[转贴] 愤怒-行动: 魁北克大学要取消所有英文项目管理和MBA的Programs!!!

Re: 安省没有这些 programs,这些专业加拿大只有一,两所大学有


语言是我的弱项, 我英语都还没有学好呢, 学什么法语, 所以我是不会去 Quebec

我的意思是说, 人家连路牌都不写英文的地方, 你去了就要有思想准备.

有多少在 Quebec 读完然后就离开的,人家觉得这样不划算,不打算跟你玩下去, 你也不用又哭又闹的, 回到安省读不就行了吗?

最初由 coconut 发布


并且,UQO原来开辟这些用英语授课的专业快10年了,当时肯定是经过详细考虑的长期战略,现在说取消马上就取消,3个星期作出final decision,太欠考虑了.故其中应有些原因我们不得而知

就加拿大这办事效率, 下个猴年给决定吧
Re: Re: 安省没有这些 programs,这些专业加拿大只有一,两所大学有

最初由 孤星夜雨 发布

语言是我的弱项, 我英语都还没有学好呢, 学什么法语, 所以我是不会去 Quebec

我的意思是说, 人家连路牌都不写英文的地方, 你去了就要有思想准备.

有多少在 Quebec 读完然后就离开的,人家觉得这样不划算,不打算跟你玩下去, 你也不用又哭又闹的, 回到安省读不就行了吗?

well,I am not going to argue with you any more, it is just a time consuming, now we have a lot of important things waiting us to do, in fact,I will graduate very soon,it may not affect me, but everybody should fight for their rights if they get an unfair treatment.
最初由 itflyer 发布





:flaming: :flaming: :flaming: :flaming:

CFC中文网 - www.comefromchi
最初由 chineseman 发布


魁大不只有英语的MBA,还有CMA, PM(PROJECT MANAGEMENT),目前,魁大是唯一提供英语PM MASTER DEGREE的加拿大大学。如果取消了,加拿大就没有英语的PM MASTER可以读了。

不好意思,不是想反驳Caohaoying, 只是澄清一下事实。谢谢Caohaoying 的关注

Their funding may come form the government. but this is not the
reason they have to provide English program. Most of the universities
here only have English program but they too receive funding from
government. If you were right, we should ask UT to provide Chinese
program. Since 30% of the citizens in Toronto speak Chinese.
I think provide English service only to 150 people is not cost
efficient, this is their reason to cancel the programs.
最初由 gdntfrank 发布

Their funding may come form the government. but this is not the
reason they have to provide English program. Most of the universities
here only have English program but they too receive funding from
government. If you were right, we should ask UT to provide Chinese
program. Since 30% of the citizens in Toronto speak Chinese.
I think provide English service only to 150 people is not cost
efficient, this is their reason to cancel the programs.

我同意这个观点。另外一个可能是本地市场对魁大的英语PM Master需求不高,毕竟学生还是太少,硬撑着提供英语服务恐怕已经让魁大入不敷出。市场决定一切。现在国内的大学也是这样的。以后中国人如果想读的话,可以学他们的法语program,不至于完全断了国人的路。
最初由 gdntfrank 发布

...If you were right, we should ask UT to provide Chinese
program. Since 30% of the citizens in Toronto speak Chinese.

===Hurry up! all the chinese student in UQO!==Soliciting for signature!!!!!!
===Hurry up!==Soliciting for signature!!!!!!
Hi, everyone, a student who has drafted a letter to the rector is soliciting for signatures. Everyone who would like add his/her name to the list please contact him by Dinerliner@aol.com


Could you print the letter and show it to all
students in your PM classes? Ask them to contact me to
get their names added to the letter. There are 200
students in the English-language Masters in PM course,
and I am unable to reach most of them. They are all
affected by the proposal.
Thank you for your kind support.

Hugh Scheuerman, PMP
The letter is as follows:

"Letter to Francis Whyte, Rector of UQO (University President) on the proposal titled
'La formation en langues autres que le français à l'Université du Québec en Outaouais'

«La mission universitaire ne peut ni ne doit se contenir dans des limites politiques, géographiques ou culturelles, et il importe que les campus universitaires soient des lieux habités par des personnes provenant de divers horizons.» le vice-recteur d'UQO Denis Dubé dans Le Devoir, 11 janvier 2003

(Translation. The university's mission cannot be and must not be contained inside political, geographical or cultural limits, and it is important that university campuses be places occupied by people coming from diverse horizons.)
(The above quote from the newspaper Le Devoir is from the UQO vice-rector Denis Dubé, the author of this proposal to eliminate English language programs. It is included as an important preamble, reminding him of his quote that the university is part of a larger community. The entire document will be translated into French as well, for presentation to the administrative council.)

