Know your politics, Vote NDP

最初由 northernwolf 发布

我选NDP是选政党。并不因为Jack Layton and his wife Olivia Chow支持我反对的人,我就连他所属政党也反对了。这其实是你们小右们的通病。小右们因为反对李鹏,所以也把中国政府和共产党反对了。小右们因为反对其他小右们,因此虽然大家都是搞民运,却打的不可开交。

msft, what do you talk about? do not put every like "那你准备怎么向组织交代你支持了反华份子的帮凶? 还是组织上安排你这样做的?".

You should learn the history of NDP, Liberal and PC and then talk about who is the most, who is the least one against China in certain way. However, this is not only thing I consider. If it is the only one I have take into consideration, I would not be here to vote.

I support DNP as It presents the common people in the government as I am the common one.
Vote for NDP:
1. 加拿大医疗制度 was set up by NDP so NDP能把加拿大医疗制度搞好.

2. Liberal and PC 的税收政策几乎就是"杀贫济富". "杀贫济富"是一个 risk 办法 so that no public services exist.
资本主义能搞好 is based the good system. ideas of NDP is still based on this system.
One thing for those who are very much into the election:

Election is NOT your/our saviour, things will be 99% the same after the election...

Don't take it that the Federal election will change our life. That's not gonna happen.

At any time we have to struggle by ourselves.

Only you and your family can make you rich.
最初由 Emperor 发布
msft, what do you talk about? do not put every like "那你准备怎么向组织交代你支持了反华份子的帮凶? 还是组织上安排你这样做的?". You may the only one to 反华 here.


最初由 Emperor 发布

You should learn the history of NDP, Liberal and PC and then talk about who is the most, who is the least one against China in certain way. However, this is not only thing I consider. If it is the only one I have take into consideration, I would not be here to vote.


最初由 Emperor 发布

I support DNP as It presents the common people in the government as I am the common one.

你并不代表加拿大的the common one,就象NDP并不代表加拿大的the common people一样,这从现在NDP在国会的席位数量可以看出,而你最多代表你自己。
you seem to be the special one. that is the exception. I did not say I represent the common people but I am the common person. It is not true if all people say one is the mad but he/she is normal one. So you cannot say NDP do not represent the common people.
最初由 northernwolf 发布



咳, 你别老故意跑题. You said and I quote:

最初由 northernwolf 发布



按你的这个观点, 是不是伟光正的总书记也得把私生活的内容给大家说说?
否则就是假民主. 这可是你自己亲口说的. 我们大家听听小克的觉得挺过瘾的了,真没想到你居然想听伟光正的. 还给我党扣上不民主的帽子.

你含沙射影, 用小克和美国影射我党, 其险恶的用心,昭然若揭.

对你自己钢材说的上面的话, 你怎么解释? 怎么证明你不是在用这来攻击我党的新一代领导人?
最初由 msft 发布

咳, 你别老故意跑题. You said and I quote:

按你的这个观点, 是不是伟光正的总书记也得把私生活的内容给大家说说?
否则就是假民主. 这可是你自己亲口说的. 我们大家听听小克的觉得挺过瘾的了,真没想到你居然想听伟光正的. 还给我党扣上不民主的帽子.

你含沙射影, 用小克和美国影射我党, 其险恶的用心,昭然若揭.

对你自己钢材说的上面的话, 你怎么解释? 怎么证明你不是在用这来攻击我党的新一代领导人?

最初由 mangliu 发布

