

(2020-03-27 19:50:55)下一个






本来欧洲白人到了美洲发现印第安人时误以为到了印度,可华工大批量进入北美当苦力后,白人普遍看到了土著印第安人其实就是黄种人,跟华工一模一样。“东亚病夫”有其印第安人是病夫的说法在前,当白人发现两家是一回事后,对东亚病夫黄种人的看法便深入骨髓。当新冠病毒在中国肆虐时,欧美人都清楚新冠病毒就是萨斯一类蝙蝠冠状病毒,自然认为那是矮小、懦弱的黄种人害怕的病毒,到了西方人身上,就是流感而已。你去读润涛阎旧作便知,当年川普在面对华人川粉们租飞机给他拉广告时的表情:彻头彻尾地看不起的眼神。这也有身高的因素,川普对身边要求跟他合影的华人川粉们,只能是俯视,因为川普身材高大魁梧,身边的华人单薄矮小。要知道,高大魁梧的男人天然就有身高自豪感。这与哪个民族无关。尽管金三胖体重大,可他毕竟身高无法跟川普相提并论,川普最早骂金三胖的用语就是“小火箭人”,里边加上火箭二字是区别于其他人,他用的英文是“little rocket man”,西方人都明白其着重点在 little上。








一个新的致病细菌或病毒被科学家发现,如果是被单个科学家发现的,那以此科学家命名此细菌或病毒是对此人的尊重并有纪念意义。阿兹海默病,即老年痴呆症,就是医生 Alzheimer的名字。以人名命名的疾病多得是。码尔他熱 Malta fever、伊波拉病毒 Ebola virus, 拉沙病毒Lassa arenavirus 等无数病毒则是以地名命名的。伊波拉是非洲的一条河(尼日利亚),其名声远比不上黄河、密西西比河、尼罗河、恒河、多瑙河、湄公河、亚马逊河、长江等名河,最多跟海河、淮河一类只有本国人或各国地质学家知道,然而今天,伊波拉河的知名度可以跟上述世界名河相提并论了,甚至知道伊波拉河的人要比知道密西西比河、黄河的人还多。





一个已经叫响了的名字,改名后,需要很久的时间才能被接受。因为习惯原因。比如,Peking University,北大,早就在70年代(具体哪一年,我没查)改名为Beijing University,然而,国际上都以为Peking University跟Beijing University不是同一所大学,万般无奈,中国政府后来又改回去了,至今还是用Peking University

同理,武汉肺炎,武汉病毒,被中国政府的最高媒体广泛宣传后,在海外的英文里也是用 wuhan 表明。海外华人也就跟着用武汉肺炎、武汉病毒的称呼。后来中国政府对此自己定的原名继续被海外应用而恼怒。这有政治的原因,但民间并非如此。搞病毒、生物学、医学领域的科学家很难突然间改变疾病与病毒的名字,是担心说的不是同一疾病或病毒。也有习惯的因素在里边。就好比Peking University 和Beijing airport,用的不是同样的拼音,其实是同一个北京市。可改过来还是非常困难的。

我相信,Covid-19被广泛接受代替了wuhan coronavirus后,尤其是媒体的报道,会让武汉这个地名在新冠病毒的称呼上消失。这有一个过程,人们逐渐会改过来。从科学家角度,这改过来与政治毫无关系。至于政治家们的言论与争吵,那是另外一回事。科学家们是从中国官方的命名上得到的疾病与病毒名称,就是代号而已。





3 hr 3 min ago
Study finds interventions have saved tens of thousands of lives in 11 European countries
From CNN’s Tim Lister

Veronique de Viguerie/Getty Images

Veronique de Viguerie/Getty Images

A large-scale study has found that early interventions, such as social distancing and severe restrictions on peoples’ movement, have been critical in restraining the spread of coronavirus and have already saved tens of thousands of lives across Europe.

