最初由 lifeisfun 发布
I didn't enjoy this benefits and I will not enjoy it in the future. I just see so many cases of abusing this system and I am fed up here as a tax payer. I have my right to voice my opinions. If everyone agrees with you guys, then why bother to protest, as you will solve this problem already. Just because many people (including many Chinese)
have the same thinking like I do, the government changed the policy.
You have your right to voice your view and I have no problem with that. But don't ask people to shut up just because he has different view. If that's the case, why cann't you guys to shut up as well.
支持! 每个人都有表达自己想法的权力. 这个问题就不是对错的问题, 是如何处理的问题.