最初由 nathanj 发布
I bought some Mutual Fund from RBC within a resp plan two years ago, balance growth fund. The trading day ending price is 8.8**, after i get the statement, I found my purchase price is 9.2**, it is definitly a front load charge, because I have not taken the money out,I don't know if they will charge some back end load as well. I don't have the document on hand,I am sure they didn't tell me anything about this charge. Anyway, the price of this fund is $11.6* yesterday, not a bad investment. Sometimes we got to trust a little bit someboby else. If they have some good stuff, some percent load is not a bad deal.
I am sharing with you guys a divident fund, AIC divident income fund, it is very good for all kind of investment.
see here:
Hope to talk to you guys more about investment
最初由 nathanj 发布
I bought some Mutual Fund from RBC within a resp plan two years ago, balance growth fund. The trading day ending price is 8.8**, after i get the statement, I found my purchase price is 9.2**, it is definitly a front load charge, because I have not taken the money out,I don't know if they will charge some back end load as well. I don't have the document on hand,I am sure they didn't tell me anything about this charge. Anyway, the price of this fund is $11.6* yesterday, not a bad investment. Sometimes we got to trust a little bit someboby else. If they have some good stuff, some percent load is not a bad deal.
I am sharing with you guys a divident fund, AIC divident income fund, it is very good for all kind of investment.
see here:
Hope to talk to you guys more about investment
最初由 Victoria 发布
问 一 个 傻 傻 的 问 题
比 如 说 2004 年 的 Notice of Assessment 指 明 2005 年 的 RRSP decuction limit 是 $1000 (line A), 那 2005 只 能 买 $1000 RRSP 吗 ? 还 是 这 个 $1000 是 carry-over? 2005 工 作 了 一 整 年 的 RRSP 到 底 该 怎 么 算 ? 如 果 买 多 了 怎 么 算 penalty?
请 不 要 见 笑 , 的 确 不 是 十 分 清 楚 ! ! :blowzy: :blowzy:
请 高 人 指 教 吧 !
最初由 sean 发布
如果没有钱买RRSP的话,可以通过银行的RRSP LOAN 来购买。 Prime + 1% 的还款利率,这是公布价,你可以找一些小的Financial institude,或许可以借的低点;现在的Prime是不到4.5%。
其实,根据自己的还款能力,适当借钱买RRSP是值得的,Income TAX被收走了,就再也没有退了。
实例,你的TAX rate是20%,你可以有5000的RRSP空间, 如果没有买,你要交5000*20%, 相当于1000刀的税;如果你借了钱,买了RRSP,借款利率是6%,利息是300块,因为你少交了1000块的税,所以你自己手上有不要缴税的700刀投资;
这里还没有计算,5000块和4000块投资所产生的Capital gain所要缴的税。
最初由 孔方兄 发布
这里我有疑问:购买RRSP以后还是要缴税的,假设你取出RRSP的时候你的tax rate是20%,你将来仍然需要交5000*20%的税