老公和家婆异口同声叫我让步, 我很无奈, 怎么办?

There is a risk simly being alive.

You could get cancer from simply brushing your teeth (latest rumor that Colgate causes cancer). You could have allergic reactions to genetically-engineered food, oh BTW, over 70% of vegetables we eat today ARE genetically-engineered, don't know about that? Well you do now. The air you breath in everyday could be filled with pollutant which in turn causes lung diseases; the sun that everyone loves to see could cause skin cancers if you are not protected, who knows! Sure there is a risk in everything we do, but what are you going to do? Are you going to lock yourself up in a bubble? ;)

最初由 红颜知己 发布
If there is a risk, there is always a risk no matter how small it is. This is what the gambler believes: there is always a chance you could win next time. :)
最初由 March 发布

再问一句 - 这个people也包括你吗?:)

最初由 阡陌 发布


这件事情的本质是婆媳关系, 其次才是宠物爱心. 您好象对什么CGI有私怨. 硬指其为小海豚的老公. 而且, 您的英文语凋也很冷. 其实, 英语用好了, 也可以很温暖的. :blink:

i once told her that she had this condescending attitude. she just brushed it off.
最初由 渐渐 发布

You are not me, you can't speculate how I feel. My cats are members of my family, family members get it? Not a commodity that you can simply get rid of, partitularly when the cats pose no real danger but rather PERCEIEVED danger.

My dog would NEVER EVER abandon me, EVER! If I can't do at least that for him, then I don't deserve to be a HUMAN. Seeing some of the comments here I AM ashamed to be a human.

最初由 红颜知己 发布
If there is a risk, there is always a risk no matter how small it is. This is what the gambler believes: there is always a chance you could win next time. :)


but the fact, gamblers risk their own money to gamble, this lady is risk her baby;s health and life to gamlbe..what kind of mom is this?
最初由 nicyr 发布

您的谦让处理家庭关系的建议不错, 但你有没有足够确凿的证据, 此猫对新生儿的免疫系统不会产生危险??连医生都不敢如此肯定的说。。 我想你哪<<猫的传染病现在根本就不是问题>>的结论比较不付责任。

最初由 March 发布

再问一句 - 这个people也包括你吗?
:zhichi: March :kan: 渐渐。。。只是这件事 :D :D
You don't have evidence that the cat WILL cause any problem either right?

Isn't it obvious that this has nothing to do with the cat?

最初由 bello 发布

您的谦让处理家庭关系的建议不错, 但你有没有足够确凿的证据, 此猫对新生儿的免疫系统不会产生危险??连医生都不敢如此肯定的说。。 我想你哪<<猫的传染病现在根本就不是问题>>的结论比较不付责任。
最初由 渐渐 发布
You don't have evidence that the cat WILL cause any problem either right?

Isn't it obvious that this has nothing to do with the cat?

good answer, So why you take the risk?? because no one has 100% answer of this, why u gamble baby's health? risk means you are taking something you don't know.

what for lunch today?:D