一点,我现在查不到source 了,大意是法制,公正,社会公平,伦理层面,孟是有钱人,能从汇丰拿到东西,如果采用了,对无法拿到证据的穷人不公平。我不确认我的解读,欢迎各位拍砖。