我倒是想不要政府那个medi care,不要他的牛奶金,不要它的CPP, 只要它同意我不给它交税, 我用我交税的钱自己去买医疗保险,我自己去买退休保险,我自己计划我的一生,同样,父母来了我自己给他们养老,这样应该很fair吧.
可问题是政府不答应啊. 政府就拿那些狗屁一点点福利来做为它征收重税的理由,养了一堆拿着高薪和铁饭碗,还三天两头要闹罢工的猪!就好比一个地主明明事靠长工们养活的,总是说我过年过节给你们吃几块大肉,我已经很慷慨了.
为什么这个狗政府拿了纳税人的钱胡花八花,乱充好人做冤大头,这里收点难民那里收点难民,还自称是什么人道,这种鸟政府总有一天要破产,总有一天现在的tax payer会发现他们当初交上的钱已经给这些猪挥霍光了,而他们当初的诺言已经象一个臭P一样烟消云散了,因为这个政府根本就是一个背信弃义的garbage.
最初由 lifeisfun 发布
Well, you also live on your tax dollar too, like enjoying the medicare and other services. If the government let more aged people and refugees in, then you may have to pay more tax, which even you can use to buy a Lexus.
So what's your logic here, you think you have already paid more tax and you should get your parents over? Then maybe the better way for this government to do on this issue is to get rid of the medicare, and reduce your tax. By doing that, you can get all your family over and live on your own (no medicare, no subsidy housing) and I am telling you that I absolutely support you on that.
The whole issue is this country has so generous social program, which cost a lot of tax payer's money and couldn't sustain itself for its own people. Now more and more aged people coming as immigrants would entitle the same benefits as Canadian, which will make things even worse.
Maybe the better solution (but I don't see it's a feasible one in Canada) is
to dismantle the social program (like in USA) and let everyone live on their own (pay your own housing and medicare). Then you have all the rights to get your family here as no one would care you and you care for yourself.