Scientists at Imperial College London studied interventions in 11 European countries, and concluded that they “have together had a substantial impact on transmission.” They estimate “that interventions across all 11 countries will have averted 59,000 deaths up to 31 March.”
The Imperial College researchers estimate that in Italy 38,000 deaths have been averted (as of March 31 that is nearly four times the number of deaths recorded); and in Spain 16,000 – compared to a situation in which restrictions had not been introduced. In Italy’s case, they say, “despite mounting pressure on health systems, interventions have averted a health care catastrophe.”
The researchers caution against relaxing restrictions, saying that “many more deaths will be averted through ensuring that interventions remain in place until transmission drops to low levels.” And they warn, “for most of the countries considered here it remains too early to be certain that recent interventions have been effective.”
The Imperial College group also believes that the number of positively identified cases of coronavirus is probably much smaller than the overall rate of infection. “We estimate that there have been many more infections than are currently reported,” they say, “due to the focus on testing in hospital settings rather than in the community.”
In Italy, their results suggest that 5.9 million people had been infected as of March 28, or 9.8% of the population. For Spain, they believe 15% of the population has been infected.

The study does warn that “many interventions have occurred only recently, and their effects have not yet been fully observed due to the time lag between infection and death.” Germany, for example, is estimated to have one of the lowest "attack rates" at 0.7%, with 600,000 people infected. But it is at an earlier stage in coronavirus spread than Spain or Italy.
Across the 11 countries, the researchers estimate an average "attack" or infection rate of 4.9%, which they say implies “that the populations in Europe are not close to herd immunity.”
But they strike a note of hope in their conclusions, saying: “we cannot say for certain that the current measures have controlled the epidemic in Europe; however, if current trends continue, there is reason for optimism.”







3 hr 2 min ago
Proportion of Covid-19 deaths in British nursing care homes increases
From CNN's Lauren Kent

A nurse puts on personal protective equipment (PPEclothing behind closed doors in the red zone.at the Wren Hall care home in Nottingham, Monday, April 20, 2020,

A nurse puts on personal protective equipment (PPEclothing behind closed doors in the red zone.at the Wren Hall care home in Nottingham, Monday, April 20, 2020, Frank Augstein/AP

The proportion of all coronavirus related deaths in nursing care homes and private homes in England and Wales is increasing, according to the UK's Office for National Statistics (ONS).

Meanwhile the proportion of deaths occurring in hospitals in England and Wales is decreasing.

In the week ending May 1, deaths in care homes made up 35.7% of all coronavirus deaths, but that percentage has since increased.
"In the most recent days, the proportion of deaths occurring in care homes has accounted for 40.4% of all deaths involving Covid-19," an ONS report, released Tuesday, states.
The most recent ONS data available shows that 68.5% of Covid-19 deaths in England and Wales, registered up to May 1, occurred in hospitals, with the remainder mainly occurring in care homes, private homes and hospices.

Despite the proportion of deaths in care homes increasing, the overall number of coronavirus related deaths in the facilities decreased for the week ending May 1. Among all deaths in nursing care homes reported that week, 38.7% involved coronavirus.

Boris Johnson's government has been heavily criticised over the spread of coronavirus in care homes.
如果社会对老人采用这种冷漠, 那么势必掀起年轻世代拼命攒钱, 放弃社会责任, 只能顾自己积累财富, 以换取起码的养老安全.

西方社会有可能从此走向混乱和彻底的道德荒漠. 社会结构将受到重创. 不是玩笑.
''群体免疫" 的英语原文是 herd immunity,原本并不是针对人群、而是针对畜群的。据说在此次疫情之前,全世界仅有人曾对畜群做过试验,而对人群从未做过试验,后果会如何没人知道。
''群体免疫" 的英语原文是 herd immunity,原本并不是针对人群、而是针对畜群的。据说仅对畜群做过试验,而对人群从未做过试验,后果会如何没人知道。
RNA 病毒變異快,現在已經在印度與非洲剛果出現兩個變異程度較大的品種。但願傳染力不強。
RNA 病毒變異快,現在已經在印度與非洲剛果出現兩個變異程度較大的品種。但願傳染力不強。


3 hr 33 min ago
Only 5% of people in Spain have coronavirus antibodies, government study suggests
From CNN's Mia Alberti, Al Goodman, and Claudia Rebaza

A doctor takes a coronavirus antibody test on April 30 in Sevilla, Spain.

A doctor takes a coronavirus antibody test on April 30 in Sevilla, Spain. Luna Flores/Europa Press/Getty Images

Only 5% of people in Spain have developed coronavirus antibodies so far, according to preliminary results of an epidemiological study by the government, which were announced on Wednesday evening.
"These results are very far from us being able to say there is herd immunity. There could be a second wave of infections, we don’t know what is going to happen,” said Dr. Marina Pollán, Director of the National Epidemiology Center, during a press conference late Wednesday.
The study also revealed that 87% of all participants who have tested positive using the PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) for Covid-19 had developed antibodies.

