If you are sponsoring your aged parents, come here


Hi Every body,

If you are sponsoring your parents, please find the attached. It is really a bad new for our hardworking immigrants. Not only because the process of sponsorship halting affect our aged parents, but also have the huge impact on ourselves. We are the Chinese. We have the right and obligation to support our parents. If we fail to fulfill this obligation, we will be condemned by our society and ourselves. So, pay a close attention of the attached and stand up to support ourselves. For more information, please go:



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Immigration Canada is not reviewing applications in the Parents Sponsorship Applications. This is really dissapointing. The back log is now 17-18 months.
I need your help in order to improve this. Please send a letter of complaint to your MEMEBER OF PARLAMENT ( You can find who he is by your postal code at http://www.parl.gc.ca/ and forward a copy to my e.mail address at sponsoryourparent@hotmail.com.
We need to gather together to let the government that we care and we want to be with our parents and this is UNFAIR.

Help me to spread this request
Hope to hear from A LOT OF people soon!!!

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I already was visiting my local MP 2 month ago. She is a Liberal.
From the beginning she didn’t understand what I’m talking about. She was sure that backlog is abroad of Canada and even sent fax to the Foreign Embassy. Embassy answered very quickly: they don’t have my file.
I used to explain her several times that backlog is in Canada. She didn’t believe me. She said, “It’s impossible!”
Then she called to someone in Ministry of Immigration and was told that reviewing of Parents Sponsorship Applications was stopped for some reason and nobody knows when it will start again.
When I came to her office in week, she already was not surprise and started explain me that situation is not so bad and so on (Liberals)
She even suggested writing Petition. One of my friends helps me to write the Petition. So I have it and don’t think it will help.
We have to send our words to Opposition Parties. I already send week ago letter to Opposition party Official Shadow Immigration Minister Diane Ablonczy www.dianeablonczy.com, but so far there is no respond.
We have to send letter to NDP party also. Lets do something!
I think Petition is very mild. In my letter to Ms. Ablonczy I used different tone, but so far there is no respond. (See http://www.conservative.ca/english/shadowcabinet.asp for member of Official Opposition Shadow cabinet).
I see you English is better, so lets do something. I can send you the copy of letter to Ms. Ablobczy.


We, the undersigned, are concerned about the lengthening waiting time for the processing of parental sponsorship by the Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration, in the GTA and across Canada.
Applications wait for 17+ months within Canada before they are reviewed and sent overseas. The overall processing timetable for parental applications has been growing from the official 18-24 month period, to 42 months! Since parents/grandparents are sponsored by their adult hardworking children, they tend to be of declining years, usually over the age of 65.
In many cases, they face great material and emotional hardships at home, difficulties that will be resolved by their loving family in Canada. The lengthening waiting periods and the advancing years of the sponsored exacerbate an already stressful family separation for no other reason than bureaucratic procedures.

We respectfully request the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration to look into this situation with a view to reducing the processing timeframe to the stated standards on the application. Additionally, we ask all of our political representatives, and society at large, to make their voices heard on this growing concern.

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I absolutely understand all the frustration that you and others feel.. I do not believe in "17-18 month" bullshit. I applied in October last year and they were processing May 2003 applications at that time. In a year they processed only one month worth of applications, and applying simple math one may conclude that
the real timing is at least few years before my application even opened. (this is a remark to those who say that few month of waiting is not a big deal... wish it was only few month.. or even a year... or even 2 years, I can wait, but 5+ years is heartbreaking). If these applications are being processed at all..Do not forget, this is only a start. After sponsorship is approved, our parents
will have to send an immigration application to the Canadian embassy. I called Immigration not long ago and all they can say is they "do not know", "17-18 month" and "there too many applications lately", which I do not believe. By the way, I asked if I will need to upgrade my financial evaluation papers when my file will be opened, and they said yes. It does not matter that I spent 2 month
preparing all the required financial documents last year. They are already outdated.
I do not believe that immigrated parents are a burden to the society. They are supported by the sponsor for 10 years. I applied for my parents and my younger brother, who are my only living blood relatives. My parents are both PhD, speak English and under 60. Dad tells me all the time that they will do anything not to be a burden to me or society even if he will have to work as a cab driver. Because of their age, they do not have enough points to qualify for "skilled worker" category. My brother is very excited and hopeful, and keeps asking me "when?", and I do not know what to say to him any more. To be qualified for the "skilled worker" category he may have to wait another 10 years, and it will be much more
difficult for him to integrate to the society than now, while he is young (he is only 20 now, and a student)..
I will try to contact my MP ASAP(she is NDP)

