
Re: Re: Re: 不是每个人都是闲人。

最初由 wei 发布
My family's reunion is an important part for my well-being. Hence, I do have the right to ask the goverment to do a better job.

What' wrong with CHina ? Why can't you reunited with your parents there ? And I have heard many times that Chinese Medicines are much better than Canadian medicare.
最初由 Xiaomimi 发布

It is a matter of aged person used a lots of medicare, which is funded by taxpayers like me.

If you can promise that you will pay your parent's medicare during their stay in Canada, then I will have no objection.

Think about this. One day, when you get old, someone in the Government could say, "see, this is a old person and he will use our medicare system, let's force him back. Because he is a foreign-born residents; becuase he didn't pay his taxes before he come to Canada; and also this person will use the tax money from our native-canadians".
What do you think this!!!!!
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: 不是每个人都是闲人。

最初由 wei 发布

Well, I happen to like living in Canada and having my family here as well. Do you have a problem with that?

He doesn't have any problem with you and your parents choosing to live in Canada. He just doesn't want to pay too much tax and that's his choice. Clear enough?
你是说一个纳了几十年税的人和一个从没交过一分钱的人应当收到同等待 遇吗?

最初由 support 发布

Think about this. One day, when you get old, someone in the Government could say, "see, this is a old person and he will use our medicare system, let's force him back. Because he is a foreign-born residents; becuase he didn't pay his taxes before he come to Canada; and also this person will use the tax money from our native-canadians".
What do you think this!!!!!

Don't know how you get your conclusion. If he stays here for long enough, and he has skill, most probabily, he will contribute to this society and he deserves to live here when he gets old. That's the main reason the government tighten its policy for family reunion and gets more skilled workers. Sure, there are also some Canadian who might take more from the society than contribute to it, but you cann't kick them out as they are born here. So the only thing government can do is to allow fewer immigrants they think might add more burden to this society in, while get more who could contribute more in. That's as simple as that. It's understanable for you willing to reunite with your parents, but from the point view of other tax payers who don't have such needs, and from the point view of the country, which has such big social programs to support, it's also understandable for it to close the door.
最初由 March 发布
你是说一个纳了几十年税的人和一个从没交过一分钱的人应当收到同等待 遇吗?


He is using NDP's logic to think this. People should all be equal and have the same right. What they ignore is how to manage the book. They don't care to borrow money to please this group of people and that, but just forget the fact that they are leaving a hugh debts to their sons, grandsons and great grandsons to pay back.
加拿大在同意你的移民申请的时候, 并没有同意你的父母也可以移民。
这跟“人人平等自由”根本扯不上。否则, 你还有兄弟姐妹,
你父母还有兄弟姐妹, 他们又有他们的父母兄弟姐妹, 这还有个头吗?

依我看, 事情很简单:你想快速与父母团聚, 赶紧回国去。 绝对没人会阻止你。
如果移了你父母, 不移你的兄弟姐妹, 那不还是骨肉分离吗?

所以, 移了你一个, 引来一大窝。 这绝不是加拿大移民政策的初衷。
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: 不是每个人都是闲人。

最初由 lifeisfun 发布

He doesn't have any problem with you and your parents choosing to live in Canada. He just doesn't want to pay too much tax and that's his choice. Clear enough?

Clear enough. He can organize a demonstration to show his point of view. But should stop me from speaking out.
示威游行 for Parental Sponship issue:3月11号上午11点开始。(ZT)




1. 示威游行:3月11号上午11点开始。大家可以稍微提早一点到。地址是: 511 Lawrence Ave. West, North York, Ontario. 在lawrence和bathurst 十字路口,哪里有一个plaza区,有一个"winners" 商店,女同志们,我们都应该知道“Winners" 哦,当好引路人哦。活动大概进行1小时左右,如果有的人来早一点,走晚一点,可能就是2小时左右。

2. 示威游行那天我们大家要言行一致,有些媒体就爱问一些怪怪的问题来将我们大家打成一盘散沙,所以不管他们问什么,我们一定要记住我们示威游行的主题是“要和我们的父母团聚,要政府尊重我们的基本权利,不准对我们不理不睬。” (government can't ignore us, we are tax payer and hard working people, where is the fairness to us in such stupid system.等等。不要跑题)如果,你不知道怎么回答一些问题,就说你们问spoker person 好了。

