
最初由 support 发布

The law has nothing to say the priority between them. Since there hs nothing to say, then the governement has now right to classify our relatives. You'd better check the law book before open your mouth.

Sure you can use charter of rights of Canada to debate that like the gay marriage issue. I have no problem if you can convince this government that your parents and everyone is this world has eaual right and therefore, should be allowed to come to live in Canada.

BTW, the CIC does define the difference between your spouse/kids,
and your parents, in terms of immigration priority.
最初由 过客 发布


外加一条, 任何人用合法途径为个人利益努力以至奋斗都是无可厚非的.

再提醒一下冷嘲热讽和指责同胞和平集会的那些人 (例如生活是有趣等), 太重的官腔增加不了你们言论的说服力, 况且还是用你们并不擅长的英文.

Yes, I have no problem if you go out and voice your view. But I also have the right to express my view here. I don't represent the government but just myself. I have many different views with this government on many issues, but I share similar view with them on this issue.

Whether I am using Enlgish or not doesn't mean anything on this issue. We are debating the issue not the language.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: 为什么加拿大政府给中国父母团聚名额少于其他一些国家?

最初由 mzhan084 发布

Very objective points! I support you. The crucial question is where are the SOURCES of 100 quota per year? Those who protested cannot say either?

They just get those figures from that law firm, who has its own interets in here. I checked their website but couldn't find further information.
最初由 cgi 发布
楼上反对父母移民的网友,我是我父母的独生子女,我那个年代这个情况不多。以后每当逢年过节,你们能不能去我父母家陪陪我父母? 生活上的问题先不说。如果你们不能去陪我父母。能不能表现一点人道主义,都是受过教育的人,也都是中国人,应该不困难吧?

最初由 疯狂小马甲 发布

你只要每月发点救济金, 他们吃药看病给报销, 出钱给他们做就业培训,其他先不提, 保证有人愿意去问候你父母.


最初由 cgi 发布

我申请我父母来加拿大,不是为了这里的health care。我父母在中国的health care不是问题。

如果我父母来了加拿大,会享受到加拿大的health care,这个我必须承认,但是为了加拿大的health care不被我父母占到所谓的便宜,我就不得离开加拿大?


But we are just against more parents reunions, not against more Chineses parents reunions. So don't just get that conclusion by yourself. On the other side, we would like to see more skilled worker immigrate to Canada like you, so how did you get such conclusion that 中国人总是对自己人表现得更残忍.
想不到只要一打爱国的幌子, 就有这样多人会那么容易上当.


现在是个人都能做网站, 放些东西上去.

要说那限额那么精确, 各大洲都有, 他们又是怎么搞到的?
如果有内线, 为什么不把过去几年的限额也报上来.
最初由 lifeisfun 发布

But we are just against more parents reunions, not against more Chineses parents reunions. So don't just get that conclusion by yourself. On the other side, we would like to see more skilled worker immigrate to Canada like you, so how did you get such conclusion that 中国人总是对自己人表现得更残忍.

可是楼上有人说,我应该滚回中国去,原因是我这个老一代独生子女的父母的来加,占了加拿大的health care所谓的便宜,其实我理解她的意思是说,我父母的来加,间接占了她的便宜。

最初由 cgi 发布



我是很严肃的回答你的问题! 没有调款你的意思. 是你自己提出来让别人去看望你父母的呀. 你还有问题想约我的话发个QQH给我就是了!
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: 为什么加拿大政府给中国父母团聚名额少于其他一些国家?

I too am a little bit skeptical about the figures provided by LexBase Inc. Who are they? (an immigration law firm apparently) How and where did they get these "exclusive" figures?

I checked out www.canimmigrate.com, and that email lexbase@canimmigrate.com is related to a Richard Kurland, an immigration lawyer from Vancouver/Montreal. At one point, Richard Kurland pointed out to the media that "Up to 25 percent of applicants from China to Canada's business immigration program are filing fake applications", according to a newspaper clipping from his own website.

So we are basically making all these assumptions and debates solely based on the figures from one man? An immigration lawyer on top of that?!

最初由 lifeisfun 发布

They just get those figures from that law firm, who has its own interets in here. I checked their website but couldn't find further information.



楼上反对父母移民且英语非常好的兔子们,是不是骂自己人和自己人的父母更爽一些? 你们能不能把你们的观点到印度人的网站上去宣扬一下? 印度人里公开试图阻拦自己人的父母移民的不多,正需要你们这号的去唤醒广大印度移民。

最初由 西出阳关 发布
看了许多关于3。11的帖子,大都是争论都是关于加拿大是否应该满足父母团聚移民要求。。。。。。我更关心 what and how 各个国家的父母团聚名额不一样,中国仅100人/year, 有没有人给分析一下?

Re: Re: 为什么加拿大政府给中国父母团聚名额少于其他一些国家?


最初由 chef 发布
