一起小孩在DAY CARE 遭欺负的事

最初由 I Have a Dream 发布

A parent's nightmare

Global Edmonton

Friday, January 28, 2005

Police and social services officials are investigating a disturbing incident at a south Edmonton day care.

A six month old baby was left behind Thursday after employees locked up for the night. The boy's mother was left in limbo, not knowing where her son was. It turns out he's okay, but there are plenty of questions left to be answered.

Chantel Patterson still wonders how her six-month-old son Israel was locked inside his day care by himself, forgotten by staff that left for the day. Patterson arrived to pickup Israel at 4:15 p.m. Thursday, but decided to leave him in the day care until 6:00 p.m. while she went next door for a drink.

She returned just after 6:00 p.m. to find the doors locked, panic set in and she called police.

"They finally got the doors open at 9 o'clock and he was way in the back alone, and he hadn't been fed, and he still had a full bottle there," says Patterson.

It was Israel's first day at Bear's Paw Day Care Centre. His mother says he wasn't signed in or out properly. The day care owner calls it an unfortunate employee mistake.

"And I guess because he was sleeping, she had forgotten about him I guess is what it comes down to," says Bonita Berezanski of Bear's Paw Day Care Centre.

Berezanski is devastated. She says every parent is given her cell phone number in case of emergency and wonders why it took police so long to contact her. She thinks a number of factors are to blame.

"I think there's some responsibility on her part, parents do need to pick up their children on time, but certainly we need to be doing extra safety precautions to ensure something like this never happens again," says Berezanski.

The mistake has led to mixed reactions from other day care clients.

"The staff here has been nothing but professional for the past couple of years we've had our kids here. We've had nothing but really good experiences," says Rob Hill.

But one mother plans to look elsewhere for childcare.

"I know that people make mistakes, but how do you mistake leaving a child in a daycare? It's unacceptable," says Wendy Maxwell.

"I hope to God the day care staff that were there in the afternoon are fired," says Sarah Fassman.

The owner says that will probably happen. Social services investigators spent the day going over day care records and security measures. But it's too late for Patterson, her faith in child care has been shattered.

"I don't know if I should take him to another daycare, or even if I had another chance, should I trust a daycare?" she says.

Police aren't saying whether any charges are going to be laid in the incident, but Chantel Patterson is looking into possible legal action against the day care.
最初由 bigcooler 发布

我们参照的是DAY CARE 的HEALTH POLICY, 上面写着:”The child will be readmitted when a note has been obtained from the doctor stating the condition is not contagious or when the child has been free from this condition for 24 hours”. 也就是说, 有医生证明可接受, 或无证明但症状消失24小时后,

DAY CARE在11点的时候给楼主的太太打了电话,通知了她Policy,楼主的太太拒绝在1小时内从渥太华这个村子的一个地方,赶到另一个地方。不过也可以理解,反正她的孩子已经生病了,被传染的只可能是其他的孩子。
最初由 光辉岁月 发布


不要被楼主误导了,不是一小时,看看下面楼主的补充说明吧。楼主都承认了: "并非我们想CHALLANGE 他们的POLICY,我们的失误是, 没在26日早晨和DAY CARE 证实一下",bigcooler 你是准备把楼主彻底地包装成民族武器了。

最初由 jzhang77 发布
今天把事情的起因搞清了. 我们参照的是DAY CARE 的HEALTH POLICY, 上面写着:”The child will be readmitted when a note has been obtained from the doctor stating the condition is not contagious or when the child has been free from this condition for 24 hours”. 也就是说, 有医生证明可接受, 或无证明但症状消失24小时后, 可接受. 周3 早上, 又送儿子到SCHOOL OFFICE 确认后才放心去上班. 但今天DAY CARE 告诉我们, 由于PINK EYE 流行, 现在的要求是抗生素治疗后24小时,才接受. 并出示了一张通知(JANUARY 26),说已经贴在MESSAGE BOARD 上了. 我们当即指出, 通知是26日的, 我们25日就在家养病, 不可能知道26日的新POLICY 的内容. POLICY 版本的差异引起了26日的分歧, 并非我们想CHALLANGE 他们的POLICY, 我们的失误是, 没在26日早晨和DAY CARE 证实一下. 但不能成为被粗暴对待的理由. 他们的做法是不可接受的
最初由 jzhang77 发布
儿子4岁半, 早上8:30AM - 10:45AM, 在 JOUNIOR KIDGARDEN , 10:45AM 后, 学校旁边的 DAY CARE 老师将小孩接走, 10:45AM - 5:45PM 由DAY CARE 照顾.

