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So now your 100-400 is the primary landscape lens ? I remeber that on one photo forum, when people are discusing about which wide angle is the best for landscape shots, a guy mentioned that his long tele lens is his primary landscape lens. You seems to follow the same trend.
长焦拍渥村, 把ottawa冬天的灵拍出来了! 弓虽!
Thanks,马甲就是马甲. "看着挺凄美" ---- That's also my feeling.

Thanks, fad. "So now your 100-400 is the primary landscape lens ?" Not always. In fact. any lens can be your landscape lens. but the most important lens is your eye.

Thanks, 阿瓜."ottawa冬天的灵" is in your heart.

47, 2005 02, 06 Kanata in the morning.
48, 2005 02 06 March Valley in Kanata
I saw your car this morning on the road side but could not find you. Probably in the woods after those owls ?:D
最初由 dss1234 发布

高人终于出山了, 人人都聚焦在树上的那一点, 而忘了看大风景. 构图:cool: 学习.
最初由 fad 发布
I saw your car this morning on the road side but could not find you. Probably in the woods after those owls ?:D

Yeah, see this

最初由 dss1234 发布

I didn't see many people there, people may go for winterlude.

What's this in the forest?

50, look like wild turkeys.
最初由 fad 发布

高人终于出山了, 人人都聚焦在树上的那一点, 而忘了看大风景. 构图:cool: 学习.

fad, you may not see this on the tree.

51, Porcupine
52, Winter of Ottawa, PSed work.
最后油画效果的那张,小小的不足就是底部树木的层次被PS的不明显了.真的油画可以通过油层的厚薄来体现层次, 但是假油画就无法做出来了.:glowface:
最初由 davidc 发布
最后油画效果的那张,小小的不足就是底部树木的层次被PS的不明显了.真的油画可以通过油层的厚薄来体现层次, 但是假油画就无法做出来了.:glowface:

Thanks, davidc. The critique is always welcome.:)