Withdrawals and Repayments
Under the LLP, an individual can withdraw up to $10,000 in a year ($20,000 lifetime); a spouse can also withdraw up to $10,000 from RRSPs under the LLP in the same year that his/her partner does. Any withdrawals over the $10,000 annual and $20,000 lifetime LLP limits is included in the customer's income for the year in which the limit was exceeded (T4 RSP issued). To make an LLP withdrawal, participants are to use Form RC96, Lifelong Learning Plan (LLP) - Request to withdraw funds from an RRSP. Form RC96 is to be completed for each withdrawal made.
The first repayment of LLP withdrawals is due in the second year after the last year the LLP student was entitled to claim the education amount on Line 323 of the student's income tax return, or the fifth year after the student's first withdrawal under the LLP, whichever comes first. Funds withdrawn must be repaid, to any RRSP held by the individual, over a period of no more than ten years.
The minimum withdrawal repayment is 10% per year of the total withdrawn. Any amount that is not repaid when due will be included in income for the year it was due. Participants can repay more than the scheduled amount in any given year; doing so will reduce future repayments over the remaining repayment period.
CCRA will send customers a statement of account - LLP each fall, starting in the year that the customer makes their first withdrawal, outlining when the repayments begin, and the amount to be repaid each year.
Repayments are treated as regular contributions to an RRSP and Official Income Tax Receipts are issued.
Contribution made to spousal RRSPs, transfers from registered pension plans, deferred profit-sharing plans, RRIFs or other RRSPs or any amounts received in the repayment year (i.e., a retiring allowance) that was transferred to the RRSP and a deduction taken in that year do not qualify as repayments under the LLP.
LifeLong Learning Plan (LLP) Request to Withdraw Funds from an RRSP - RC96