最初由 lifeisfun 发布

I didn't enjoy this benefits and I will not enjoy it in the future. I just see so many cases of abusing this system and I am fed up here as a tax payer. I have my right to voice my opinions. If everyone agrees with you guys, then why bother to protest, as you will solve this problem already. Just because many people (including many Chinese)
have the same thinking like I do, the government changed the policy.
You have your right to voice your view and I have no problem with that. But don't ask people to shut up just because he has different view. If that's the case, why cann't you guys to shut up as well.

支持! 每个人都有表达自己想法的权力. 这个问题就不是对错的问题, 是如何处理的问题.
最初由 yoyofans 发布


To you, I am 捣乱分子. To me I am just trying to show my opinions. You'd better go back to China as in there, you could hear only one voice. Maybe the reason you come here is that voice doesn't sound
like the one you prefer, if that's the case, you should respect and get used to the different voice here.

Remember not your voice is the right voice all the time. You should respect other people's voice even it's not the same as yours.
最初由 lifeisfun 发布

To you, I am 捣乱分子. To me I am just trying to show my opinions. You'd better go back to China as in there, you could hear only one voice. Maybe the reason you come here is that voice doesn't sound
like the one you prefer, if that's the case, you should respect and get used to the different voice here.

Remember not your voice is the right voice all the time. You should respect other people's voice even it's not the same as yours.

最初由 疯狂小马甲 发布

支持! 每个人都有表达自己想法的权力. 这个问题就不是对错的问题, 是如何处理的问题.

最初由 yoyofans 发布


Looks to me you are the type of guy you just described.
最初由 yoyofans 发布


I don't have to as the policy already address that.
最初由 Xiaomimi 发布

He of course has right to defend his own interest, namely his tax and medicare.

You do not want to pay your parent's medicare cost, so you want the rest of us Canadian suckers to just pay up and shut up, is it what it is all about ?


如果按照少数服从多数的方法来看,完全有必要,因为这些少数人"want the rest of us Canadian suckers to just pay up",但是文明社会在很多事情上把道德看得比利益更重。而有些特定环境里培养出来的野兔子,即使来到了文明社会几年了,还是习惯于丛林法则。

最初由 challenger 发布


如果按照少数服从多数的方法来看,完全有必要,因为这些少数人"want the rest of us Canadian suckers to just pay up",但是文明社会在很多事情上把道德看得比利益更重。而有些特定环境里培养出来的野兔子,即使来到了文明社会几年了,还是习惯于丛林法则。


文明社会的人知道表达意见的场合和尊重别人的感情, yes, but there is a limit on that, which is the financial limit. Otherwise, the rich country should get all the people from the poor country over to enjoy the same equal benefit and rights.

我们有没有必要把拿社会救济的移民们轰出加拿大? No, there is no way to kick people out if they are already in. The only thing then the government can do is to let fewer people in who it think would take more than contribute to the society. Having said that doesn't mean it has to shut the door completely, but to reduce the number. Maybe one day when Canada get more money, it can open the door more wide to help others.

It's as simple as that if you have more money, you can spend more, donate more, if not, tight your pocket and feed yourself first.
How can you get your job? such naive son!

最初由 疯狂小马甲 发布
有你这样的人才让人觉得心寒, 你的行为才是中国人的耻辱!
你口口声声代表中国人的利益, 你怎么不去游行让政府增加对中国移民的就业培训, 语言培训好让在这的中国移民找到对口的工作? 你反到去游行让政府将这些打工的中国人交给政府的税用来养你父母? 加拿大政府对你说了一定要在多长时间处理你父母的移民了吗? 政府禁止你父母来加了吗? 你说要几年内处理好才叫人道? 一定要政府出钱才能体现人道? 不错, 有其它族的人利用了政府的人道政策, 你也一定要占上便宜才叫平等? 才叫人道? 是加拿大政府中了你的圈套才是真的.
还说让有不同意见的人闭嘴? 我也是纳税人, 我就是要反对. 我觉得钱要用在更重要的地方, 比如说对新移民的培训上.
对了, 我现在就是移民, 我也不用等15年过来. 我父母也不是移民, 我让他们过来玩就是了. 你真有孝心你还不回

what a shit opinion ?!

We are Chinese, We are big family,
"anyone who have some action against the family, he should be killed."
最初由 lifeisfun 发布

文明社会的人知道表达意见的场合和尊重别人的感情, yes, but there is a limit on that, which is the financial limit. Otherwise, the rich country should get all the people from the poor country over to enjoy the same equal benefit and rights.

我们有没有必要把拿社会救济的移民们轰出加拿大? No, there is no way to kick people out if they are already in. The only thing then the government can do is to let fewer people in who it think would take more than contribute to the society. Having said that doesn't mean it has to shut the door completely, but to reduce the number. Maybe one day when Canada get more money, it can open the door more wide to help others.

It's as simple as that if you have more money, you can spend more, donate more, if not, tight your pocket and feed yourself first.

这里说的的是父母家庭团聚移民(都有作为加拿大公民/移民的子女),不是难民。加拿大在减少父母家庭团聚移民的同时,却增加了难民数量。这等於是伤害了一部分加拿大公民/移民的感情。说穿了,就是加拿大政府在没有进行任何先期投资的情况下,从中国获得了大量高素质的正当年的劳动力 -- 技术移民,然后却拒绝了这些人的感情要求。


最初由 lifeisfun 发布

我们有没有必要把拿社会救济的移民们轰出加拿大? No, there is no way to kick people out if they are already in.



"假如一切都是以大多数人的利益为出发点,那么,生孩子生得少的、不超过2个孩子家庭应当组成少子女家庭联盟――这个联盟的队伍一定壮大,因为加拿大现在的育龄妇女平均只有1.5个孩子。这个联盟可以通过人数以压倒性多数的民主投票,向多子女家庭“猛烈发难”:你们多生孩子就多享受加国福利不公平,为此, “公平”的做法应当是,子女越多的家庭税收要越重――因为你们的孩子更多地受益于加拿大的免费教育,这是符合绝大多数人的利益的!"
最初由 challenger 发布


Once a person is landed, he/she is entitled to all sorts of social programs, whether they pay tax or not. No one is disputing that.
And that's exactly why We must keep aged person out before they reach shore.

CIC acts as a gate keeper of Canada. They must protect the majority interest of Canada.
最初由 challenger 发布

Where is "文明 and 道德" in this case ? This is a clear case of robbery and stealing from others.
最初由 Xiaomimi 发布

Once a person is landed, he/she is entitled to all sorts of social programs, whether they pay tax or not. No one is disputing that.
And that's exactly why We must keep aged person out before they reach shore.

CIC acts as a gate keeper of Canada. They must protect the majority interest of Canada.

不对,按照丛林法则和多数理论,把拿社会救济的移民们轰出加拿大,符合多数人的利益。之所以没人"No one is disputing that",是因为人们知道道德底线。如果按照丛林法则和多数理论,我们完全可以从现在开始dispute that. 至少我这个从来加拿大第一个月开始就交纳高额所得税的移民,可以提出这个想法,但我不会这样做,甚至不会在心里有这样的想法,因为我很清楚什么是道德底线。
最初由 Xiaomimi 发布

Where is "文明 and 道德" in this case ? This is a clear case of robbery and stealing from others.

按你的理论,那些拿社会救济的移民们,是"robbery and stealing from others"?