寻鹰记 (Look for Great Gray Owl in Ottawa)

  • 主题发起人 主题发起人 GangW
  • 开始时间 开始时间
最初由 GangW 发布

Thanks, 阿瓜. Don't push me, you know, I am the oldest man in this forum, type very slow, and I am telling the story.

搬个大沙发, 占个地儿先...
Terrific idea, that's exactly what I'd like to see, you know, some stories, some human touch, for us non-technical people. ;):)

最初由 GangW 发布

Thanks, JJ. I am trying to learn writing the story instead of just posting the pictures I took. Any critique and comment are welcome.
Ohhhh hoho, you ARE a great story-teller...I'm so intrigued. :glowface:

最初由 GangW 发布
No hope, "My dear great gray owl, how can you let me take the clear pictures of you?" I put down my camera, opened my eyes widely and stared at the black, unclear owl through the small branches of the trees. I was disappointed, turned my head around. My eyes lighted up when I saw the Benz car coming back and stopped beside me, the birder opened the car window and said to me "

欲知后事如何, 等着下回分解

Sorry I have to finish my report and ......

to be continued.
Sorry, I have no time to continue it today. I am very glad that your guys like the story. In order not to lose your interesting to continue reading it I post my photo works to share with you and hope you like them.

17, the portrait of the great gray owl
the picture uploading is working now.

19, Blue jay in the winter.
In order to avoid my memory to be lost let me continue my story.

20, the birder opened the car window and said me "Young man, (in fact, I am not young man but just younger than them, not retired yet) another great gray owl is sitting on tree waiting for you to take the pictures, this time you can get the perfect pictures,... " I asked "is it on a tree far away?" "No, it may be 20-30 feet away, on a tree in the open field beside the road, you go ahead and then toun left, ......." he said. I turned my car and drove to there after saying thanks. here is the first picture taken when I got there.
21, As you know, the most interesting characters for a great gray owl are its yellow eyes and disk face, so I had to approach it at its front. I slowly,quietly and carefully walked to its front no matter how the snow was so thick and took this picture.
22, I took my breath and pushed the shutter button, the shutter made the sounds "Kaca, Kaca, Kaca ......" and the great gray owl was staring at me. Suddenly it dove down ...
23, That's not good, it was flying away, I recognized. I liked to take its wingspan flying picture but the direction prefered to me (to camera)
24, I was disappointed when I put down my camera, looked the place where the great gray was flying to. That's not bad at all, it was sitting on a tree stump, where it was better than it was before.
25, "My God, you are really my friend and you know what I want." I thought. "The next, you will pose to me."

Looking left.