
Re: Re: Re: Re: 为什么加拿大政府给中国父母团聚名额少于其他一些国家?

最初由 渐渐 发布
I don't suppose you are suggesting that whatever the US government is doing is actually the right way.
IT IS DISCRIMINATION, whether it works in our favor or not.

When you are talking about immigration and visa, there is no such things as "no discrimination". In fact, discrimination is the normal.

I am not talking about visitor visa or immigration waiting time, those you already known. Here is one NOT against Chinese and please tell me if it is discrimination:

In US, non-citizen adult male born in many Muslim countries must register to authorities, even if they are holding Green Card. But Muslim adult male born in Europe or guess where (China !) are not required to do that ?

Is this discrimination ? Can US Consititution being used to overrule this ?
Thank God we live in Canada!

What's normal now does not mean it is right. Discrimination is discrimination, whether it works in our favor or not.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: 为什么加拿大政府给中国父母团聚名额少于其他一些国家?

It may be inevitable, but let's hope not. There is no doubt that when it comes to immigration, Canadians & landed immigrants are STILL much better off than Americans & green card (or alien card) holders.

However, you seem to suggest that we should simply ACCEPT the fact rather than FIGHT for the rightfulness. I am prepared for the "inevitable" if it ever comes to that, but in the meantime, I fully support the fight against discriminatory immigration policies.

A word of caution here: I would like to see some hard facts & figures first. Rumors and speculation cannot get us anywhere.

最初由 lifeisfun 发布

I am not suggesting that US government is doing the right thing. I just try to say that there is no absolute fairness in this world. US has done so many bad deeds in this world, but still so many people trying to get into US to work and live there. Why, because they can make better life there. That's given the US government enough reason to do whatever they want, like setting up immigration quota. You said it's not fair, but people who want to go there still trying to go there. I met some folks from Ariabian countries who hated US, but they still chose to go there to work. The reason is so simple that they can make good money.
最初由 渐渐 发布
Thank God we live in Canada!

What's normal now does not mean it is right. Discrimination is discrimination, whether it works in our favor or not.

Right. But the reality is discrimination in immigration and visa will not change in the foreseeable future, even in the world's nicest country - Canada.

Why is that ? Because at the end of the day, it still comes to interest.
Until then (i.e. national interest over humanity), I remain hopeful.
It is always a noble and worthy cause to fight against injustice. That's all I'm saying.
Re: Re: Re: 为什么加拿大政府给中国父母团聚名额少于其他一些国家?

I only found a table about processing times on CIC, which was update on 2005-02-07. According to the figures, the processing time for Chinese parents and grandparents was below the average. But I don't see how it's related to the quota.

最初由 keen_observer 发布

I don't know how the 100/year quota come from either. Seems most people get their reference from this link below:


When I clicked the CIC link they provided, it only shows the application processing time by region. Does anyone has official information regarding the 100/year quota?
Re: Re: Re: 为什么加拿大政府给中国父母团聚名额少于其他一些国家?

最初由 lifeisfun 发布

Well, then you should accuse US government of discrimination as it gives quota to each country for immigration. I don't see applying immigration quota to each country is discrimination as long as
it's based some reasonable consideration.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: 为什么加拿大政府给中国父母团聚名额少于其他一些国家?

最初由 lifeisfun 发布

I am not suggesting that US government is doing the right thing. I just try to say that there is no absolute fairness in this world. US has done so many bad deeds in this world, but still so many people trying to get into US to work and live there. Why, because they can make better life there. That's given the US government enough reason to do whatever they want, like setting up immigration quota. You said it's not fair, but people who want to go there still trying to go there. I met some folks from Ariabian countries who hated US, but they still chose to go there to work. The reason is so simple that they can make good money.

Re: Re: Re: Re: 为什么加拿大政府给中国父母团聚名额少于其他一些国家?

(I did not want to say this, but you've acted in this ridiculous manner on numerous occasions) Seriously, being the language forum moderator, you should do better than this. Grammar constitutes only a tiny portion of an overall message, I would think that an excellent point is more important than a few typos, don't you agree?

At least lifeisfun's debating, DO YOU KNOW HOW? :o

最初由 过客 发布

最初由 渐渐 发布
Until then (i.e. national interest over humanity), I remain hopeful.
It is always a noble and worthy cause to fight against injustice. That's all I'm saying.


外加一条, 任何人用合法途径为个人利益努力以至奋斗都是无可厚非的.

再提醒一下冷嘲热讽和指责同胞和平集会的那些人 (例如生活是有趣等), 太重的官腔增加不了你们言论的说服力, 况且还是用你们并不擅长的英文.
最初由 lifeisfun 发布

Yes, that's the common definition. The government setups priority within the family reunion.

The law has nothing to say the priority between them. Since there hs nothing to say, then the governement has now right to classify our relatives. You'd better check the law book before open your mouth.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: 为什么加拿大政府给中国父母团聚名额少于其他一些国家?

最初由 渐渐 发布
It may be inevitable, but let's hope not. There is no doubt that when it comes to immigration, Canadians & landed immigrants are STILL much better off than Americans & green card (or alien card) holders.

However, you seem to suggest that we should simply ACCEPT the fact rather than FIGHT for the rightfulness. I am prepared for the "inevitable" if it ever comes to that, but in the meantime, I fully support the fight against discriminatory immigration policies.

A word of caution here: I would like to see some hard facts & figures first. Rumors and speculation cannot get us anywhere.

My friend submitted the sponsorship application on Dec,2003. After 7 month, CIC gave him a letter said from the day he received the confirmation, his case would take 16-18 month just for sponsorship portion. And, His doesn't even have a file number until now. Now he worries about if he has to move to another location. there will be no way to update his information from CIC online services. He woories about it will give a good excuse to CIC to futher delay his application.

Is it a hard fact?
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: 为什么加拿大政府给中国父母团聚名额少于其他一些国家?

最初由 渐渐 发布
(I did not want to say this, but you've acted in this ridiculous manner on numerous occasions) Seriously, being the language forum moderator, you should do better than this. Grammar constitutes only a tiny portion of an overall message, I would think that an excellent point is more important than a few typos, don't you agree?

At least lifeisfun's debating, DO YOU KNOW HOW? :o

我已经清楚地表达过了自己对这次华人集会的态度和观点, 没兴趣和任何人争论. 只是看到某些人用英文耍官腔觉得可笑而已, 于是随便评论了几下, 作为一个网民, 这点自由还是有的吧?

".....ridiculous manner on numerous occasions) Seriously....."

您这帽子实在大了点, 我戴着不合适.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: 为什么加拿大政府给中国父母团聚名额少于其他一些国家?

最初由 渐渐 发布

A word of caution here: I would like to see some hard facts & figures first. Rumors and speculation cannot get us anywhere.

Very objective points! I support you. The crucial question is where are the SOURCES of 100 quota per year? Those who protested cannot say either?
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: 为什么加拿大政府给中国父母团聚名额少于其他一些国家?

最初由 过客 发布

我已经清楚地表达过了自己对这次华人集会的态度和观点, 没兴趣和任何人争论. 只是看到某些人用英文耍官腔觉得可笑而已, 于是随便评论了几下, 作为一个网民, 这点自由还是有的吧?

".....ridiculous manner on numerous occasions) Seriously....."

您这帽子实在大了点, 我戴着不合适.
You deserve it!