
Re: 示威游行 for Parental Sponship issue:3月11号上午11点开始。(ZT)

最初由 support 发布


I really would not want to get into this anymore, as I know even though I don't agree with you guys on this, but I do feel that you guys have the right to voice your opinions.

But I cann't stop myself when I see those slogans, some of which I don't feel appropriate and not tell the ture. See my comments below,
which has no way to show I am against your demonstration.

Shame on Joe Volpe!
Shame on Immigration!

(It's not Joe Volpe's fault as I know this guy just get this job,
and it's also not the immigration's fault, as immigration allows you guys in as well. You'd better work with CIC instead of dump shit on it).

We want our grandparents (for kids)

(Oh, no, you not only want to get your parents over, but also your grandparents, and maybe your siblings and relatives, that's too much.
I know you guys have different purpose on this, some want to get parents, some want to get grandparents, some want to get relatives who might be stripper, just kidding).

Lier + Cheater = CIC (这是我想出来的呢!呵呵)

(As I said, I feel you go too far for this. Did CIC tell you that
it will gurantee to have your parents and grandparents over here when you apply for immigration? I don't remember there is such a good deal).

Tax Payer + Hard Work = Sponsors (对应上边那句的)

(That's an old problem, Just because many sponsors didn't keep their promise before and break the sponsorship they signed, and leave the people they sponsored to the scoiety, the government tightened the policy. So if you want to get that back, you guys should propose some constructive proposal on how to have people abide that).

The other slogans are reasonable. Sorry about my different voices here.
最初由 support 发布
Hi Everybody,

Please find the attached the e-mail below and send it Mr. joe volpe.
at minister@cic.gc.ca

Mr. Joe Volpe,

I am sending this letter to you to express my opinion on Reunification Immigration Parents Class.

I have friends who just told me what happen to their parents’ sponsorship immigration cases. I am totally surprised that Canadian Visa Office constantly changes the processing time for their parents’ immigration cases to longer time. The official processing time for this type of immigration was 18 MONTHS, and this is the time frame you promised on your official letter to applicants. I also am aware of that most of my friends had paid application fees and landing fee for their parent at beginning. My friends and their parents already waited for long time, and still have not received a final processing time on their cases from Canadian Visa Office.

Most of my friends received a reason for delaying their cases is because Parental Immigration is not a priority now. I strongly suggest you that reconsider this comment because parents are the most important people in everybody’s life, and they should be the priority group in the immigration family class. If one person could possibly think his/her parents are not priority, I think this person must not be a true human being.

As a taxpayer of this country, I do not agree with such unfair treatment to the applicants. Since they already prepaid the fees, I believe they deserve the service from Ministry of Immigration on time. As a Government agency, I don’t think this is appropriate action to represent Canada in terms of a humanitarian country.

I would like to recommend that you put your action to improve this serious situation, and do not ignore those people’s voice. I have known there is a large group of people who sponsored parents like my friends, so this problem should be a top priority on your list now. Please perform your duty to make Canada a better country, and let us be proud of our country all the time.



A Demonstration will take place at 11:00 am, Friday, March 11, 2005, at the intersection of Bathurst and Lawrence West

People should begin arriving at 10:30 am and be in place by 11:00.

Please bring your family members, including children, babies in strollers and friends.

The total time of the demonstration will not be more than 45 minutes.
Security will be provided by police.

If you want to attend the demonstration please send an e-mail with the names and number of people to Luda at sponsoryourparents@rogers.com
亲属团聚致马田公开信(ZT www.51.com)






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