
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: 为什么加拿大政府给中国父母团聚名额少于其他一些国家?

最初由 ottawa248 发布

渐渐给我的帽子, 我是一定要戴的, 不合适自己改改也要戴.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: 为什么加拿大政府给中国父母团聚名额少于其他一些国家?

Tell me something I don't know. We submitted our sponsorship application last August, and the official response was "18 months", but is it the case? And where did you come up with the 100 parents/grand-parents per year quota? And if we are going to accuse the CIC of discrimination, it's better to get the facts straight.

It's things like "I heard it from a friend's friend..." that drive me nuts! Come on people, if we are going to fight this, let's fight with some evidence!

最初由 support 发布

My friend submitted the sponsorship application on Dec,2003. After 7 month, CIC gave him a letter said from the day he received the confirmation, his case would take 16-18 month just for sponsorship portion. And, His doesn't even have a file number until now. Now he worries about if he has to move to another location. there will be no way to update his information from CIC online services. He woories about it will give a good excuse to CIC to futher delay his application.

Is it a hard fact?
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: 为什么加拿大政府给中国父母团聚名额少于其他一些国家?

hehe, a taste of one's own medicine? Picking on something so miniscule and insignificant to divert attention away from the real topic...believe me I was being "nice" to you.

There are spelling check and grammar check in place to handle that, I'd rather concentrate my effort on the real issues. I've never had any difficulty of undersatnding lifeisfun's thoughts, so who cares if he makes a few typos! That was just a blow below the belt, again, you should really know better, and PLEASE consider this a compliment to you.

最初由 过客 发布

我已经清楚地表达过了自己对这次华人集会的态度和观点, 没兴趣和任何人争论. 只是看到某些人用英文耍官腔觉得可笑而已, 于是随便评论了几下, 作为一个网民, 这点自由还是有的吧?

".....ridiculous manner on numerous occasions) Seriously....."

您这帽子实在大了点, 我戴着不合适.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: 为什么加拿大政府给中国父母团聚名额少于其他一些国家?

最初由 渐渐 发布
It may be inevitable, but let's hope not. There is no doubt that when it comes to immigration, Canadians & landed immigrants are STILL much better off than Americans & green card (or alien card) holders.

However, you seem to suggest that we should simply ACCEPT the fact rather than FIGHT for the rightfulness. I am prepared for the "inevitable" if it ever comes to that, but in the meantime, I fully support the fight against discriminatory immigration policies.

A word of caution here: I would like to see some hard facts & figures first. Rumors and speculation cannot get us anywhere.

这些数据应该从CIC获得. 不知是我们没找对地方还是他们不愿我们知道.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: 为什么加拿大政府给中国父母团聚名额少于其他一些国家?

最初由 渐渐 发布
hehe, a taste of one's own medicine? Picking on something so miniscule and insignificant to divert attention away from the real topic...believe me I was being "nice" to you.

There are spelling check and grammar check in place to handle that, I'd rather concentrate my effort on the real issues. I've never had any difficulty of undersatnding lifeisfun's thoughts, so who cares if he makes a few typos! That was just a blow below the belt, again, you should really know better, and PLEASE consider this a compliment to you.

很严肃. 象智者, 也象长者, 更象上级. 别介意, 我只是说"象".

说回正题, 我同意您关于搜集确凿证据的倡议. 但要避免钻牛角尖.

洋人不会蠢到把类似"100限额"这种有明显歧视意味的东西写在官方政策条文里, 正相反, 他们很擅长玩弄文字游戏, 做表面文章.

据我所知, 加拿大移民政策名文规定没有地区配额, 移民申请处理是本着先申请者先处理的原则(我可以提供此原则的出处), 所以100限额这个数字我估计是找不到出处了. 当然能找到更好. 但如果持着找不到类似"100限额"的出处就不算有"确凿证据"的态度, 那可能就要永远找下去了, 斗争也就不必进行了. 所以不能钻牛角尖.

其实即使找不到类似"限额100"的出处, 我们一样可以斗争. 父母移民申请需等待时间漫长已经是不争的事实, 人生有几个几年?! 这对年迈的父母来说和拒签没多大区别, 他们这种做法就是变相拒签, 我们是否可以集思广益以此为突破口呢?

看法尚不成熟, 供出发点一致者商榷.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: 为什么加拿大政府给中国父母团聚名额少于其他一些国家?

即使找不到"100限额"的出处,但有些相关数据折射这个所谓限额, 例如,案例平均处理时间,一般来说限额与实际申请案例比应该大致和平均处理时间成正比。但根据CIC公布的案例处理时间统计,北京/汉城的处理时间是比较快的,就这点来说,似乎CIC在过去没有给北京套上一个较少的限额。


至于2005的所谓"100限额"(out of 1094 cases),案例平均处理时间可达5-6年,这是一个很大变化,很难明白为什么CIC对北京/汉城的移民策略会有这么大的变化,而其它一些国家保持不变,甚至大幅提高?

