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如果没有钱买RRSP的话,可以通过银行的RRSP LOAN 来购买。 Prime + 1% 的还款利率,这是公布价,你可以找一些小的Financial institude,或许可以借的低点;现在的Prime是不到4.5%。
其实,根据自己的还款能力,适当借钱买RRSP是值得的,Income TAX被收走了,就再也没有退了。

实例,你的TAX rate是20%,你可以有5000的RRSP空间, 如果没有买,你要交5000*20%, 相当于1000刀的税;如果你借了钱,买了RRSP,借款利率是6%,利息是300块,因为你少交了1000块的税,所以你自己手上有不要缴税的700刀投资;
这里还没有计算,5000块和4000块投资所产生的Capital gain所要缴的税。
不过能够获得RRSP catch up line of credit 就不要去要LOAN,因为CREDIT产品是可以多次实用的,而LOAN如果用完了就还需要再去申请。
我知道的SCOTIA 的RRSP catch up of credit 是prime rate.
买了RRSP, 往哪方面投资是个因人而异的问题。
首先,你需要确定你的投资长短,你承受风险的大小,你的投资知识的多少,你总共可投资财产的多少。然后才可以确定你大致投资的PORTFOLIO。比如你需要多少投在money marekt中保证liquidity,多少投在fixed income中(比如bond),来保证本金的保值,还有多少投在equity中,获得capital gain.每个人的情况不一样,就不可能有一样的投资portfolio.
对于mutual fund的投资同样入以上所述,需要个人情况个人对待。一般来说银行内部卖的mutual fund是没有frond load的,但是单家银行只卖自己银行的fund.如果你是self direct的投资帐户,你就可以接触到更多的fund 种类,不过往往要有commission fees and frond load费用。
如果你对具体的fund 感兴趣,我们可以再讨论。
最初由 flywithwind 发布
GIC不错,有本金的保证,三年五年的利息在3.5左右。你是打算做SELF DIRECTED的RRSP还是在你开RRSP银行里做,选择就有很大的不同。一般来说你自己DIRECTED的,如果不到一定数额,会收取管理费,你在这个帐户里买的MUTUAL FUND会收取FRONT FEES,但是你可以选择的种类很多。

"一般来说银行内部卖的mutual fund是没有frond load的"


如果没有这些费用的话,它的MANAGEMENT FEES 是不是相对高些。
最初由 yani 发布
"一般来说银行内部卖的mutual fund是没有frond load的"


如果没有这些费用的话,它的MANAGEMENT FEES 是不是相对高些。
对于公开发行的FUND,MER就是management fees and expense是在它的prospectus明确公布的,不会因为哪里销售而有什么区别。
BACK LOAD基本也没有。而且如果你持有时间长,BACK LOAD基本就都没有了。在哪里买都是一样的情况。

The Home Buyers Plan - Overview
The Home Buyers Plan (HBP) sponsored by the federal government provides qualified home buyers with tax-free access to their existing RRSPs to assist with the purchase of a principal residence under specific circumstances.

An individual and his/her spouse/co-purchaser may each withdraw up to $20,000 from their RRSPs (combined maximum $40,000) without incurring withholding tax or income tax, upon entering into a written agreement to buy or build a qualifying home.
The participant must buy or build a qualifying home before October 1 in the following calendar year.
HBP funds may be used:
1,as a down payment;
2,Tto cover additional expenses associated with a home purchase (e.g., closing costs, home epairs, furniture and appliances); or for other purposes.
3,CCRA Form T1036 - Applying to Withdraw an Amount Under the Home Buyers Plan (TP935.1 for Quebec residents) must be completed for all withdrawals from the RRSP. For a copy of the T1036 and completion instructions refer Federal and Provincial Pension and Tax Forms 6.7.

Customers should be given a copy of the CCRA Homebuyers Plan Booklet for Participants which contains all of the information a participant needs to know.

A customer can withdraw more than one amount in a specific year. If he/she receives one amount in 1998, for example, and a second amount in 1999, this amount should be received by January 31, 1999. A customer should contact their local CCRA Taxation Office to determine if that second amount received after January 31, 1999 qualifies under the HBP.
Lifelong Learning Plan - Overview
The Lifelong Learning Plan (LLP), sponsored by the federal government, allows individuals to withdraw tax-free amounts from their RRSP to finance training or education for themselves or their spouse. However, the LLP cannot be used to finance a child's education.

