
Re: Re: Re: article in Toronto Star


Same treatment for every applicant, that's all I'm asking, and that's what enraged me.

最初由 lifeisfun 发布

That's a good point. If more parents take the quota, then there will be fewer quota for skilled worker. For those already immigrated here, they would prefer to have their parents here, while care less for those skill workers who would like to come here. As I said before, there is only one pie, you take more under whatever name, others will take less. So it's all out of people's own interests.
You can also use those excuse (or slogans like proposed by some folks here) to get more refugees from Africa, and I am damnly sure they deserve better life than our parents in China. Canada opened its door to refugees to various countries in the last 20-30 years. Canada has all kinds of good reasons to do so like those folks who want parents reunions, and Canada did it. But now it realized that it couldn't sustain itself for those burden even though the wish is good, so it start to change to get more skill workerd in order to
contribute more to the society other than taking more. Therefore, we have the policy today and it's good for the whole society in the long run, and good for our future generation. But unfortunately it will sacrifice some folks interests.

我就是不明白, 既然照顾父母这么重要, 加拿大又不好,你们为什么不回国去?
好象这个活动只是意在帮助那些已经申请了一年半以上的cases. 不知道这样一来会不会失去一批潜在的支持者 ...





最初由 forte 发布
好象这个活动只是意在帮助那些已经申请了一年半以上的cases. 不知道这样一来会不会失去一批潜在的支持者 ...




最初由 闲得慌 发布
我就是不明白, 既然照顾父母这么重要, 加拿大又不好,你们为什么不回国去?
Re: Re: 我就是属于潜在的。


最初由 ottawa248 发布


Re: 我就是属于潜在的。

最初由 如果时光可以倒流 发布




I don't understand whay you said. I have never heard anyone who apply for visitor visa got turned down based on the reason that they have intension of immigration. That's US not Canada.

On the other hand, I don't think 父母的确有病需要照 can be used as a reason. If that's the case, then Canada will just open its doors to more refugees, who need more help. And remember if more refugees and more parents get in, then it will get fewer number of skilled worker
in. So which one is more fair, all depends on where you look at.
Re: 不是每个人都是闲人。

最初由 如果时光可以倒流 发布



If you consider to take care of parents, maybe you shouldn't immigrate to Canada. Canada doesn't have the responsibility to get all your family over. It lets you in, but doesn't have the obligation
to let your parents in. That's as simple as that. On the other side, the western tradition doesn't request the kids to support the parents when they are getting old. You can still visit your parents or have them visit you, that doesn't have any conflict with your staying here and working.
Re: Re: Re: 我就是属于潜在的。

最初由 如果时光可以倒流 发布

If you just heard, then better check with the facts.
最初由 forte 发布
好象这个活动只是意在帮助那些已经申请了一年半以上的cases. 不知道这样一来会不会失去一批潜在的支持者 ...

Let me clear it. This campaign is for Foreign-born residents all over in Canada who want to sponsor their parents or not. It is not just for people who are suffering the brutal situation, but also for people who may suffer in the future. Please keep that in mind, if our Government can separate its residents into two classes at this issue, they may also separate its residents on another one. It is not only a matter about parental immigration; it is a matter of aged discrimination
Re: Re: 不是每个人都是闲人。

最初由 lifeisfun 发布
If you consider to take care of parents, maybe you shouldn't immigrate to Canada. Canada doesn't have the responsibility to get all your family over. It lets you in, but doesn't have the obligation
to let your parents in. That's as simple as that. On the other side, the western tradition doesn't request the kids to support the parents when they are getting old. You can still visit your parents or have them visit you, that doesn't have any conflict with your staying here and working.

What kind of statement are you trying to make? Have you not heard that Canada is a multi-cultural country? Or you have been living in a vacuum? Even the most right-wing politicians don't dare to say that the "wester tradition" has more value than other traditions.

Human beings deserve to be treated better than the interchangeble parts of a big machine. I am here not just as a memember of the workforce, but also a memember of my family. My family's reunion is an important part for my well-being. Hence, I do have the right to ask the goverment to do a better job.
Re: Re: Re: 不是每个人都是闲人。

最初由 wei 发布

What kind of statement are you trying to make? Have you not heard that Canada is a multi-cultural country? Or you have been living in a vacuum? Even the most right-wing politicians don't dare to say that the "wester tradition" has more value than other traditions.

Human beings deserve to be treated better than the interchangeble parts of a big machine. I am here not just as a memember of the workforce, but also a memember of my family. My family's reunion is an important part for my well-being. Hence, I do have the right to ask the goverment to do a better job.

有些华人比加拿大的右翼分子更歧视"移民"的生存权,在他们看来所有新申请的移民都是抢了他们的房子似的. 其实他们自己在几年前也是在这个类别.现在发达了,要和新移民划清界限.

最初由 support 发布
Let me clear it. This campaign is for Foreign-born residents all over in Canada who want to sponsor their parents or not. It is not just for people who are suffering the brutal situation, but also for people who may suffer in the future. Please keep that in mind, if our Government can separate its residents into two classes at this issue, they may also separate its residents on another one. It is not only a matter about parental immigration; it is a matter of aged discrimination

It is a matter of aged person used a lots of medicare, which is funded by taxpayers like me.

If you can promise that you will pay your parent's medicare during their stay in Canada, then I will have no objection.