4. slogan也要一致。我们准备在游行前作标语,具体时间还没定,但是会提前1-2天。我们要做20个 24X36 的大slogan, 5个小一点的slogan for kids. 都是英语的,所以,如果你想写自己的语言(中文,新疆语-打个比方)就要自己准备了。我建议我们中国人一定一定要有自己语言的slogan哦!!我需要朋友当中谁书法好的,最好家里有现成的工具材料等。

Slogan应该和大家的一致,下面就是今天晚上我们讨论的结果,要写中文的话请勿必是同一个意思, 请避免用政治性或民族性太强的字眼:

Shame on Joe Volpe!
Shame on Immigration!
We want to reunite with our Parents!
We Love Our Parents!
We want our grandparents (for kids)
Stripper-YES!!!!! Parents - NO?????
Parents did not raise us to forsake them!
Time kills Parents!
No More Delay!
Lier + Cheater = CIC (这是我想出来的呢!呵呵)
Tax Payer + Hard Work = Sponsors (对应上边那句的)

如果你们有什么好的建议,请告诉我, 我们再考虑。

5. 在这次活动中,最重要的就是大家要团结在一起,好像一家人一样才能真正起到震颤媒体和政府的作用。如果象一盘散沙的话,就很容易引起负面影响。我们大概有4个spoker,我是其中一个,有点代表中国人group的意思,但是我们几个人要对媒体说的话都是一致的。你有什么建议,请告诉我。我们将于下周一聚会,商讨如何统一spoker的演讲搞(sort of)

6. 目前最大的挑战就是--------人!!!!今晚,我们报给警察局的数据是500人参加游行,如果多于500人应该没有什么大问题,但是不能太少了,否则警察局会说他们安排的警力太多了。应该都没有问题,先不说police了,我们的活动本来就要靠大家支持才会有影响,否则就失去了一定的意义。(我们一直都说是很多很多人在经历这种非常不愉快的经历的,与父母分隔很痛苦)

meeting大概就说的这些,我还要给Jenia 发个英文的简短通讯,她可能会再发给大家。



另外,我附上我准备好的一封email,你们可以发给你们的朋友,请他们发这email 给joe volpe 那小子的信箱:minister@cic.gc.ca,就好像是email protest 一样,这样不管他看不看,他们收到100封这样的信就足够让他们明白事情的严重性和社会大众对我们的支持和同情了。
你们的朋友只需提供自己的名字和城市就可以了,我认为不用提供更多的。 朋友们也不用提我们这些人的名字,作为一个普通的纳税人,发email 就可以了.


晚安! 记着要休息好,身体是革命的本钱哦!

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: 不是每个人都是闲人。

最初由 wei 发布

Clear enough. He can organize a demonstration to show his point of view. But should stop me from speaking out.

Well, he doesn't have to organize a demonstration to show his opinions as the government is doing what he thinks. On the other side, you guys are organizing a demonstration to voice your opinions and there is no fault for that, but demonstration doesn't mean you gain support of majority, but, in most cases, it's just the opposite,
as you don't have the support of the majority and try to influence people to your side.
最初由 闲得慌 发布
如果移了你父母, 不移你的兄弟姐妹, 那不还是骨肉分离吗?

所以, 移了你一个, 引来一大窝。 这绝不是加拿大移民政策的初衷。

Canada was doing that in 70 and 80s. I know some people from Guang Dong, who came here first, and then got all the family here including relatives. It also got a lot of refugees from a number of countries But it realized this won't work in the long run.
最初由 闲得慌 发布
加拿大在同意你的移民申请的时候, 并没有同意你的父母也可以移民。
这跟“人人平等自由”根本扯不上。否则, 你还有兄弟姐妹,
你父母还有兄弟姐妹, 他们又有他们的父母兄弟姐妹, 这还有个头吗?

依我看, 事情很简单:你想快速与父母团聚, 赶紧回国去。 绝对没人会阻止你。

Or you just get your parents come here for visits. Once is not enough, you can get them here twice or more.

In fact, most parents don't want to live here for long due to the language and living habits difference. They feel that they are not independent and have to rely on you (for driving them here and there). For sure, there are indeed some families whose parents needs taken care, and they may need to be reunited with their kids. But as a country's immigrantion policy, I applaud the current criterion and you cann't just blame the policy just out of your own interests. It's not fair to others and won't be good for this country in long run.