If you are sponsoring your aged parents, come here

最初由 Spike 发布

Very well said. Strongly agree.


Please note that House of Commons committee on immigration issues will be travelling through the country to look into issues related to immigration. The press release can be found here: http://www.parl.gc.ca/committee/CommitteePublication.aspx?SourceId=96511

The hearings will be held in Toronto around March or April of next year.

This is controller or audit for Ministry of Immigration and personally Ms. Sgro.

It is important to everybody to send your story, your demand to the Chair of this Committee Andrew Telegdi. You can find his e-mail easily on the page.

It would be good to send you angry letter to the committee not only via e-mail, but regular mail only.

If someone will find his mail address please let us know.

Again this is very important committee
?ross-Canada Hearings of the House of Commons Standing Committee on Citizenship and Immigration: An Opportunity for your voice to be heard.?/SPAN>

Please also read the link http://laws.justice.gc.ca/en/i-2.5/64352.html Immigration and Refugee Protection Act

Please make search family?and you will find

Charter 13. (1) A Canadian citizen or permanent resident may, subject to the regulations, sponsor a foreign national who is a member of the family class.

So Ms. Sgro violated the immigration and Refugee Protection Act?

Please be active. Only you can help your parents. If you have question, just mail to me.

Again please sent ad to your community papers and forums.

I will update http://www.canada-city.ca/canada-immigration/posting.php?messageid=2144 page soon. Don't pay attention to postings not related to our subject. It is normal for every Forum
Hi Michael and Dave

Thanks for participating in our forum.

This is what we have to do to star:

1. Please send a Complaining Letter to your MP
(http://www.parl.gc.ca/common/index.asp?Language=E). It's important to have
a dated written document.

2. Send the same letter to http://www.dianeablonczy.com/ (MP shadow Cabinet
for Immigration)

3. Be willing to sing our petition and to participate in a demonstration. We
need at least 25 signatures. If you know how we can collect them over the
internet, it will be greatly appreciated.

Any suggestions are welcome.

We will keep you informed



非常感谢所有参加和关心(If you are sponsoring your aged parents, come here)讨论的热心朋友。为了能使政府早日了解和重视广大移民和非本土出生加拿大公民思念亲人的愿望, Parents Sponsorship Forum 的成员决定向政府发起情愿活动。Ken Dryden(MP) 愿意为我们向国会递交下面所附的请愿书。为了让这个请愿能够为政府所重视,我们和我们的亲人需要所有热心朋友的支持。请各位朋友仔细阅读下面所附的请愿书,如果您赞同请愿书中所陈述的观点并愿意签名,请发送电子邮件至sponsor20041224@yahoo.com并附上您的有效电子邮件地址,我将把一份签名表格(Excel format file)和请愿书发送至您提供的邮件地址中。您可以将您的签名添加在该份表格中并发送回sponsor20041224@yahoo.com。如果您愿意的话,也可以直接在的电子邮件中提供如下信息(First Name, Last Name, City, Province, Postal Code, Phone Number, e-mail address), 我将十分乐意地将您的信息附加在我们的请愿书中。为了能使本请愿书如期在明年一月份递交加拿大政府,请所有热心的朋友签署这份文件并将此请愿书告知您的朋友。




1. One of the purposes of the enactment of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA) on June 28, 2002 as outlined on the Citizenship and Immigration web site was to help families reunite more quickly.
2. The combined processing timetable as indicated by the Citizenship and Immigration web site, for parental applications has been growing from 18-24 months a year ago, to 60 months currently and appears to continue to grow!
3. The reason in part for this substantial and unreasonable increase in wait time is based on bureaucratic delays within Canada. The current wait time for applications is 19+ months within Canada before they are reviewed and sent overseas.

We, the undersigned, are concerned about the lengthening waiting time for the processing of parental sponsorship by the Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration Canada.
Parents are sponsored by their hardworking adult children and tend to be in their declining years. In many cases, they face great material and emotional hardships at home. These are difficulties that can be resolved by being with their loving family in Canada
The lengthening waiting periods and the advancing years of the sponsored exacerbate an already stressful family separation for no other reason than bureaucratic procedures. Special consideration should be given to cases where the sponsored parent is alone and where the sponsor is the sole child.
We respectfully request that the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration look into this situation with a view to reducing the processing timeframe to the stated standards on the application. Additionally, we ask all of our political representatives, and society at large, to make their voices heard on this growing concern.
最初由 Spike 发布

Well said.
Re: Re: If you are sponsoring your aged parents, come here

最初由 ottawa248 发布
If you want to be nice to your parents, you should pay more from your own pocket, like the way in china.