The preliminary results of the study show the prevalence of antibodies is higher in people who said they had more than five symptoms of coronavirus (14.7%) than in people who said they had just three to five symptoms (8%). The study still has two more rounds of tests to conduct.

"Those people that reported a sudden loss of sense of smell, among them the prevalence [of antibodies] was 43%. Overall, of all positives we found in the study, 26% are people with no symptoms", Pollán added.

Pollán also said the study detected a five times bigger presence of antibodies in the populations of the territories with the most coronavirus cases, such as in Spain’s capital Madrid, compared to areas with fewer cases. The data also shows the level of antibodies was very "similar in men and women" and among adults.

The study is based on 60,983 participants, who are a representative sample of the population. They are split into two groups across Spain for the search of antibodies.

Spain, one of the hardest-hit countries in the world by coronavirus, has been under a state of emergency since March 14. As infection rates have declined, the government is slowly lifting strict home confinement, in some parts of the country. It is looking to this study to help guide its future re-opening of activities and the economy, officials have said.
51 min ago

Sweden says 7.3% of Stockholm's population developed coronavirus antibodies

From CNN's Niamh Kennedy
Sweden has said 7.3% of people
in its capital Stockholm had developed the antibodies needed to fight coronavirus by late April.

The statistic is the first published finding of the country’s study into the antibody levels of its population.

Sweden’s chief epidemiologist Anders Tegnell said the number was a “little lower” than expected “but not remarkably lower, maybe one or a couple of percent."

"It squares pretty well with the models we have” he added, while speaking at a news conference in Stockholm.
The study was carried out to determine the potential herd immunity in the Swedish population. It was based on 1,118 tests carried out in one week. Sweden's Public Health Authority aims to carry out the same number of tests every seven days over an eight-week period.

Results from other regions would be released later, a Public Health Authority spokesperson said.

Sweden adopted a different strategy to other Nordic nations, choosing to keep most schools, restaurants and bars open in a bid to strengthen herd immunity. This has culminated in one of the highest death rates per capita in Europe.
Sweden says 7.3% of Stockholm's population developed coronavirus antibodies
Spain, one of the hardest-hit countries in the world by coronavirus, has been under a state of emergency since March 14. As infection rates have declined, the government is slowly lifting strict home confinement, in some parts of the country. It is looking to this study to help guide its future re-opening of activities and the economy, officials have said.
50 min ago

5% of antibody tests in the UK are positive, Health Secretary says
From CNN’s Vasco Cotovio

An antibody fingertip test for the detection of COVID-19 is conducted on a patient in London on May, 21.

An antibody fingertip test for the detection of COVID-19 is conducted on a patient in London on May, 21. Yui Mok/PA Wire/AP

Around 5% United Kingdom antibody tests are positive, UK Health Secretary Matt Hancock said during a daily briefing on Thursday, citing to a surveillance study conducted by the UK Government.

According to Hancock, the UK government’s antibody surveillance study has also shown that the percentage that tested positive for coronavirus antibodies in London is higher at 17%.
The study "has told us that around 17% of people in London and around 5% or higher in the rest of the country have tested positive for coronavirus antibodies,” Hancock said.
The Swiss multinational healthcare company, Roche, as well as the American multinational medical devices and health care company, Abbott, will supply the UK government with 10 million coronavirus antibody tests, Hancock said.
16 min ago
1 in 3 people in Colorado are contagious, governor says
From CNN's Hollie SIlverman

Colorado Governor Jared Polis makes a point during a news conference to update the state's efforts to stop the rise of the new coronavirus on Wednesday, May 20, in Denver.

Colorado Governor Jared Polis makes a point during a news conference to update the state's efforts to stop the rise of the new coronavirus on Wednesday, May 20, in Denver. David Zalubowski/AP

One in three people in Colorado are contagious, Gov. Jared Polis said during a briefing on Thursday.

Polis said there are now 34 free coronavirus testing sites available across the state and encouraged residents to take advantage of them.

Denver city and county currently has the ability to test 1,000 people a day, Mayor Michael Hancock said during the briefing.

The state has also formalized a partnership with Colorado State University to complete testing for staff and residents in up to 30 nursing facilities, the governor announced.