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3,你现在大致的资产负债水平,你的CASH FLOW情况如何?

Re: Timing of buying RRSP

最初由 BobtheBuilder 发布

I say you have 5,000-10,000 to put away, should you, option 1,buy RRSP (expect a return of 5-6%, option 2, pay off your principal of the mortgage by this amount, option 3, convert everything to RMB and await the appreciation of RMB, option 4, invest the whole amount non-registered, and save the RRSP room for the later years as you expect to receive a higher income annually.

With today's mortgage rate, I would rather buy RRSP, and use the Tax return to pay off the mortgage.

Not sure about option 3, but for 4, I think a lot more people find out laterly the "room" is not the problem, they just don't have enough money to fill the room.
Wrong, Banks charge the same as with brokers. Sometimes they don't even tell you what kind of load it is.

最初由 挺傻 发布
不过能够获得RRSP catch up line of credit 就不要去要LOAN,因为CREDIT产品是可以多次实用的,而LOAN如果用完了就还需要再去申请。
我知道的SCOTIA 的RRSP catch up of credit 是prime rate.
买了RRSP, 往哪方面投资是个因人而异的问题。
首先,你需要确定你的投资长短,你承受风险的大小,你的投资知识的多少,你总共可投资财产的多少。然后才可以确定你大致投资的PORTFOLIO。比如你需要多少投在money marekt中保证liquidity,多少投在fixed income中(比如bond),来保证本金的保值,还有多少投在equity中,获得capital gain.每个人的情况不一样,就不可能有一样的投资portfolio.
对于mutual fund的投资同样入以上所述,需要个人情况个人对待。一般来说银行内部卖的mutual fund是没有frond load的,但是单家银行只卖自己银行的fund.如果你是self direct的投资帐户,你就可以接触到更多的fund 种类,不过往往要有commission fees and frond load费用。
如果你对具体的fund 感兴趣,我们可以再讨论。
最初由 nathanj 发布
Wrong, Banks charge the same as with brokers. Sometimes they don't even tell you what kind of load it is.
他们最后CHARGE你的费用没有在银行给你的说明及simplified prospectus上吗?
我对此感觉比较奇怪,因为我很确认的知道某家银行,MUTUAL FUND如果从BRANCH买的,首先,绝对没有FRONT LOAD,而且没有BACK LOAD,只是在90天内将买到FUND卖出,会有一定的short term trading fee.MER和特殊服务费用都在simplified prospectus写的很明白的。但是同样的FUND如果是从broker那里买的,FRONT LOAD不同中间商不一样,基本都有,BACK LOAD基本5年之内都是有的,每年只能免费REDEMPTION 10%, MER也不一样。如果他们不告诉你是哪些LOAD,并且CHARGE你各种费用,你完全有理由要求他们给你解释清楚。如果FRONT END你只要看一下你最后买进FUND UNIT的数量,你就可以马上知道了。END LOAD及各种费用如果不写清楚,你甚至可以到REGULATION的部门去投诉。不过投诉前仔细看一下PROSPECTUS和你拿到的你购买的协议及服务条款。
Sorry, just got from your previsous posts you were a broker. I did not mean to offend you. Investors do access more funds either from individual brokers or any financial institutions' internal brokers.:)
But from what I understand it, the management fee is slightly higher in bank founds, no?
最初由 shusheng 发布
But from what I understand it, the management fee is slightly higher in bank founds, no?
yes.that's true.:)
Compared with front end and back end load, the higher part of MER it's not a big deal. It always has a way to find the real return of a certain fund purchasing in different ways.
I bought some Mutual Fund from RBC within a resp plan two years ago, balance growth fund. The trading day ending price is 8.8**, after i get the statement, I found my purchase price is 9.2**, it is definitly a front load charge, because I have not taken the money out,I don't know if they will charge some back end load as well. I don't have the document on hand,I am sure they didn't tell me anything about this charge. Anyway, the price of this fund is $11.6* yesterday, not a bad investment. Sometimes we got to trust a little bit someboby else. If they have some good stuff, some percent load is not a bad deal.

I am sharing with you guys a divident fund, AIC divident income fund, it is very good for all kind of investment.

see here:


Hope to talk to you guys more about investment

他们最后CHARGE你的费用没有在银行给你的说明及simplified prospectus上吗?
我对此感觉比较奇怪,因为我很确认的知道某家银行,MUTUAL FUND如果从BRANCH买的,首先,绝对没有FRONT LOAD,而且没有BACK LOAD,只是在90天内将买到FUND卖出,会有一定的short term trading fee.MER和特殊服务费用都在simplified prospectus写的很明白的。但是同样的FUND如果是从broker那里买的,FRONT LOAD不同中间商不一样,基本都有,BACK LOAD基本5年之内都是有的,每年只能免费REDEMPTION 10%, MER也不一样。如果他们不告诉你是哪些LOAD,并且CHARGE你各种费用,你完全有理由要求他们给你解释清楚。如果FRONT END你只要看一下你最后买进FUND UNIT的数量,你就可以马上知道了。END LOAD及各种费用如果不写清楚,你甚至可以到REGULATION的部门去投诉。不过投诉前仔细看一下PROSPECTUS和你拿到的你购买的协议及服务条款。
It's not in your self directed plan, right? That's a different story for self directed plans.

As far as I know, if front end fees applied, the total units of your purchasing will be decreased (that's called decreasing your purchasing power) rather than increase the unit purchasing price.
Let's take a simple example, if you have $10,300 to invest,the front end fee is 3% and the fund unit price is $20, you actually invest $10,000 to get the 500 units of the funds. In your statement, the $20 is still your purchase price instead of $10,300/20.
Check with them if the transaction really did on the same day they agreed to accept your order. And ask them why they charged your front end fee without clear explanation.

Self-direct plan they charge $50 adm. fee a year,you do whatever you like.You buy stocks,still need to pay commission in every transition.In my oppinion, rather buy some mutual fund in the first place.

最初由 挺傻 发布
It's not in your self directed plan, right? That's a different story for self directed plans.

As far as I know, if front end fees applied, the total units of your purchasing will be decreased (that's called decreasing your purchasing power) rather than increase the unit purchasing price.
Let's take a simple example, if you have $10,300 to invest,the front end fee is 3% and the fund unit price is $20, you actually invest $10,000 to get the 500 units of the funds. In your statement, the $20 is still your purchase price instead of $10,300/20.
Check with them if the transaction really did on the same day they agreed to accept your order. And ask them why they charged your front end fee without clear explanation.
I am holding four RBC funds in my RSP with RBC. There was no front load at all. And their returns were pretty good in last two years.

I also bought some funds at ING this year. There was no front load and they do have 10% redemption limit in the first 5-6 years.

Concerning RSP contribution/deduction, my understanding is that you do can contribute at any time and claim the deductions in any future years. As long as your total contribution is less than the limit, no penalty.
我今天打了电话,RSP LOAN 是以 daily compound interest rate来算的。

For you RRSP loan, you can pay it off within 3 months with no interest. What you should do is to apply the loan through Manulife Bank, defer the payment for 3 month. By the mean time, you can fill in your last year income tax. Once you have your ttax refund, you can pay off the loan in all with no interest. By the way the rate is prime: 4.25%.

Please check www.manulifebank.ca

If you need any help, please let me know. Thank you.
很多rrsp catch up line of credit or loan 都是前三个月不计利息的。
有的银行的是compound monthly 的。