昨天儿子得了 PINK EYE(红眼睛), 上午就去看医生, 配了药, 医生也给了CERTIFICATE, 允许今天回学校. 今天送儿子去学校, 一切正常.没想到11:00AM
我太太接到 DAY CARE 电话, 说他们的POLICY 是24小时才能回DAY CARE, 所以12:00AM 前DAY CARE 不收, 家长必须领回去, 我太太说: 她在DOWN TOWN 上班, 去DAY CARE 要换两辆BUS, 12:00AM 前肯定到不了, 结果各位猜猜那老师说什么? 她说:"你不来,我们就把孩子留在走廊(HALL WAY), 没人会管他". 我今天整个上午都在LAB, 中午12:30 才知道此事, 气坏了. 更可气的是下午又接到他们电话, 说他们的SUPERVISOR 要越我们谈谈POLICY, 我说我正要找他们呢. 看来SUPERVISOR 也不是好东西.

准备找 DAY CARE 上一级控诉, 不知该找哪个机构.请各位出主意, 如何做.

最初由 bigcooler 发布


你是真傻还是假傻,"医生开证明之前一定会抗生素治疗"? 你以为是在中国,"医生开证明之前一定会抗生素治疗"。
最初由 bigcooler 发布
突然发现,楼主说了已经得到医生证明了,按照daycare plolicy

The child will be readmitted when a note has been obtained from the doctor stating the condition is not contagious or when the child has been free from this condition for 24 hours”. 也就是说, 有医生证明可接受, 或无证明但症状消失24小时后, 可接受.

这个证明就是stating the condition is not contagious 的证明吧?那就说明没传染性了,那这里这帮傻蜜蜂就闭嘴吧。要不就去骂楼主的医生吧,楼主不过是听医生的罢了,一帮傻蜜蜂把楼主孩子想象成生化武器了。

最初由 Parker 发布


最初由 bigcooler 发布

我们参照的是DAY CARE 的HEALTH POLICY, 上面写着:”The child will be readmitted when a note has been obtained from the doctor stating the condition is not contagious or when the child has been free from this condition for 24 hours”. 也就是说, 有医生证明可接受, 或无证明但症状消失24小时后,

最初由 bigcooler 发布

如果这个证明就是stating the condition is not contagious 的证明那么就说明没传染性了,而且根据26号前的daycare的policy是可以上daycare的。


最初由 bigcooler 发布

note has been obtained from the doctor stating the condition is not contagious

jzhang77的补充说明里已经说了"由于PINK EYE 流行, 现在的要求是抗生素治疗后24小时,才接受",而且jzhang77承认"并非我们想CHALLANGE 他们的POLICY",你倒是很想CHALLANGE 他们的POLICY。

最初由 jzhang77 发布
今天把事情的起因搞清了. 我们参照的是DAY CARE 的HEALTH POLICY, 上面写着:”The child will be readmitted when a note has been obtained from the doctor stating the condition is not contagious or when the child has been free from this condition for 24 hours”. 也就是说, 有医生证明可接受, 或无证明但症状消失24小时后, 可接受. 周3 早上, 又送儿子到SCHOOL OFFICE 确认后才放心去上班. 但今天DAY CARE 告诉我们, 由于PINK EYE 流行, 现在的要求是抗生素治疗后24小时,才接受. 并出示了一张通知(JANUARY 26),说已经贴在MESSAGE BOARD 上了. 我们当即指出, 通知是26日的, 我们25日就在家养病, 不可能知道26日的新POLICY 的内容. POLICY 版本的差异引起了26日的分歧, 并非我们想CHALLANGE 他们的POLICY, 我们的失误是, 没在26日早晨和DAY CARE 证实一下. 但不能成为被粗暴对待的理由. 他们的做法是不可接受的
最初由 bigcooler 发布

note has been obtained from the doctor stating the condition is not contagious

最初由 bigcooler 发布

对,楼主是不想 CHALLANGE 他们的POLICY,所以才反复解释1个小时是怎么出来的,楼主第一个贴子就明说了25号上午“看医生, 配了药, 医生也给了CERTIFICATE“,你误导大家说不是就差一个小时的事你怎么不提了?你到底要承认你故意误导还是承认你理解错了?

你看看楼主的帖子什么时候贴的? 在遭到大家斥责之后,几天后,自己悄悄涂改,连个招呼都不打,实在是卑劣至极。
最初由 bigcooler 发布

“昨天儿子得了 PINK EYE(红眼睛), 上午就去看医生, 配了药, 医生也给了CERTIFICATE, 允许今天回学校. 今天送儿子去学校, 一切正常.”
“事实是医生给了证明,昨天给药,今天就不具有传染性了可以上学。早上去SCHOOL OFFICE, 出示证明后, 他们就OK 了. DAYCARE 也要看证明(SCHOOL 给了COPY),但他们又不接受证明,一定要FOLLOW 他们的POLICY, 再过一小时. ”


:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:
