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RRSP loan from AGF, granatee approval. No income verification for loan upto $50,000.
Can use loan as contribution, top up, maximizer or RESP contribution.

Rate as low as prime - 1%.

QQH me for more detail.
Please do not use "definitely" before you post some uncertain information. RBC fund has no front load charge. If you feel the price is different, you can call 1-800 at any time. I am assuming that you know the trading price difference before 4pm and after 4pm?

最初由 nathanj 发布
I bought some Mutual Fund from RBC within a resp plan two years ago, balance growth fund. The trading day ending price is 8.8**, after i get the statement, I found my purchase price is 9.2**, it is definitly a front load charge, because I have not taken the money out,I don't know if they will charge some back end load as well. I don't have the document on hand,I am sure they didn't tell me anything about this charge. Anyway, the price of this fund is $11.6* yesterday, not a bad investment. Sometimes we got to trust a little bit someboby else. If they have some good stuff, some percent load is not a bad deal.

I am sharing with you guys a divident fund, AIC divident income fund, it is very good for all kind of investment.

see here:


Hope to talk to you guys more about investment

I got it from AGF.

"Payments can be deferred on the above loans from 30 days up to 180 days, however interest accrues from the date of funding"

I got it from manulife bank

"defer your first loan payment by 90 days which can give you time to apply your tax refund to reduce your loan balance"

2 Cases!
Let us make a sample, I loan CAD 10,000 from the bank. I sign the contract with them, they allowed me deferring the first payment 90 days later. The loan rate is 4% ( easy to calculate ). Whatif I pay off $5,000 before 90 days, or the whole amount. How to calculate the interest.

My understanding is they are gonna charge you the interest from the 1st day you borrow out the money.
Called Manulife bank, the interest will be accrue by daily from the starting date, even the first payment defer 90days.
yes, i agree.不是说前三个月最终都不会要你的利息,而是说前三个月先不要你还利息,等你拿到你的退税的钱之后再还。
虽然 The trading day ending price is 8.8**,但也有可能你递交购买申请的时间超过了RBC规定的当日结算时间。如果情况是这样的话,你的购买申请将会在下一个NAV calculation date执行。也就是说,你的PURCHASE PRICE 将会是the ending price of the next NAV calculation date.可能是第二天,也可能更久,取决于RBC计算NAV的频率。所以你拿到的PRICE不同于8.8是很正常的(可以高于8.8也可以低于8.8)。对于mutual fund 来说,没有人能保证你能拿到任何确定的 price, 如果你的 MUTUAL FUND REPRESENTATIVE 或 INVESTMENT/FINANCIAL ADVISOR跟你保证他/她可以给你某个价位的话,那他/她就违反了从业人员行为操作守则,应该是可以投诉的。

最初由 nathanj 发布
I bought some Mutual Fund from RBC within a resp plan two years ago, balance growth fund. The trading day ending price is 8.8**, after i get the statement, I found my purchase price is 9.2**, it is definitly a front load charge, because I have not taken the money out,I don't know if they will charge some back end load as well. I don't have the document on hand,I am sure they didn't tell me anything about this charge. Anyway, the price of this fund is $11.6* yesterday, not a bad investment. Sometimes we got to trust a little bit someboby else. If they have some good stuff, some percent load is not a bad deal.

I am sharing with you guys a divident fund, AIC divident income fund, it is very good for all kind of investment.

see here:


Hope to talk to you guys more about investment
RBC has 99% no load funds, only front end loads funds are those who is only avaliable through financial planner or outside advisors.

Example, if order executed before 4pm on jan 1, price will be set at the price at the end of jan 1.
If order executed after 4pm on Jan 1, price will be set at the price at the end of jan 2 or next business day.
再 问 关 于 RRSP

问 一 个 傻 傻 的 问 题

比 如 说 2004 年 的 Notice of Assessment 指 明 2005 年 的 RRSP decuction limit 是 $1000 (line A), 那 2005 只 能 买 $1000 RRSP 吗 ? 还 是 这 个 $1000 是 carry-over? 2005 工 作 了 一 整 年 的 RRSP 到 底 该 怎 么 算 ? 如 果 买 多 了 怎 么 算 penalty?