以下为www.sponsoryourparents.ca公布的2005 Processing Time 链接:


最初由 过客 发布

据我所知, 加拿大移民政策名文规定没有地区配额, 移民申请处理是本着先申请者先处理的原则(我可以提供此原则的出处), 所以100限额这个数字我估计是找不到出处了. 当然能找到更好. 但如果持着找不到类似"100限额"的出处就不算有"确凿证据"的态度, 那可能就要永远找下去了, 斗争也就不必进行了. 所以不能钻牛角尖.

其实即使找不到类似"限额100"的出处, 我们一样可以斗争. 父母移民申请需等待时间漫长已经是不争的事实, 人生有几个几年?! 这对年迈的父母来说和拒签没多大区别, 他们这种做法就是变相拒签, 我们是否可以集思广益以此为突破口呢?

看法尚不成熟, 供出发点一致者商榷.
亚太父母移民案例处理时间 from CIC(updated on 2005-02-07)

亚太父母移民案例处理时间 from CIC(updated on 2005-02-07)
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: 为什么加拿大政府给中国父母团聚名额少于其他一些国家?

Thanks for getting back to the topic, this is more like a real debate.

I agree with you: CIC would be pretty stupid (not that it's not) to publish such figure like 100/yr. On the other hand, how could we convince a perfect bystander that there IS regional discrimination? With what? A cry for compassion? Sure, that helps, but some hard evidence would be even more convincing. In the Toronto Star article, there was one guy working for an immigration company who mentioned that a family-class applicant from Mexico is much more likely to be immigrated than an applicant from Asian countries like China and South Korea, I wonder what made him say that. :rolleyes:

最初由 过客 发布

很严肃. 象智者, 也象长者, 更象上级. 别介意, 我只是说"象".

说回正题, 我同意您关于搜集确凿证据的倡议. 但要避免钻牛角尖.

洋人不会蠢到把类似"100限额"这种有明显歧视意味的东西写在官方政策条文里, 正相反, 他们很擅长玩弄文字游戏, 做表面文章.

据我所知, 加拿大移民政策名文规定没有地区配额, 移民申请处理是本着先申请者先处理的原则(我可以提供此原则的出处), 所以100限额这个数字我估计是找不到出处了. 当然能找到更好. 但如果持着找不到类似"100限额"的出处就不算有"确凿证据"的态度, 那可能就要永远找下去了, 斗争也就不必进行了. 所以不能钻牛角尖.

其实即使找不到类似"限额100"的出处, 我们一样可以斗争. 父母移民申请需等待时间漫长已经是不争的事实, 人生有几个几年?! 这对年迈的父母来说和拒签没多大区别, 他们这种做法就是变相拒签, 我们是否可以集思广益以此为突破口呢?

看法尚不成熟, 供出发点一致者商榷.
楼上反对父母移民的网友,我是我父母的独生子女,我那个年代这个情况不多。以后每当逢年过节,你们能不能去我父母家陪陪我父母? 生活上的问题先不说。如果你们不能去陪我父母。能不能表现一点人道主义,都是受过教育的人,也都是中国人,应该不困难吧?

最初由 cgi 发布
楼上反对父母移民的网友,我是我父母的独生子女,我那个年代这个情况不多。以后每当逢年过节,你们能不能去我父母家陪陪我父母? 生活上的问题先不说。

You should go back China. Others have no obligations to either accompany your parents, or pay for your parent's health care.
最初由 cgi 发布
楼上反对父母移民的网友,我是我父母的独生子女,我那个年代这个情况不多。以后每当逢年过节,你们能不能去我父母家陪陪我父母? 生活上的问题先不说。

你只要每月发点救济金, 他们吃药看病给报销, 出钱给他们做就业培训,其他先不提, 保证有人愿意去问候你父母.
最初由 Xiaomimi 发布

You should go back China. Others have no obligations to either accompany your parents, or pay for your parent's health care.

我申请我父母来加拿大,不是为了这里的health care。我父母在中国的health care不是问题。

如果我父母来了加拿大,会享受到加拿大的health care,这个我必须承认,但是为了加拿大的health care不被我父母占到所谓的便宜,我就不得离开加拿大?

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: 为什么加拿大政府给中国父母团聚名额少于其他一些国家?

最初由 渐渐 发布
(I did not want to say this, but you've acted in this ridiculous manner on numerous occasions) Seriously, being the language forum moderator, you should do better than this. Grammar constitutes only a tiny portion of an overall message, I would think that an excellent point is more important than a few typos, don't you agree?

At least lifeisfun's debating, DO YOU KNOW HOW? :o

Thanks. I don't have much time to check my English as as long as my message is out. That's the reason I am not using Chinese as I am too slow in typing that. If that guy wants to be the language police, he should apply for a job in Quebec (but I don't know how much French he knows).

Jian Jian: I admire you in fair debating even though we sometime have different opinions. That should be rule everyone should follow in this forum. Just debating the issues, no personal attack.