
love with partners vs family love, which one do you value the most??? i certaily would value family more than anything.

"mom" and "dad" are partners :D

not marry this person is actualy being responsible to others

Then who should marry this person then? Is she "less valued" than other girls just because she is unlucky?
最初由 梅子 发布
... love with partners vs family love, which one do you value the most??? i certaily would value family more than anything.
最初由 timmy 发布
不敢苟同!配偶是朝夕相处的伴侣,双方肩负着赡养父母、生儿育女的双重使命,实际上夫妻的爱远深于对父母的爱,如同养父母重于亲生父母的道理一样。 [/Q



最初由 **Secret Girl** 发布
还是分开吧...不然你会后悔的.. 再说, 你的那个女朋友也太没品了.. 怎么那么晚才告诉你?!?

最初由 梅子 发布
最初由 timmy 发布
不敢苟同!配偶是朝夕相处的伴侣,双方肩负着赡养父母、生儿育女的双重使命,实际上夫妻的爱远深于对父母的爱,如同养父母重于亲生父母的道理一样。 [/Q


我可没说爱情 不名一文,只是说为了爱情舍去亲情,不值。再说了,就算他不想分,家里也会逼他的, 他要当想孝子化,没得选择。
ps. 说话注意点,别那么激动,人身攻击,太美水准了吧
最初由 Huiuiui 发布
Actually, for the current me, I would rather get the encouragement like your opinion. I love her so much. She is nice and kind. She already had much more painful experiences in her life. I really don't want to hurt her. It's too hard for me to give up the relationship.

1. About you: The chances for HCV passed to you are low if you know how to pretect yourself. Since there is no vaccine at this moment, you have to learn some basic knowledge about HCV and know how to protect yourself. My Mom had HBV but my father never get HBV even they live together for decades, and no vaccine at that time.

2. About the girl you love: HCV will always be a life threat for her, until some new drugs come.
Let's assurme the worst situation, say from
HCV-->cirrhosis-->cancer, the probablity is 1-2%,
and the time, in most cases (not all), need 20-30 years (most of those 1-2% people get cancer at 50-60 years old). SO even in the worst situation, you still have a good chance to enjoy a long happy time with her. And you never know in that long time period, what kind of new drug will come. (in Canada, half of marriage even wouldn't last that long:)

3.About the baby: The risk of HCV transmission to the baby is low compared to other viruses such as hepatitis B or HIV. Approximately 5 out of 100 mothers who have HCV might pass it to their babies before or at the time of birth. Unfortunately, there is currently no effective way to prevent or reduce the risk of HCV transmission to the baby(different with HBV, HBV can be cut off now).
So 5%. But I wouldn't let my baby take even 5% risk. You can wait, until there is a way to prevent the pass. Or you don't have baby at all.

4. About Love: Sad to see someone won't take any risk for Love. If I am dumped by them because I am not perfect healthy, I wouldn't be sad. I want my partner to be able to share our happyness, aslo
be able to share our pain. Don't forget, love and marriage themself are risk investment.

More than 100 million people in China has HBV. Seveal million in US has HCV and HBV. Majority of them, get married and have a normal life.

It's a war between belife of Love and belife of Fear, a war between emotion and reality, a war between hope and despair.I see other people's choice here. I don't know yours. But I knew , and my wife knew, ours.

Best Regards
Dear 002,

It's never too much for me to say thank you. Thanks for take time to give me a long note. I cannot help to tear down! I think I love her. She has feel the hesitation for this relationship I showed lately. I can tell she began to be indifferent to me, which seems to mean the end of the world. She tried to hide her huge sadness from me. I guess I cannot afford to lose her emotionally. I just need to give myself enough courage to be close to her. I feel relieved!

Thank you again, my friend.
Thanks all my friends here. I wish this topic can be continued forever. Look forward to seeing you all here every day.

最初由 002 发布
It's a war between belife of Love and belife of Fear, a war between emotion and reality, a war between hope and despair.I see other people's choice here. I don't know yours. But I knew , and my wife knew, ours.

They are just so beautiful and I can't help crying. Again you convinced me there are real love and dignity in this world.