I have sent QQH to everyone who show up here. Please check your box.
Let me know if you didn't get it.
KOOL are looking for a place for our group meeting. Will inform you guys as early as possible.
Finally we get the place for our tennis group meeting.
Time: Friday (April,23) 7:15pm
Place: Ha-Ha Dinner & Karaoke City ( 哈哈卡拉OK), please see their webpage for the direction: http://www.comefromchina.com/ads/hahakaraoke/index.htm
Thanks Ha-Ha Dinner & Karaoke City for their support.
So far, around 25 peoples have shown their interest. If you are interested in sign in, please come in and make your contribution. The group definitely need everyone's support and opinion.
In the meeting, we would discuss the basical foundation and operation of our group, as well as other issues which will make our group more effective and enjoyable.
Drop in, buy yourself a drink, you may meet new tennis partners and friends.
Those who needs a ride, please contact me for a possible pickup.