Participants who meet the qualifying criteria can withdraw amounts from their RRSPs until January of the fourth year after the year they made their first LLP withdrawal. Withdrawals can be made from any number of RRSP plans as long as the individual is the annuitant of each plan.

Customers should be directed to attain a copy of the Lifelong Learning Plan booklet (RC4112 English/French) and the necessary forms from their nearest tax services office or download from the Internet at website: www.ccra-adrc.gc.ca
Withdrawals and Repayments
Under the LLP, an individual can withdraw up to $10,000 in a year ($20,000 lifetime); a spouse can also withdraw up to $10,000 from RRSPs under the LLP in the same year that his/her partner does. Any withdrawals over the $10,000 annual and $20,000 lifetime LLP limits is included in the customer's income for the year in which the limit was exceeded (T4 RSP issued). To make an LLP withdrawal, participants are to use Form RC96, Lifelong Learning Plan (LLP) - Request to withdraw funds from an RRSP. Form RC96 is to be completed for each withdrawal made.

The first repayment of LLP withdrawals is due in the second year after the last year the LLP student was entitled to claim the education amount on Line 323 of the student's income tax return, or the fifth year after the student's first withdrawal under the LLP, whichever comes first. Funds withdrawn must be repaid, to any RRSP held by the individual, over a period of no more than ten years.

The minimum withdrawal repayment is 10% per year of the total withdrawn. Any amount that is not repaid when due will be included in income for the year it was due. Participants can repay more than the scheduled amount in any given year; doing so will reduce future repayments over the remaining repayment period.

CCRA will send customers a statement of account - LLP each fall, starting in the year that the customer makes their first withdrawal, outlining when the repayments begin, and the amount to be repaid each year.

Repayments are treated as regular contributions to an RRSP and Official Income Tax Receipts are issued.

Contribution made to spousal RRSPs, transfers from registered pension plans, deferred profit-sharing plans, RRIFs or other RRSPs or any amounts received in the repayment year (i.e., a retiring allowance) that was transferred to the RRSP and a deduction taken in that year do not qualify as repayments under the LLP.

LifeLong Learning Plan (LLP) Request to Withdraw Funds from an RRSP - RC96
Timing of buying RRSP

最初由 sean 发布
如果没有钱买RRSP的话,可以通过银行的RRSP LOAN 来购买。 Prime + 1% 的还款利率,这是公布价,你可以找一些小的Financial institude,或许可以借的低点;现在的Prime是不到4.5%。
其实,根据自己的还款能力,适当借钱买RRSP是值得的,Income TAX被收走了,就再也没有退了。

实例,你的TAX rate是20%,你可以有5000的RRSP空间, 如果没有买,你要交5000*20%, 相当于1000刀的税;如果你借了钱,买了RRSP,借款利率是6%,利息是300块,因为你少交了1000块的税,所以你自己手上有不要缴税的700刀投资;
这里还没有计算,5000块和4000块投资所产生的Capital gain所要缴的税。

My question is more about the timing of buying RRSP. CRA says the room of RRSP can be carried over indefinately. Take most of new landed immigrants cases, the family income is on a upwarding curve, so this year's tax bracket maybe 20%, but next year or the year after that the tax rate is 33%, by this logic, it is beneficial to claim your RRSP when you have higher income therefore to pay less tax. But also you can argue that the sooner you start RRSP investment, the bigger the investment as the interest rate is compounded annually, etc. But there are a lot of others are compounding too, for example, your outstanding mortgage payment. At the latest variable rate, out of one mortgage payment, half is paying off the principla while the other half is paying the interest. The question then comes back to, say you have 5,000-10,000 to put away, should you, option 1,buy RRSP (expect a return of 5-6%, option 2, pay off your principal of the mortgage by this amount, option 3, convert everything to RMB and await the appreciation of RMB, option 4, invest the whole amount non-registered, and save the RRSP room for the later years as you expect to receive a higher income annually.

I really appreciate your insights on this. Also, to Tingsha, any details on putting money in HK?