

最初由 蔚蓝色地中海 发布


Yes, but as government, it doesn't have time to judge which has more priority, who doesn't. Everyone can give out all kinds of reason to tell people they need to come here. If you have priority, then why not others. So the only way thing government can do is to shut the door. There are total number of immigrants, if Canada want to have more skill workers, like you and me, then it can only allow fewer parents reunions and refugees to come in.

I am not against parents reunions, but I don't blindly support unless you can convince me it's the right thing for this country for the long run.

I don't have to keep silence. If you tell me others doing this is based human reason, then why not also convince the government to allow more refugees from Africa, who needs more help than our parents from China.
Re: Re: Re: 疯狂小马甲,请你不要太过分。

最初由 楚楚 发布
最初由 lifeisfun 发布

Sure, you can get your parents over. But do you know how mnay parents really want to live here. If you would like to make your parents happy, then you'd better go back to China to live with them there.


Well, many aged people don't like to live here as they don't understand the language, they have to rely on the kids from driving them out, they have all other kinds of problem within the family (you should know that if you are married). They can live with their kids, but they miss the old friends and colleagues in China. Sure, there is advantage to be able to see kids around. But are these advantages are so big as some of you claim. Everything has double side, and you have to admit that. Plus the winter here is so bitter and so long.
最初由 月牙 发布

But don't you know one of the reason the government tightened parents reunion is just because many sponsors broke their promises and let their parents be burden to the society? Don't you see many parents immigrated here and ends up living in subsidy apartment for aged people? Do you know how much tax you paid and how much medicare cost it will be for aged people? I am not saying aged people shouldn't be cared, but if it's your country and your money, do some calculation and let me know.
最初由 过客 发布

That's the reality. Don't expect everyone to agree with you, and don't expect nobody to disagree with you. As long as we clam down and express yourself in a proper manner, that's healthy.
Where to find the official info about 给中国的名额只有100? Thanks
别的我不管, 我每年交的税买一辆新CAMRY还有余. 为何我的父母亲来不了而那些三流四流的家伙们来了就拿钱? 这个王八蛋的自由党政府为何总跟我过不去? 省里的自由党政府更不用说了. 我忍无可忍了. 星期五不知能否去. 但我要见我们区的MP(CPC).
最初由 月牙 发布

He of course has right to defend his own interest, namely his tax and medicare.

You do not want to pay your parent's medicare cost, so you want the rest of us Canadian suckers to just pay up and shut up, is it what it is all about ?
最初由 月牙 发布

I didn't enjoy this benefits and I will not enjoy it in the future. I just see so many cases of abusing this system and I am fed up here as a tax payer. I have my right to voice my opinions. If everyone agrees with you guys, then why bother to protest, as you will solve this problem already. Just because many people (including many Chinese)
have the same thinking like I do, the government changed the policy.
You have your right to voice your view and I have no problem with that. But don't ask people to shut up just because he has different view. If that's the case, why cann't you guys to shut up as well.
最初由 lifeisfun 发布

I didn't enjoy this benefits and I will not enjoy it in the future.

最初由 wpolar_bearx 发布
别的我不管, 我每年交的税买一辆新CAMRY还有余. 为何我的父母亲来不了而那些三流四流的家伙们来了就拿钱? 这个王八蛋的自由党政府为何总跟我过不去? 省里的自由党政府更不用说了. 我忍无可忍了. 星期五不知能否去. 但我要见我们区的MP(CPC).

Well, you also live on your tax dollar too, like enjoying the medicare and other services. If the government let more aged people and refugees in, then you may have to pay more tax, which even you can use to buy a Lexus.

So what's your logic here, you think you have already paid more tax and you should get your parents over? Then maybe the better way for this government to do on this issue is to get rid of the medicare, and reduce your tax. By doing that, you can get all your family over and live on your own (no medicare, no subsidy housing) and I am telling you that I absolutely support you on that.

The whole issue is this country has so generous social program, which cost a lot of tax payer's money and couldn't sustain itself for its own people. Now more and more aged people coming as immigrants would entitle the same benefits as Canadian, which will make things even worse.

Maybe the better solution (but I don't see it's a feasible one in Canada) is
to dismantle the social program (like in USA) and let everyone live on their own (pay your own housing and medicare). Then you have all the rights to get your family here as no one would care you and you care for yourself.