精华 [讨论] 家庭暴力

You have not addressed the issue.
Do you have a problem with abused women seeking law enforcement help?

最初由 Wanderer 发布

If a woman has decided to divorce and wants to put her ex-husband in law trouble, she can seek any available helps. It is like a war.

If not, she has to think about what kind of help she should seek, what kind of results she and her husband could accept.

To all couples: change your words to avoid argument first.
最初由 Wanderer 发布

If a woman has decided to divorce and wants to put her ex-husband in law trouble, she can seek any available helps. It is like a war.

If not, she has to think about what kind of help she should seek, what kind of results she and her husband could accept.



哼哼, I wasted my time on someone like you!
I over-estimated once again the size of some men's brain le, my fault. :o

最初由 Wanderer 发布
可是谁结婚是为了挨打得? 听话的不挨打.
最初由 Wanderer 发布
可是谁结婚是为了挨打得? 听话的不挨打.

:flaming: 这是一种非常无耻的逻辑:flaming:

:eek: 实在对不起,俺本来是回帖子的,按错了,把原贴给改了:blowzy:
This is from a so called "educated" person. I'm truly speechless...looks like we have a long long way to go.

Is anyone else as frustrated as I am now??? :flaming:

最初由 Wanderer 发布
可是谁结婚是为了挨打得? 听话的不挨打.
最初由 渐渐 发布
This is from a so called "educated" person. I'm truly speechless...looks like we have a long long way to go.

Is anyone else as frustrated as I am now??? :flaming:

I was too frustrated to click the right button:buttrock::crazy:
最初由 丫丫 发布

:eek: 实在对不起,俺本来是回帖子的,按错了,把原贴给改了:blowzy:

It is very hard to have a 实在对不起 from you.

最初由 shusheng 发布




The home is a safe harbour for a couple (not Pearl Harbor). There is no war.

Maybe there are some friendly fights in the harbour. They could work together and try to solve it. They could seek help from friends, and they could change themselves to avoid argument. They may only need time.

If the time does not change their situation and he/she does not change, then let them destory the harbour. If it is too hurt for any one of them, let them go to a real law war.
最初由 渐渐 发布
我把统计都贴上来了,您应该看完了再下结论。家庭暴力当然影响所有人,但是80%以上的家庭暴力的受害者是妇女,大家都明白,您也就就没必要反过来掉过去地为男同胞申诉了。OK, 就到这里吧。


我说你这人, 本身就是带着攻击和侮辱性的说话方式, 这里根本和哪里的人没什么关系, 是什么样的“病”<<更是武断。。 我从头至尾就是在指责你对待事物的态度, 你是把你的世界观作为一个衡量标准, 你是个不客观的人,

最初由 Wanderer 发布

The home is a safe harbour for a couple (not Pearl Harbor). There is no war.

Maybe there are some friendly fights in the harbour. They could work together and try to solve it. They could seek help from friends, and they could change themselves to avoid argument. They may only need time.

If the time does not change their situation and he/she does not change, then let them destory the harbour. If it is too hurt for any one of them, let them go to a real law war.


你是想说法律不能区分"argument","friendly fights"和"家庭暴力"吗?如果只是简单的"argument", "friendly fights",那即使有人拔了911也没有关系不是吗?还是你的argument, friendly fights标准是违犯加国法律的?

另外,即使两人无法改变,也没有必要go to a real law war,有别的法律允许的解决办法。况且,go to a real law ware,也不应是“家庭暴力”的原因或借口。
最初由 chef 发布


最初由 chef 发布



这也是为什么一直不能理解“淑女”的原因。我觉得,她误解了“ 911电话” 的功能和“居委会”的作用。
最初由 shusheng 发布


你是想说法律不能区分"argument","friendly fights"和"家庭暴力"吗?如果只是简单的"argument", "friendly fights",那即使有人拔了911也没有关系不是吗?还是你的argument, friendly fights标准是违犯加国法律的?

另外,即使两人无法改变,也没有必要go to a real law war,有别的法律允许的解决办法。况且,go to a real law ware,也不应是“家庭暴力”的原因或借口。

婚姻是夫妻双方自愿结合在一起的。如果这种自愿结合要求警察多次保护,这个婚姻的确有问题。他们为什么不分开而要多次打911?... :confused:

我也不懂了。 也许911只管打,没有关系的,夫妻还是夫妻。:rolleyes:
Hm... Let's try it again.

First you said:

最初由 Wanderer 发布

If a woman has decided to divorce and wants to put her ex-husband in law trouble, she can seek any available helps. It is like a war.

If not, she has to think about what kind of help she should seek, what kind of results she and her husband could accept.

Sounds like you are oppose to women seeking law enforcement help, adviced them "think about what kind of results she could accept".

Then you said:

最初由 Wanderer 发布

The home is a safe harbour for a couple (not Pearl Harbor). There is no war.

Maybe there are some friendly fights in the harbour. They could work together and try to solve it. They could seek help from friends, and they could change themselves to avoid argument. They may only need time.

If the time does not change their situation and he/she does not change, then let them destory the harbour. If it is too hurt for any one of them, let them go to a real law war.

Doesn't seems have any point in here. Except u saying "let them go to a real law war"?

And then you said:

最初由 Wanderer 发布

婚姻是夫妻双方自愿结合在一起的。如果这种自愿结合要求警察多次保护,这个婚姻的确有问题。他们为什么不分开而要多次打911?... :confused:

So I am totally lost here. We are talking about "family violence" here, what exactly is your post about? How this could be solved? Victims should not call police but choose to leave?

Now to your question.

最初由 Wanderer 发布

我也不懂了。 也许911只管打,没有关系的,夫妻还是夫妻。:rolleyes:

I guess you are commenting on

最初由 shusheng 发布

只是简单的"argument", "friendly fights",那即使有人拔了911也没有关系不是吗?

What I meant to say is, if it's a small conflict, and somebody (man or woman) made a mistake to call 911, this would not result to somebody throw in Jail is it? This is follow the same idea of
my previous post.

最初由 shusheng 发布

最初由 shusheng 发布

So I am totally lost here. We are talking about "family violence" here, what exactly is your post about? How this could be solved? Victims should not call police but choose to leave?
