从有关一篇华尔街邮报华人被怀疑,排挤,打击的文章,进而想到我们华人应如何庄严的投下我们的选票: 永远投自由党.


就像我对 @ztbll 网友仇恨土豆和自由党感到有点好笑,但我尊重他投票时的选择
在Justin Trudeau以前,楼主这个道理很对,凡是能用钱解决的问题都不是问题,投自由党就是花钱买平安。
但是现在的情况是Justin Trudeau领导下的自由党成了反华急先锋,在反华方面自由党已经冲到保守党前面去了,并且要要领先,这个形势下不能刻舟求剑了。

就连左左(美国民主党,加自由党)在没有硝烟的环境中都这样了,还有中裔美国人,加拿大人选右右政党(美国共和党,加保守党)。 脑壳一定是被夹坏了。就为了少交点税,或上厕所时方便些或"安全"些? 亦或是自己的小孩今后还有名校可上,凡此种种,不胜枚举。

从自身根本长远利益来说,我永远投自由党(有一到两次还投了新民主党), 不管是我博士期间(博士第二年入籍)收入还不高,到今天衣食无忧,即便今后变成千万富翁,亿万富翁,我是永远的自由党(新民主党)。

即使今天我为Justin Trudeau 的无能无为扼腕叹息,从少数族裔的根本长远利益来说,我还是永远的自由党(新民主党)。


Article courtesy of billwanhua who posts this article earlier in other thread:

Harvard, MIT lose experienced scholars as fear of government surveillance prompts 4 in 10 to consider leaving

HONG KONG—An increasing number of scientists and engineers of Chinese descent are giving up tenured positions at top-tier American universities to leave for China or elsewhere, in a sign of the U.S.’s fading appeal for a group that has been a driver of innovation.

The trend, driven in part by what many of the scholars describe as an increasingly hostile political and racial environment, has caused the Biden administration to work with scholars of Chinese descent to address concerns.

More than 1,400 U.S.-trained Chinese scientists dropped their U.S. academic or corporate affiliation for a Chinese one in 2021, a 22% jump from the previous year, according to data gathered by researchers from Princeton University, Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The data, to be published by the advocacy group Asian American Scholar Forum on Friday, is based on changes to the addresses listed under authors’ names in academic journals.
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Chinese scientists trained in the U.S. have returned to China in increasing numbers over the past two decades as the country has grown more affluent and gained stature as a center of scientific research. In the past decade, China has tried to recruit top researchers through talent programs, but historically the majority elected to stay in the U.S.
Departures from the U.S. rose sharply starting in 2020, however, when the Covid-19 pandemic coincided with an increase in criminal cases filed against academics under the China Initiative, a Trump-era Justice Department program intended to counter national security threats from China.

President Biden’s Justice Department said it would stop pursuing new cases under the China Initiative in February, following a series of failed prosecutions and complaints of racial profiling, but some scientists of Chinese descent said they still feel as though suspicions are being directed toward them and fear that will continue as long as relations between the U.S. and China remain tense.

任何政党的思想意识,体系(Ideology)和政纲(Political Platform)是不会因为任何一个党的领导人的改变而发生本质的改变。另外没有人会喜欢生活在一个专制没有人权保障的国家的。 但是, 自从唐纳德川普上台以来,西方国家至今仍然方兴未艾的排外,仇外思潮(xenophobia)和麦卡锡主义(McCarthyism)已经犹如毒瘤危害极大。大家不得不警醒!


理由见上。在你能找出一个重要政党,它有比自由党更有利于中裔加拿大人的生活的思想意识,体系(Ideology)和政纲(Political Platform)后,我就把永远二字去除。

Best wishes for whatever you do!
任何政党的思想意识,体系(Ideology)和政纲(Political Platform)是不会因为任何一个党的领导人的改变而发生本质的改变。另外没有人会喜欢生活在一个专制没有人权保障的国家的。 但是, 自从唐纳德川普上台以来,西方国家至今仍然方兴未艾的排外,仇外思潮(xenophobia)和麦卡锡主义(McCarthyism)已经犹如毒瘤危害极大。大家不得不警醒!

任何政党的思想意识,体系(Ideology)和政纲(Political Platform)是不会因为任何一个党的领导人的改变而发生本质的改变。另外没有人会喜欢生活在一个专制没有人权保障的国家的。 但是, 自从唐纳德川普上台以来,西方国家至今仍然方兴未艾的排外,仇外思潮(xenophobia)和麦卡锡主义(McCarthyism)已经犹如毒瘤危害极大。大家不得不警醒!