We the undersigned, students from the MBA en services financières and the Masters en Gestion des Projets, believe it is a mistake for the Conseil d'Administration à l'UQO to vote for acceptance of the proposal to cancel Masters degree programs in English.
We the undersigned come from diverse backgrounds: either Canadian citizens who live and work in the region, on both sides of the Ottawa River, or foreign students seeking a good education and cultural experience, or landed immigrants working here, studying and raising families. We come from positions of responsibility in the federal government, the banking industry, civic government, foreign governments, the high technology sector, the airline industry, and project management. We are current and future decision-makers for a wide range of organizations.
We have chosen UQO because of its reputation, high level of instruction, and proximity within our community. We have come here to add some tools to our toolbox, and we go out into the larger community when we leave.
We acknowledge that we are attending a francophone university. The council must decide the scope of the mandate of a francophone university, especially one located in the community of Gatineau, adjacent to the city of Ottawa, within the province of Québec, and a vital education provider to employees of the federal government, the banking and financial services sector, the high-technology sector, and other enterprises mentioned above.
The diverse horizons, mentioned in the above quote by the university's vice-rector, seem not to include those who choose part or all of their studies in English. Consider all of the countries represented by your student body, and recognize that some of your students wish either a partial or complete degree program in a language other than French. You risk losing them, their financial contribution to the university, their cultural contribution, and their academic contribution. The list is long of other universities that maintain a national identity, yet manage to provide degree programs and courses in another language.
We also challenge the assertion that services for students in English programs can not be made adequate by reminding the Council of the recent satisfaction studies at UQO showing most (upward of 80%) of those studying in English language programs are satisfied with the quality of administrative services to their program.

If a university must serve the community in which it dwells, then UQO must remain a vital part of its larger community. We challenge the administrative council to define better the community in which you would see this university serving, teaching, and mentoring. A university does not function alone but as part of a larger community. The role of the university is to contribute knowledge, preparation and scholarship to its community.
Which communities? UQO is part of the civic community, the city and region around itself. It is also part of the academic community, contributing to an increase in knowledge and scholarship. It contributes much to the cultural community, to the region on both sides of the river. UQO has a role in the high tech community, and the scientific community as well. The project management community has been well served by UQO in the past. This university is an education provider of note to the federal and civic governments. There are strong ties with the financial services community and the accounting community. Some of those ties may weaken if you vote for the proposal.
The world comes here to study, drawing students from the community, from the region, the province, this country, and other nations. By recoiling, and withdrawing from a larger community into a smaller one and closing the doors to a small but significant constituency, UQO will be the poorer. By closing a door to an identifiable group you are deciding to close ranks, to pull back, and face backwards, away from a part of the world around you. Your community will likely shrink and ties to organizations will weaken, in spite of your efforts to attract replacement students from other communities abroad.
Since many students depend on word of mouth to choose a university for short and long term education, your approval of the proposal faces the genuine risk of having part of the community turn away from UQO as a viable education option. Since we are against your proposal, what shall we say to the organizations we represent and to future students who ask about the quality of education at UQO?

Signed, this 26 day of January, 2004,
最初由 huaxue 发布

最初由 WTY 发布



pls be noticed that it is not just the problem of Chinese students

all students taught in English are angry now and they are taking actions too.Also, as far as I know, almost all of the professors who had taught us oppose this issue, as one of our professors said: how could you be a good business man without good English nowadays?
最初由 lambkin 发布