I am not sure how lawyer can help (as some suggest)
For the most part, immigration lawyers are only helping to prepare documents,and have no influence on the immigration process itself.
older people stay in china is better,
when i am old like to go back to china,
首先应该召集所有对此有兴趣的人。 然后起草一份请愿书(不是为某些个案,而是针对此项政策)
最初由 ndsids 发布
older people stay in china is better,
when i am old like to go back to china,

I understand your point. Yes, if we have brothers and sisters who can take care of our parents, we should make them stay at home. But, things are different from people to people. For the aged parents who lives alone without any relatives, they definitely need someone to take care of them, not only physically, but also emotionally. Think about if our parents got sick and there are no one he/she could call for a help; think about our parents could only staring the album about his/her family and could only miss the beloved with tears on face, do you think that is brutal? I really think we need do something for ourselves. Because it is not only a infinite delay of processing but also a brutal discrimination.

如果你正打算或正在为自己的父母办理担保移民, 请仔细的看一下下面的转贴。如果你对父母办理担保移民感兴趣, 请到下列连接http://www.canada-city.ca/canada-immigration/posting.php?messageid=1819,使用parent parents sponsorship关键字搜索.

i would like to congratulate you and other memebers of this forum for taking an initiative for the parental sponsorship applications.through this mail i want to give you some facts.
i had sent my application in early 2002 and my applicaton is as yet stuck in the embassy.but our problem is the same and the problem is the parents sponsorship is no more a priority for the canadian government and consequently they are continously reducing the intake of people in this category.in 2002 the intake was 22000,in 2003 it was 19000,in 2004 the target is between 10000-13000 and for 2005 the target intake is 5500-6800 people.so as you can see based on 2005 targets it will take between 10-20 yrs for a parental application to be approved(approx 25000 people file in this category every year).this is the reason they have stopped sending applications to the different consulates because they are already overloaded with unfinished applications.these may be some new facts for you guys but this is the direction in which CIC is going.when i applied the whole process was supposed to take 11-14 months but it has been slowing down ever since.
so unless the priorities change and the intake targets are not increased the situation is not going to change.
现在华人在OTTAWA地区分布在不同的区域. 如果每个有类似情况的家庭,向所在地的MP反映,落到一个MP手上的就可能会很分散,不一定会引起重视.

何不把反映信集中写给几个华人聚集区的MP? 这样这几个MP就会感觉VOTE的力量.依我观察, 在OTTAWA地区,KANATA和CONTREPOINT的华人比较多,如果把信集中到这两个区的MP,可能更有效果一点.


Carleton--Mississippi Mills, Ontario

O'CONNOR, Gordon (Conservative) (GORDON IS FIRST NAME)

Parliamentary Address

House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0A6
Telephone: (613) 992-1119
Fax: (613) 992-1043
E-Mail: Oconnor.G@parl.gc.ca

Constituency Address

240 Michael Copeland Drive
Kanata, Ontario
K2M 1P6
Telephone: (613) 592-3469
Fax: (613) 592-4756


Ottawa West--Nepean, Ontario

CATTERALL, Marlene (Liberal) ( Marlene is first name )

Parliamentary Address

House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0A6
Telephone: (613) 996-0984
Fax: (613) 996-9880
E-Mail: Catterall.M@parl.gc.ca

Constituency Address

2571 Carling Avenue, Suite 204, Accu-Rate Plaza
Ottawa, Ontario
K2B 7Z2
Telephone: (613) 990-7720
Fax: (613) 993-6501
E-Mail: cattem1@parl.gc.ca

