
同情,但是不要自责,人是无法改变的.:( :( :(
过日子整天碰到钱的问题, 如果一涉及钱的问题他就这样, 以后你的日子怎么过? 你要是让他一次, 就会有下一次, 而且一次比一次更狠, 伤你更重. 如果你对他有感情, 就在这一次上把问题彻底解决, 不是为了离婚而闹, 而是为了以后平平稳稳过一辈子而闹. 同意楼上某一位说的平等和信任观点, 这两点是婚姻的重要因素.
Do not sign your name on the agreement!! You should talk to him about this, good communication may help you solve this problem.Protect your right. If he loves you, he will understand what you want and what you are thinking. If he can not, I'd say he gives money higher priority. I just don't get why he put his father's name on it.

there was an artical on wenxuecity long time ago. the wife cheated on the husband and she wanted divorce. The husband had a very good job and a lot of money, but he doesn't want to give the wife a single penny.He ended up quiting his job,gave all his money to his parent, sold the house.Finally the wife got nothing.

I don't think divorce is a good choice because you alrady have a child. But you do need to communicate with your husband and tell him what you are thinking and why you think that way. If he still can not choose right between moeny and love, I don't think you can trust him in the future.

That's all my personal opinion. you can see everybody is standing on your side, communicate and fight for your right!if there were some problem, many ppl here would love to help you de/
我靠,这个上海人是老爷们吗? 在一起也没意思了!! 离!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
昏了,这样的男人还要他? (对不起,说出了自己的肺腑)一个男人在钱上看得很重的话,我不知道他能对你有多好。。
我身边的朋友也曾经有这样一对亲戚, 男方什么事情只要涉及到钱就跟女方算得很清楚。。。俩人结婚15年了,女方都40多了,才因为实在过不下去提出离婚。。这样女方多亏阿。。

最初由 爱情小魔咒 发布

你老公白痴, 他老爸死了你儿子还得交遗产税, 精明的白痴
最初由 chuchu 发布

你老公白痴, 他老爸死了你儿子还得交遗产税, 精明的白痴

最初由 Michael6885 发布
我靠,这个上海人是老爷们吗? 在一起也没意思了!! 离!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I do NOT think you are making a joke, there is no any reason to live with this kind of husband, just leave as early as possible.

I am not hating Shanghainees, but it is realy hard to find out same person in other province of China.
Couldn't understand the man at all. It seems he didn't and don't want to leave any room in his world for you. One word: TERRIBLE.