理由见上。在你能找出一个重要政党,它有比自由党更有利于中裔加拿大人的生活的思想意识,体系(Ideology)和政纲(Political Platform)后,我就把永远二字去除。

我感觉保守党更有强权特色。当年哈珀搞了个博士生奖学金免税,大学跟进此税务新政给博士生发了T2202A,过了大概两年吧,哈珀说博士生拿那么多钱不交税是不对的,CRA开始叫奖学金较多的博士生补交前两年的税款加利息。按说税务政策改变没得话说,但是一句话就翻脸不认自己之前的税务政策,就太强权霸道了。那一时期,tax court成堆博士生跟CRA的官司。
我感觉保守党更有强权特色。当年哈珀搞了个博士生奖学金免税,大学跟进此税务新政给博士生发了T2202A,过了大概两年吧,哈珀说博士生拿那么多钱不交税是不对的,CRA开始叫奖学金较多的博士生补交前两年的税款加利息。按说税务政策改变没得话说,但是一句话就翻脸不认自己之前的税务政策,就太强权霸道了。那一时期,tax court成堆博士生跟CRA的官司。

就连左左(美国民主党,加自由党)在没有硝烟的环境中都这样了,还有中裔美国人,加拿大人选右右政党(美国共和党,加保守党)。 脑壳一定是被夹坏了。就为了少交点税,或上厕所时方便些或"安全"些? 亦或是自己的小孩今后还有名校可上,凡此种种,不胜枚举。

从自身根本长远利益来说,我永远投自由党(有一到两次还投了新民主党), 不管是我博士期间(博士第二年入籍)收入还不高,到今天衣食无忧,即便今后变成千万富翁,亿万富翁,我是永远的自由党(新民主党)。

即使今天我为Justin Trudeau 的无能无为扼腕叹息,从少数族裔的根本长远利益来说,我还是永远的自由党(新民主党)。


Article courtesy of billwanhua who posts this article earlier in other thread:

Harvard, MIT lose experienced scholars as fear of government surveillance prompts 4 in 10 to consider leaving

HONG KONG—An increasing number of scientists and engineers of Chinese descent are giving up tenured positions at top-tier American universities to leave for China or elsewhere, in a sign of the U.S.’s fading appeal for a group that has been a driver of innovation.

The trend, driven in part by what many of the scholars describe as an increasingly hostile political and racial environment, has caused the Biden administration to work with scholars of Chinese descent to address concerns.

More than 1,400 U.S.-trained Chinese scientists dropped their U.S. academic or corporate affiliation for a Chinese one in 2021, a 22% jump from the previous year, according to data gathered by researchers from Princeton University, Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The data, to be published by the advocacy group Asian American Scholar Forum on Friday, is based on changes to the addresses listed under authors’ names in academic journals.
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Chinese scientists trained in the U.S. have returned to China in increasing numbers over the past two decades as the country has grown more affluent and gained stature as a center of scientific research. In the past decade, China has tried to recruit top researchers through talent programs, but historically the majority elected to stay in the U.S.
Departures from the U.S. rose sharply starting in 2020, however, when the Covid-19 pandemic coincided with an increase in criminal cases filed against academics under the China Initiative, a Trump-era Justice Department program intended to counter national security threats from China.

President Biden’s Justice Department said it would stop pursuing new cases under the China Initiative in February, following a series of failed prosecutions and complaints of racial profiling, but some scientists of Chinese descent said they still feel as though suspicions are being directed toward them and fear that will continue as long as relations between the U.S. and China remain tense.
I totally agree with you. Our biggest enemy is our own kind! It's amazing/unthinkable to see those Chinese will vote for Conservative Party which stands for racist and anti-immigration/immigrants in general, and yet there are plenty/many of them in Canada. More amazingly, those folks are actually helping to support them with funds plus helping them to spread misinformation from anti-China/Chinese which in result hurting Chinese in Canada in general to Anti-vaxx and etc like you see on this board and many other Chinese message boards in Canada! Those folks have no idea that in majority white people eyes, there are only white and non-white, non-white is always outsider! We have used to be facing discrimination and still, but recently we have to add "Asian Hate" too which is violence against all Asian people not just Chinese, thanks for all brainwashed folks! Think about our own interests and act accordingly!
I totally agree with you. Our biggest enemy is our own kind! It's amazing/unthinkable to see those Chinese will vote for Conservative Party which stands for racist and anti-immigration/immigrants in general, and yet there are plenty/many of them in Canada. More amazingly, those folks are actually helping to support them with funds plus helping them to spread misinformation from anti-China/Chinese which in result hurting Chinese in Canada in general to Anti-vaxx and etc like you see on this board and many other Chinese message boards in Canada! Those folks have no idea that in majority white people eyes, there are only white and non-white, non-white is always outsider! We have used to be facing discrimination and still, but recently we have to add "Asian Hate" too which is violence against all Asian people not just Chinese, thanks for all brainwashed folks! Think about our own interests and act accordingly!
同意你的观点 Conservative Party which stands for racist and anti-immigration/immigrants in genera