
最初由 孤星夜雨 发布


(1) 国内的职业生命比较短, 三十到四十还可以在工作十年
(2) 四十以后,如果没有自己的事业, 你呆在国内做什么呢?
(3) 四十以后,在加拿大工作的人,比比皆是





其实,入籍是个不错的保障. 因为如果你在国内不用工作能生活的时候,或者有自己的business的时候,有个护照可以方便到出走走,有何不好? 在国内混不下去,也可以回来试一下机会.

我实在看不出入籍有什么坏处. 除非立刻影响你现在的工作. 如果这样,总有其他工作吧.如果连十年后的签证费和路费都算计在内,那也实在是没有什么理想. 在那都一样.








Exactly. Lottery is the only hope.

最初由 孤星夜雨 发布
let's have some positive input

ok, i think it is the time to stope negative but get more and more positive in this point.

i know life is a bitch but you still have to face. the problem of you is that you constantly shifting your strategies that simply make your credit fleeting.

your life will be much better either in China or in Canada as long as you and your LG can hold your bottom line and work hard toward your goals consistently for a long time. The more passion you chip in, the longer you are and, the more important, you TWO hold it, the better the result will be.

i would rather believe of getting a Canadian passport is a minor thing. rather than that you need to know exactly in your deep heart what you want and act upon on it right away. do not think too much of monetary return right now, neither thinking of 30 years later where you will retire. listen, it is not important right now. the more you are worried about those remote things, the less likely that you will pay attention to your current stuff which in return hinder your future.

i have seen tons of people who immigrate from China to live in Canada. Except a few very lucky ones. A lot of them need fight for their existence, their diginity and their social status. To be frank, many people will fail, but as long as you are determined and shrewed implement their strategies of living in a new society, be open and flexible, then, time will prove they will prevail in the end.

I HATE TO ENGAGE any arguement and fight in the bbs beause i firmly believe this is our promble as Chinese. We spent too much time fighting for existence in our society. In our cultural, the only way you win is to set up someone. Here, it just does not work. This is my point, be yourself and set up your goals, do not worry the blames or easily overjoy a tiny achievement, work your ass out for something that is really worthy in your life day in and day out.

i would say by having the true strategy of life is more important of your posting here. i shall see you would smile soon
Re: let's have some positive input

最初由 kentridge 发布
ok, i think it is the time to stope negative but get more and more positive in this point.

i know life is a bitch but you still have to face. the problem of you is that you constantly shifting your strategies that simply make your credit fleeting.

your life will be much better either in China or in Canada as long as you and your LG can hold your bottom line and work hard toward your goals consistently for a long time. The more passion you chip in, the longer you are and, the more important, you TWO hold it, the better the result will be.

i would rather believe of getting a Canadian passport is a minor thing. rather than that you need to know exactly in your deep heart what you want and act upon on it right away. do not think too much of monetary return right now, neither thinking of 30 years later where you will retire. listen, it is not important right now. the more you are worried about those remote things, the less likely that you will pay attention to your current stuff which in return hinder your future.

i have seen tons of people who immigrate from China to live in Canada. Except a few very lucky ones. A lot of them need fight for their existence, their diginity and their social status. To be frank, many people will fail, but as long as you are determined and shrewed implement their strategies of living in a new society, be open and flexible, then, time will prove they will prevail in the end.

I HATE TO ENGAGE any arguement and fight in the bbs beause i firmly believe this is our promble as Chinese. We spent too much time fighting for existence in our society. In our cultural, the only way you win is to set up someone. Here, it just does not work. This is my point, be yourself and set up your goals, do not worry the blames or easily overjoy a tiny achievement, work your ass out for something that is really worthy in your life day in and day out.

i would say by having the true strategy of life is more important of your posting here. i shall see you would smile soon

这坛子上还是有有点“水儿”的人物啊!全说到点子上了!! :cool: :cool: :cool:


最初由 樱花情节 发布

最初由 visitor 发布


Visitor, 别瞎糊弄别人!!哪有那么严重??


如果入了加拿大籍后来又想恢复中国国籍,也没问题啊,很早以前就在这个坛子上看到《全国人大常委会关于中华人民共和国国籍法的解释 --- 关于海外华人华侨的中国国籍的管理和认定以及归国华侨重新加入/恢复中国国籍的有关规定和实施细则....》



最初由 hxp417 发布

Visitor, 别瞎糊弄别人!!哪有那么严重??


如果入了加拿大籍后来又想恢复中国国籍,也没问题啊,很早以前就在这个坛子上看到《全国人大常委会关于中华人民共和国国籍法的解释 --- 关于海外华人华侨的中国国籍的管理和认定以及归国华侨重新加入/恢复中国国籍的有关规定和实施细则....》

但是入籍搞不好要两年时间, 将来再返回中国籍弄不好要更长时间.
两年可以错过很多机会, 所以也是没准的事.
Kent帅哥的座右铭是“每天省一个夸特” :D
