[推荐] 渥太华现在是孵小鹅的季节(附图)

最初由 GangW 发布
Thanks apple for sharing information. Here are some pics taken this morning at Kanata, swansea area (Alcatel后面).

1, Great blue heron.

I know this guy. It flys there every year. However you can't see it every time. :p You are lucky.
最初由 GangW 发布
3, "看鹅不要离太近,否则会被大鹅攻击。攻击的前兆是大鹅脖子压低,张嘴露舌冲你做哈气状。"

Thanks for supporting my words with a picture.:)
最初由 GangW 发布
4, how many children ?

You have to spend very long time to observe if they really belong to the same family. Sometimes I found a goose couple may leave their kids to another couple when they have to do someting else alone, like having a rest or something. The goose couple in this picture is more like undertaking this role. They help the other families taking care of their kids just like teachers working in the baby farm of human beings.:glowface:
最初由 GangW 发布
the pics after #6 are not taken today.

as the summer is comming you can find so many interesting things around you. Happy Seekers seek happiness.

All the pictures are perfect and wonderful. Yes, happy seekers seek happiness. Finally I found a "know music" beyond my mister. He he he ...
最初由 Apple 发布

I know this guy. It flys there every year. However you can't see it every time. :p You are lucky.

I'm always lucky when I take the wildlife pics, but not lucky when I played 649. :D

Here is another luky pic.

You can see my more pics at www.pbase.com/gangw/ if you like. the more pics will be uploaded to there.
My absolute favorite is this duck. It's almost like that he had posed just for you. :p Thanks for sharing with us!
最初由 Apple 发布

Terrific!!! ----------- Your "75-300 IS zoom lens".

You got poisoned and will have a fever soon.

If you bought a 10D/300D I would sell this lens to you at cheaper price.:p
最初由 GangW 发布

You got poisoned and will have a fever soon.

If you bought a 10D/300D I would sell this lens to you at cheaper price.:p

I never trade or at least do not want to trade with a person who is my friend or has the possibility to be my friend. :D