Know your politics, Vote NDP


I have been a card carry liberal for the past 8 years, but this time around I will vote NDP.

A) The reasons I won’t vote liberal

• The way Paul martin treated their fellow liberal Jean Chrétien loyalist.
From east coast to the west coast, Paul martin has badly treated all Jean Chrétien supporters; he has put his own people into ridings. He has no regard for some of the people who has contribute decades of their life for the liberal party. For example Shelia Copps, who has been a member of parliament since 1984, because she was running to compete with Paul Martin for Prime Minister Nomination, She has lost her MP nomination. Her whole family has been a big contributor to the Liberal party over the past 40 years including her father. Now Paul martin has passed the process of competes for nomination all together, he’s pointing people to the liberal nomination post. If he is put his own self interest before his party when he is the party leader, then he will surely put his own self interest before the country if he become the Prime Minister of Canada.

• The scandals have to stop; waste of public money has to stop. As selfish as Paul Martin has demonstrated, he will point people who will listen to what ever he says to the important posts. He has promised to investigate into the sponsor ship scandal before he calls the election, but he canceled the investigation all together. Now, is he the person you can trust to run Canada?

B) The reasons I won’t vote conservative

• Missile defense system. Stephen Harper will support cooperate fully with the US to build a missile defense system, which will cost a lot of money and generate an arms race around the world.

• Stephen Harper’s support for the Iraq war, even at this stage, when the whole world know Iraq war is a mistake, there is no reason for the war, because there are no WMD, even the US is getting out of Iraq, Stephen Harper is still not smart enough to change his stand on Iraq war, to me, he’s either really dumb, or too arrogant to admit his own mistake, either way I will not trust him.

C) The reasons I vote NDP

• NDP’s stand on missile defense system. NDP does not support Missile Defense System

• NDP’s stand on Iraq war. NDP does not support Iraq war; Canadian army should be following UN decisions and not that of the US

• NDP’s stand on building a strong health care. Canada is a great country; one reason is its universal health care. Why Canada is safer than US, one single biggest reason is Canadian Health Care. Doesn’t matter how poor or how desperate you are, you can count on the government to take care of you. You can be a millionaire who lives in the US, you still don’t have the sense of security, if you get sick, and you could be spending all of your life savings to see the doctors.

• NDP’s support for Chinese immigrates. Do you know that in the 1940-50’s there is a strong feeling of stop emigrates from China? Canadians wanted immigrates, but just not Chinese immigrates, it’s the NDP who argued human rights and human equalities for the Chinese immigrate. For all those people who now enjoy immigrating to Canada, I feel we own them a sense of gratuity for what NDP has done for you and me.

• NDP puts people first before paying down the deficit. This maybe hard for a lot of Chinese to understand. Why deficit? If you look south of the boarder, USA. They got huge deficit. But people are still living happily, deficit can be like a bank loan, it’s needed from time to time. I don’t think there is anything wrong with having deficit sometimes, to build up a better community, to build a stronger economy, to put people first for a change. But NDP will put a balance budget first. It just takes a little longer to pay down the debt.

Even with all the support NDP gets, it’s not likely for NDP to form the next government, but I think NDP is just what we Canadian needed for opposition.
VOTE Conservative is to support iraq war

Vote conservative to to support missile shield.

Is that what you want?
Re: VOTE Conservative is to support iraq war

最初由 hello123 发布
Vote conservative to to support missile shield. Is that what you want?


要注意,辛勤劳动的华人基本是NDP杀富济贫的施政纲领的受害者。如果加拿大不能鼓励中产阶级,我们这些辛勤劳动并憧憬美好未来的华人来这里干什么? 领Welfare?
visitor is the rich so you vote for PC. As you vote PC, you like war so you do not like peace society.

Do you willing to wear heavily missile defensed shield very day? If I think you do so as you like the way that Bush use now.

I vote NPD as I am not the rich and need health care system as well as peace community.
Good, if you are willing to pay more tax and live a life similar to that of the ones who live on welfare, go ahed and vote NDP.

By the way, northernwolf, did you know Jack Layton and his wife Olivia Chow actively support Wang Dan and Wei Jingsheng? Check this.

Will you still vote for NDP? (If you have the right to vote.)

再执迷不悟, 你可是敌我不分啊,你投?奸,卖国贼的帮凶的票,你是不是也成了汉奸,反华份子了? 这么长时间了, 你怎么是那么糊涂啊? 是站在人民一边,还是站在反华份子一边,你要想清楚. 这可是大是大非啊, 组织上正在考验你.
最初由 渐渐 发布

CCP looks like 左, actually it is 右 which CCP dare not admit.

If one likes to vote for 右 like PC(Progressive Consertive Party), one should back to China which is actually 右 protected by CCP.
最初由 Emperor 发布
visitor is the rich so you vote for PC. As you vote PC, you like war so you do not like peace society.

Do you willing to wear heavily missile defensed shield very day? If I think you do so as you like the way that Bush use now.

I vote NPD as I am not the rich and need help care system as well as peace community.

我不是富人,但我正在为那么一天努力,NDP杀富济贫的施政纲领会使我的这种希望变得渺小,也会使更多的企业和资本流向国外,从而使就业机会进一步减小。如果你想一辈子"need help care system",那是另一回事。而且Welfare也需要钱,也就是需要有工作的人交税。据统计,按各自的人口比例,华裔是领Welfare最少的种族。

顺便说一下,你对missile shield的理解是错误的。
最初由 terry 发布

CCP looks like 左, actually it is 右 which CCP dare not admit.

If one likes to vote for 右 like PC(Progressive Consertive Party), one should back to China which is actually 右 protected by CCP.

Do not post five years ago stuff here.

Do you know PC or liberal not support Wang Dan and Wei Jingsheng?

自由党骗了很多年, 令人失望. 保守党是法西斯主义的党!

我要给NDP一个机会,代表中产阶级的利益, 它给移民机会.
最初由 msft 发布
Good, if you are willing to pay more tax and live a life similar to that of the ones who live on welfare, go ahed and vote NDP.

By the way, northernwolf, did you know Jack Layton and his wife Olivia Chow actively support Wang Dan and Wei Jingsheng? Check this.

Will you still vote for NDP? (If you have the right to vote.)


另外我选NDP有不是选Jack Layton and his wife Olivia Chow。NDP可以到永远,而其主席也不过
Re: Re: Know your politics, Vote NDP

最初由 浆糊 发布

自由党骗了很多年, 令人失望. 保守党是法西斯主义的党!

我要给NDP一个机会,代表中产阶级的利益, 它给移民机会.

Re: Re: Re: Know your politics, Vote NDP

最初由 soldier 发布


:cool: :cool:

最初由 stjoseph 发布