I perceive that it is a waste of time arguing here, anybody who supports this issue,just take actions,don't waste your time here
Following is the list of the UQO professors' e-mails that I could get through our university's website. I have e-mail all of them to ask for signature support from them.
I think we should get support from the professors, too.
kamel.adi@uqo.ca, alain.albert@uqo.ca, diane.bigras@uqo.ca, manfred.bischoff@uqo.ca, michel.blanchette@uqo.ca, wojtek.bock@uqo.ca, stephane.bouchard@uqo.ca, lucien.boucher@uqo.ca, jacques.boucher@uqo.ca, paul.boudreault@uqo.ca, said.boukendour@uqo.ca, albert.boulet@uqo.ca, monique.bourget@uqo.ca, denis.bourque@uqo.ca, jean-claude.boyer@uqo.ca, louise.briand@uqo.ca, johanne.april@uqo.ca, yao.assogba@uqo.ca, paul-g.aubry@uqo.ca, sebastien-h.azondekon@uqo.ca, nadia.baaziz@uqo.ca, andre.beaucage@uqo.ca, michel.beaudoin@uqo.ca, alain.beaufils@uqo.ca, claude.beauregard@uqo.ca, guy.bellemare@uqo.ca, christiane.benoit@uqo.ca, ilham.benyahia@uqo.ca, réjeanne.bergeron@uqo.ca, ginette.bernier@uqo.ca, denis.brochu@uqo.ca, af.beland@uqo.ca, alain.cadieux@uqo.ca, real.calder@uqo.ca, luc.chaput@uqo.ca, benoit.charbonneau@uqo.ca, alain.charbonneau@uqo.ca, pierre.charron@uqo.ca, marc.charron@uqo.ca, jacques.chevrier@uqo.ca, guy.chiasson@uqo.ca, jacques.clement@uqo.ca, pierre.collerette@uqo.ca, jean-marie.comeau@uqo.ca, louis-georges.cournoyer@uqo.ca, sylvain.coutu@uqo.ca, jurek.czyzowicz@uqo.ca, denyse.cote@uqo.ca, francine.demontigny@uqo.ca, marek.zaremba@uqo.ca, jean-louis.tripp@uqo.ca, jean-francois.tremblay@uqo.ca, daniel.tremblay@uqo.ca, lucille.theoret@uqo.ca, nancy.thede@uqo.ca, genevieve.tardif@uqo.ca, larbi.talbi@uqo.ca, monique.seguin@uqo.ca, marcelle.seguin@uqo.ca, amnon-jacob.suissa@uqo.ca, sid.soussi@uqo.ca, francine.sinclair@uqo.ca, larisa.shavinina@uqo.ca, yamina.sami@uqo.ca, lorraine.savoie@uqo.ca, juan.salazar@uqo.ca, chantal.saint-pierre@uqo.ca, jan.saint-macary@uqo.ca, martin.robitaille@uqo.ca, patrice.renaud@uqo.ca, francine.rancourt@uqo.ca, jean.quirion@uqo.ca, guilheme.perodeau@uqo.ca, ilie.popescu@uqo.ca, gilles.poirier@uqo.ca, joanne.pharand@uqo.ca, andrzej.pelc@uqo.ca, gaetane.payeur@uqo.ca, renaud.paquet@uqo.ca, jean-paul.paquin@uqo.ca, tertulien.ndjountche@uqo.ca, elmustapha.najem@uqo.ca, pierre-paul.morin@uqo.ca, andre.moreau@uqo.ca, rokia.missaoui@uqo.ca, jean-marc.meunier@uqo.ca, louise.mercier@uqo.ca, jocelyn.mercier@uqo.ca, jocelyn.mercier@uqo.ca, christiane.melancon@uqo.ca, martine.mayrand-leclerc@uqo.ca, francine.major@uqo.ca, nicole.mailloux@uqo.ca, rejean.lefebvre@uqo.ca, jean-pierre.levy-mangin@uqo.ca, madeleine.lussier@uqo.ca, luigi.logrippo@uqo.ca, emile.leroux@uqo.ca, jacques-andre.lequin@uqo.ca, sylvain.lemay@uqo.ca, paul.legris@uqo.ca, paul.leducbrowne@uqo.ca, martine.leclerc@uqo.ca, line.leblanc@uqo.ca, charles.leblanc@uqo.ca, suzanne.lavigueur@uqo.ca, normand.laplante@uqo.ca, judith.lapierre@uqo.ca, eric.langlois@uqo.ca, murielle.laberge@uqo.ca, catherine.lanaris@uqo.ca, annick.lambert@uqo.ca, ahmed.lakhsasi@uqo.ca, lizanne.lafontaine@uqo.ca, luc.lacroix@uqo.ca, monique.labrecque@uqo.ca, reynald.labelle@uqo.ca, andre-e.labelle@uqo.ca, tamasmichel.koplyay@uqo.ca, mohammed.khalid@uqo.ca, bernadette.kassi@uqo.ca, bernadette.kassi@uqo.ca, pierre.jocelyn@uqo.ca, michal.iglewski@uqo.ca, manon.hebert@uqo.ca, denis.harrisson@uqo.ca, isabelle.green-demers@uqo.ca, eric.gosselin@uqo.ca, jean.gervais@uqo.ca, jacques-bernard.gauthier@uqo.ca, serge.gagnon@uqo.ca, lucie.frechette@uqo.ca, toussaint.fortin@uqo.ca, helene.forget@uqo.ca, marie.fontaine@uqo.ca, marco.fiola@uqo.ca, michel.filion@uqo.ca, louis.favreau@uqo.ca, georges.farid@uqo.ca, bruno.emond@uqo.ca, karim.elguemhioui@uqo.ca, tinko.eftimov@uqo.ca, sylvain.durocher@uqo.ca, robert.dupre@uqo.ca, andre.durivage@uqo.ca, bernard.dumouchel@uqo.ca, louise.dumas@uqo.ca, diane.dubeau@uqo.ca, andre.dolbec@uqo.ca, jacques.dionne@uqo.ca, annie.devault@uqo.ca, jean-claude.desruisseaux@uqo.ca, jean-pierre.deslauriers@uqo.ca, therese.deslierres@uqo.ca, renaud.decamprieu@uqo.ca, ana-maria.davila-gomez@uqo.ca, joumana.dargham@uqo.ca, ginette.daigneault@uqo.ca, lucie.cote@uqo.ca, denyse.cote@uqo.ca, jurek.czyzowicz@uqo.ca

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