You tax money only covers your own benefit, it's not for your parents. I told my conservative MP this: "Sponsor should pay sponsorship fee every year."

I totally agree with you. The government must find a way to make sure that sponsor keep their promise.

It is not fair that some people went to U.S after sponsor their parent, and left their parent in Canada. The Canadian tax payer will pay the money.
最初由 Spike 发布





Agree and support !!!
Re: Re: If you are sponsoring your aged parents, come here

最初由 ottawa248 发布
If you want to be nice to your parents, you should pay more from your own pocket, like the way in china.

You tax money only covers your own benefit, it's not for your parents. I told my conservative MP this: "Sponsor should pay sponsorship fee every year."

The solution is simple; don't give sponsored parents medical benefit and cheap housing benefit. Ask their sponsoring children to buy them medical insurance.

This is how they do it in USA.
Re: Re: Re: If you are sponsoring your aged parents, come here

最初由 Xiaomimi 发布

The solution is simple; don't give sponsored parents medical benefit and cheap housing benefit. Ask their sponsoring children to buy them medical insurance.

This is how they do it in USA.

Good idea. We should ask our MP to setup this rule in Canada.
good point

最初由 Rock2008sz 发布

看来很多人对那些在老人公寓里住的中国老人背后申请的动机表示很强烈的批评. 据所知现在华人老人住得比较多的带有福利性质的两个楼一个在ROCHESTER,一个是中华大厦. 是否说申请时,必须说儿女不履行抚养义务才能入住?好象并不是这么回事. 有相当多的人是出于文化和生活习惯和子女住不惯,才提出申请的.有很多人的子女还在OTTAWA住.

如果儿女还在OTTAWA居住,父母以儿女不履行抚养义务而申请并成功入住, 这里CREDIT很重要.这些儿女不是给自己找麻烦?

很多老人拿的是老年金,不是招人鄙视的社会救济金,很多人经常搞混.在加拿大住够了10年,他们拿老年金,进老人公寓并没有错,其他老人也拿,很多本地人不用10年这个限制.这些老人及其家庭并没有滥用这个系统. 这些人居住老年公寓和子女是否履行抚养义务,根本是两码事.

如果儿女去美国发展,不CARE这里的CREDIT,倒有这样的可能.我认为只有在这种情况下,才能100%说是ABUSE福利政策. 在老年公寓的华人老人能有多少人呢? 这一类儿女去美国发展, 并在10年未到期前,把老人以无人抚养的理由而申请的人倒底有多少呢? OTTAWA地区华人也有4-5万人移民过来的老人少说也有4-5千吧.我知道的大多数移民成功的老人都在和子女一些住.这100多华人老人真正属于滥用的倒底有多少人?和4-5千其他老人相比比例是否算高?

如果真有这些"滥用"统计数据,我烦请大家贴上统计数据,说说倒底有多少华人老人在领"社会救济金"?占领""社会救济金"总人口的比例?有多少华人老人住带有政府补贴性质的老人公寓,占全部老人的比例. 也算是提醒教育华人朋友.

极少数移民或留学生在申请时提供假文件而进入加拿大,我们华人TAX PAYER是否要发动一场请愿,请政府注意这种现象,并关闭移民或留学的大门?我们不能用少部分人的错误,而否定所有的人.

OTTAWA老人公寓有很多,华人选择这两个楼主要是因为离CHINA TOWN近,买东西方便.OTTAWA还有很多带有福利性质的老年公寓,其他种族的老人也有很多人在申请或享用或"滥用"这个政策.为什么很多华人朋友眼睛就盯在少数享受这福利制度的华人老人呢?为什么更有圣人把"不道德"的标签贴在这些老人身上?


为什么很多人这么在意他的TAX MONEY 花在这些住在老年公寓的100多华人老人上,而不去抱怨TAX MONEY 花在其他民族的老人,加拿大政府的福利支出或有争议的支出有很多,比如几亿加币的GUN REGISTRY,SPONSOR SCANDAL, 双语政策,引入过多难民并给难民全面提供吃穿主行等.那些地方我们这些华人TAX PAYER有多少人去COMPLAIN???? 当很多TAX PAYER在义正词严的批评那些少数滥用制度的同时,是否也关注一下其他滥花更多钱的地方. 如果以此来质疑绝大部分以亲情家庭团聚等申请父母移民的人,就有点小气了.

我倒是在其他场合听到的COMPLAIN多半是有人申请老人排队一直没有排上而对先进去的人的动机表示气愤的.很多人申请是出于两代人住不惯,而老年公寓租金相对便宜的原因. 这种气愤倒是比较符合中国特色.