请 不 要 见 笑 , 的 确 不 是 十 分 清 楚 ! ! :blowzy: :blowzy:

请 高 人 指 教 吧 !
Re: 再 问 关 于 RRSP


你能买的2005年度RRSP是line A 的那个数.

如果你买多了RRSP, 超过$2000就要缴罚金.否则不用. 但你报税时, 你只能填line A的那个数. 多买的那部分就carry foward到明年.

最初由 Victoria 发布
问 一 个 傻 傻 的 问 题

比 如 说 2004 年 的 Notice of Assessment 指 明 2005 年 的 RRSP decuction limit 是 $1000 (line A), 那 2005 只 能 买 $1000 RRSP 吗 ? 还 是 这 个 $1000 是 carry-over? 2005 工 作 了 一 整 年 的 RRSP 到 底 该 怎 么 算 ? 如 果 买 多 了 怎 么 算 penalty?

请 不 要 见 笑 , 的 确 不 是 十 分 清 楚 ! ! :blowzy: :blowzy:

请 高 人 指 教 吧 !
Re: Re: 再 问 关 于 RRSP

最初由 悠着点 发布

你能买的2005年度RRSP是line A 的那个数.

如果你买多了RRSP, 超过$2000就要缴罚金.否则不用. 但你报税时, 你只能填line A的那个数. 多买的那部分就carry foward到明年.

Thank you!! ^_^
最初由 sean 发布
如果没有钱买RRSP的话,可以通过银行的RRSP LOAN 来购买。 Prime + 1% 的还款利率,这是公布价,你可以找一些小的Financial institude,或许可以借的低点;现在的Prime是不到4.5%。
其实,根据自己的还款能力,适当借钱买RRSP是值得的,Income TAX被收走了,就再也没有退了。

实例,你的TAX rate是20%,你可以有5000的RRSP空间, 如果没有买,你要交5000*20%, 相当于1000刀的税;如果你借了钱,买了RRSP,借款利率是6%,利息是300块,因为你少交了1000块的税,所以你自己手上有不要缴税的700刀投资;
这里还没有计算,5000块和4000块投资所产生的Capital gain所要缴的税。

这里我有疑问:购买RRSP以后还是要缴税的,假设你取出RRSP的时候你的tax rate是20%,你将来仍然需要交5000*20%的税
Just a litte bit of my understanding on RRSP(A Registered Retirement Savings Plan). By only seeing the name, you would notice that the RRSP is a Canadian investment account that provides some tax benefits for saving for retirement in Canada. Put it simple, it saves you current tax payments and defers the tax payments until your retirment (65 years old). In most cases, the tax rates are different based on your annual incom. You will have less tax rate once you are at retiring age. For example, you pay 24%-30% at 30...but only pay 15%-20% at 65. So it saves 10% without condering the RRSP growth.
Hope that will help???

最初由 孔方兄 发布

这里我有疑问:购买RRSP以后还是要缴税的,假设你取出RRSP的时候你的tax rate是20%,你将来仍然需要交5000*20%的税
According to Leon's a litte bit of his understanding on RRSP, for the peole who has income less than the level of 22% tax rate, is it not a good ideal to buy RRSP now? I am a RRSP beginner....and just buy RRSP follow everyone and not sure how much benefits it will be since we still need to tax on it after 65 year old. :P
I think I got some ideas from CanChn:

"年薪3万以下者买RRSP。生活较紧张,再去花钱买RRSP,会加重负担,而且每年的RRSP额度都可以累积(CARRY FORWARD),不会"过期不给"。在税率是22%时购买RRSP,如果RRSP累积过多,一旦发生意外,所有RRSP之总额,将当成去世当年收入来课税,税率反而可能加到50%,得不偿失,积蓄付之东流。

  但近期准备购买首个住房者应该先买RRSP,然后通过使用HBP PLAN, 从而达到“一钱两用”――既可以享受退税,买房时又可以将之贷出买房,非常划算。HBP指的是RRSP中的购房者计划(Home Buyer's Plan)。目前的HBP是由联邦政府1999年预算案修订确立的,此计划使得加拿大人在符合规定的前提下,可以不被扣税而使用一定数额的RRSP帐户内资金用以购买住宅。按规定提前从RRSP帐户内支取资金是要被预扣税的,但以HBP的形式取款不受此限制,可以说是对RRSP持有者的又一优惠措施。
