精华 Election 2004 poll


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为了国家的经济发展,为了公民们切实的利益,请投Conservative Party.
OTTAWA CITIZEN 上说,投票就看移民这一块了。LIBERAL如果不赢得这一块,可能输定了。
最初由 silver-apple 发布
OTTAWA CITIZEN 上说,投票就看移民这一块了。LIBERAL如果不赢得这一块,可能输定了。
This time around is harder than 3 years ago, which I voted Alliance (bad choice! looking at those in-fight happened after). I feel. I would not think twice to vote Liberal just 2 month ago. But then too many bad blood since then. Now I feel it may well worth a lesson for them to have liberal reduce to a minority. But that may well be more chaos. Since personally I dont feel Conservative is here for the long haul (Alliance and Tory just bundled together to get more vote not a unified well-thought policy front such as medical/tax/social program) I feel they are bit just power-hungry whose policy will be very hard for people at disadvantage (i.e. new immigrants and people in need of social assistance) ...

Again, I feel it may well worth a lesson for liberal to have a minority, then the election after that will come quick and sweet, then I will vote Liberal again.

联邦选举和省选不一样。联邦的很多政策更能和新移民的利益相关。毕竟我们是少数民族。加拿大联邦政府如果让一个极右翼政党执政,会对大家的长远利益的影响请大家三思。我听过一个保守党的PRESENTATION,他的很多支持者带有极其强烈的反移民,反多元文化的倾向,一个ALBETA的原ALLIANCE的联邦议员曾公开叫嚣让NON-WHITE GET OUT OF THIS COUNTRY。尽管她最后被舆论赶下了台,但是她的支持者仍然狂热的支持她。

我们中间一些同胞事业上有了一点成绩,就认为是中产了,人家真认为你是中产了吗? 请三思联邦选和省选的差别。
为经济,为社会,为每个人,投Conservative Party.
最初由 Rigel 发布
为经济,为社会,为每个人,投Conservative Party.

如果你上午开车上班,请把收音机调到CFRA580 LOW GREEN SHOW (8:00-11AM),请你听听到底是哪些人在支持保守党,那些支持者在说什么。
Agree, Current Canadian conservative 不是"极"右翼政党。But it is also true that its policy tendancy is always the hardest amongst parties to people at disadvantage (i.e. new immigrants and people in need of social assistance). Moreover, their root in Alliance which was by large on a anti-immigrant platform can NOT be ignored.
最初由 smartrabbit 发布

如果你上午开车上班,请把收音机调到CFRA580 LOW GREEN SHOW (8:00-11AM),请你听听到底是哪些人在支持保守党,那些支持者在说什么。

Lowe Green is an out-right racist and bigot. (but by US standard, he actually is a "modest conservative" ;))

I think keep taking like that, he is actually helping liberal by scaring away "small-C liberal" and "red Conservative" in Ottawa. He is the single number one reason that I will NOT vote any party led by old Alliance boss.

But hey this is a free country. He can talk his garbage and you can pick your poision :) Don't you love it :)
最初由 阿童木 发布
Agree, Current Canadian conservative 不是"极"右翼政党。But it is also true that its policy tendancy is always the hardest amongst parties to people at disadvantage (i.e. new immigrants and people in need of social assistance). Moreover, their root in Alliance which was by large on a anti-immigrant platform can NOT be ignored.

但是右翼政党的经济理念绝对要优于左翼政党。尤其是现在这个对于加拿大来讲,最困难的经济时期。国家需要的是真正的tax relief,让更多的事物进入市场运作。这样才能激活整个经济。