

看了许多关于3。11的帖子,大都是争论都是关于加拿大是否应该满足父母团聚移民要求。。。。。。我更关心 what and how 各个国家的父母团聚名额不一样,中国仅100人/year, 有没有人给分析一下?
最初由 西出阳关 发布
看了许多关于3。11的帖子,大都是争论都是关于加拿大是否应该满足父母团聚移民要求。。。。。。我更关心 what and how 各个国家的父母团聚名额不一样,中国仅100人/year, 有没有人给分析一下?
记得当初中华会馆选举的时候, 火药味很强, 似乎如果你不去投票, 不去投上面列的人的票, 你就汉奸买国贼. 大多数人都不敢言声, 直到选举完了,尘?落定, 才明白了一点到底是在干什么.

好象这次游行也是怎样, 你要不去,不声愿, 你就没种, 就会让你自己在渥太华的华人面前抬不起头来.

现在游行完了, 把到底游什么搞清楚也不会影响大局了.

那个赵先生, 或转赵先生的人, 以及那些有骨气的华人, 可不可以把事情原委告诉大家一下, 也让那些没参加,没骨气的人回家反思反思. 让他们为明年的游行做准备
Bingo! I think this is really the question that we could concentrate our effort on. However I don't know how reliable this 100/yr quota is. Is there confirmation from official sources on this quota?

There should be an overall quota on immigrants per year, but not by region or by race, that is pure discrimination.

最初由 西出阳关 发布
看了许多关于3。11的帖子,大都是争论都是关于加拿大是否应该满足父母团聚移民要求。。。。。。我更关心 what and how 各个国家的父母团聚名额不一样,中国仅100人/year, 有没有人给分析一下?
Re: Re: 为什么加拿大政府给中国父母团聚名额少于其他一些国家?

最初由 渐渐 发布
Bingo! I think this is really the question that we could concentrate our effort on. However I don't know how reliable this 100/yr quota is. Is there confirmation from official sources on this quota?

There should be an overall quota on immigrants per year, but not by region or by race, that is pure discrimination.

Well, then you should accuse US government of discrimination as it gives quota to each country for immigration. I don't see applying immigration quota to each country is discrimination as long as
it's based some reasonable consideration.
最初由 ccc 发布


Family reunification
12. (1) A foreign national may be selected as a member of the family class on the basis of their relationship as the spouse, common-law partner, child, parent or other prescribed family member of a Canadian citizen or permanent resident.

Immigration and Refugee Protection Act - Part 1 - Division 1
Re: Re: 为什么加拿大政府给中国父母团聚名额少于其他一些国家?

最初由 mzhan084 发布


Yes, people should show the proof. If there exist discrimination, then some countries should come out to complain that China takes top position of immigration for the last 6-7 years? Is that fair to them?
Those folks who complained on this issue just forgot how they ended up here. If they can complain, why not others.
最初由 URL 发布


Family reunification
12. (1) A foreign national may be selected as a member of the family class on the basis of their relationship as the spouse, common-law partner, child, parent or other prescribed family member of a Canadian citizen or permanent resident.

Immigration and Refugee Protection Act - Part 1 - Division 1

Yes, that's the common definition. The government setups priority within the family reunion.
Re: Re: 为什么加拿大政府给中国父母团聚名额少于其他一些国家?

最初由 渐渐 发布
Bingo! I think this is really the question that we could concentrate our effort on. However I don't know how reliable this 100/yr quota is. Is there confirmation from official sources on this quota?

I don't know how the 100/year quota come from either. Seems most people get their reference from this link below:


When I clicked the CIC link they provided, it only shows the application processing time by region. Does anyone has official information regarding the 100/year quota?
最初由 西出阳关 发布

Re: Re: Re: 为什么加拿大政府给中国父母团聚名额少于其他一些国家?

最初由 keen_observer 发布

I don't know how the 100/year quota come from either. Seems most people get their reference from this link below:


When I clicked the CIC link they provided, it only shows the application processing time by region. Does anyone has official information regarding the 100/year quota?

This is the website of the law firm which provides all the data on that link. Maybe you can dig out more.

Re: Re: Re: 为什么加拿大政府给中国父母团聚名额少于其他一些国家?

I don't suppose you are suggesting that whatever the US government is doing is actually the right way.

IT IS DISCRIMINATION, whether it works in our favor or not.

最初由 lifeisfun 发布

Well, then you should accuse US government of discrimination as it gives quota to each country for immigration. I don't see applying immigration quota to each country is discrimination as long as
it's based some reasonable consideration.
Re: Re: Re: Re: 为什么加拿大政府给中国父母团聚名额少于其他一些国家?

最初由 渐渐 发布
I don't suppose you are suggesting that whatever the US government is doing is actually the right way.

IT IS DISCRIMINATION, whether it works in our favor or not.

I am not suggesting that US government is doing the right thing. I just try to say that there is no absolute fairness in this world. US has done so many bad deeds in this world, but still so many people trying to get into US to work and live there. Why, because they can make better life there. That's given the US government enough reason to do whatever they want, like setting up immigration quota. You said it's not fair, but people who want to go there still trying to go there. I met some folks from Ariabian countries who hated US, but they still chose to go there to work. The reason is so simple that they can make good money.