前面的连接及转贴全部来自华人以外的社区。我很倾佩他们为自己权益而行动的精神。 我们华人素有敬老爱幼的传统。这不仅是因为我们血缘上的联系,这更代表了我们华人的价值观。当我们苦苦地为融入主流社会奋斗的时候,我们更应用自己的行动来维护自己的传统。加拿大是一个多元文化社会,而多元文化的一个重要的标志之一就是各个不同的族裔可以保佑,发扬本族裔的价值观和传统;各个族裔平等和谐的为我们的新家园共同努力。可是, 政府现在的做法不仅剥夺了我们年迈的父母与我们团聚的机会,而且粗暴的践踏了我们价值观。试想一下,政府目前的做法会造成多少人在得到移民之前去世并给子女留下终生遗憾和内疚(引自大嘴)。试想一下,政府目前的做法会造成多少个家庭不合与分离。这不仅仅是一个担保父母移民的家庭的问题,而是整个移民群体极少数族裔共同的问题。我们来到了加拿大,有了绿卡,有了公民身份; 可我们想过没有,我们的身份是不完整的,我们作为公民的权益是被践踏的。当我们放弃了自己的父母兄妹,放弃了自己的传统和价值观后,我们就只会是一群为了融入主流社会奋斗得可怜的二等公民。

我很倾佩那些为了自己权益而行动的人,他们不仅仅是在为自己父母兄妹行动,因为他们的行动,我们华人也会从中获益。他们现在正在用各种方式向政府表达不满,包括给Local MP写信,直接Local MP和见面,有关在Ottawa或Toronto进行示威的想法也正在形成。

请所有关心这件事情的朋友行动起来,将这件事情告诉所有你认识的人。如果可能,也请向你的Local MP写信表达自己的愿望。
我估计这话我说出来要挨砖. 抗议这个纯碎是为了自己的利益, 怎么牵扯到整个华人的价值观. 要知道你年老的父母过来还要占医疗资源, 多过来一个, 我们其他人看病可能就要延迟, 一样可能会造成遗憾的.现在老年人基本占了90%的医疗资源, 从政府的角度, 也是为所有加拿大人好. 也是无可厚非. 为了共同的利益联合起来抗议没问题. 不要把一些人的观念冠上整个民族的标志.更牵扯不上主流和二等公民等问题.
最初由 happy 发布
我估计这话我说出来要挨砖. 抗议这个纯碎是为了自己的利益, 怎么牵扯到整个华人的价值观. 要知道你年老的父母过来还要占医疗资源, 多过来一个, 我们其他人看病可能就要延迟, 一样可能会造成遗憾的.现在老年人基本占了90%的医疗资源, 从政府的角度, 也是为所有加拿大人好. 也是无可厚非. 为了共同的利益联合起来抗议没问题. 不要把一些人的观念冠上整个民族的标志.更牵扯不上主流和二等公民等问题.



最初由 cccc 发布


最初由 cccc 发布

对于有经济能力SPONSOR老人并能保证一定生活水平的移民,有什么不对的吗? 况且在移民申请中,SPONSOR要负担10年的费用.

最初由 cccc 发布



最初由 cccc 发布


Are you kidding? Do you know anything about OHIP? Please read the meassage carefully before reply. We are talking about family-class immigration, not a short-term visiting.
to chong chong
请不要这样激动.我们有多少老人在这里我的确不清楚. 不过我们有多少老人在这里交税的呢? 如果你的父母过来, 他们就会增加这90%,自然我们占的比例就会少, 对不对? 所以你是在为你自己的父母争自己的利益, 并不是什么整体华人的什么地位等等. 所以我说去抗议没意见. 有必要拿着民族的牌子吗? 我们家一年交的税和这个问题没关系, 既然你问了, 我就告诉你, 大概3, 4万.我们现在肯定是为医疗系统做贡献.为什么加拿大为了自己国家的利益的政策就不对呢? 你交了税, 任何政策对你都要有利吗? 对你不利的, 不见得对别人不利.

退一万步说, 如果那个价值观那么重要, 没有办法, 不是可以回中国去陪父母吗? 为了父母, 牺牲点自己又有什么呢